
  • 网络Elba Island;elba;Isola d'Elba;the Island of Elba
  1. 拿破仑被放逐到厄尔巴岛的时间很短。

    Napoleon 's exile to Elba was brief .

  2. 拿破仑在1814年被放逐到厄尔巴岛。

    Napoleon was banished to Elba in 1814 .

  3. 从一封由厄尔巴岛发出的送给您的信上知道的。

    By a letter addressed to you from the Island of Elba .

  4. 他随着拿破仑到了厄尔巴岛。

    He accompanied Napoleon to the Island of Elba .

  5. 我想问问你为什么要在厄尔巴岛停泊耽搁了一天半时间。

    I wished to inquire why you stopped at the Island of Elba ?

  6. 有些人坚持说它是到科西嘉岛去的,有些人则坚持说是厄尔巴岛。

    Some insisted she was making for Corsica , others the Island of Elba ;

  7. 1814年的今天,法兰西皇帝拿破仑一世抵达波尔图的厄尔巴岛,开始其流放生活。

    1814-Emperor Napoleon I of France arrives at Portoferraio on the island of Elba to begin his exile .

  8. 他去了,大家就把计划告诉了他,如何离开厄尔巴岛,在什么时间登陆等等。

    He came there , and the plan was unfolded to him for leaving Elba , the projected landing , etc.

  9. 两小时后,他又回到了甲板上,船已快要绕过厄尔巴岛了。

    Two hours afterwards he came on deck , as the boat was about to double the Island of Elba .

  10. 但我最后的记忆就是在厄尔巴岛的病榻上。

    But the last thing I remember I was going to bed from my fatal illness on the Isle of Elba .

  11. 船的确停靠过厄尔巴岛,他的确曾离船在岛上呆了一整天。

    The vessel did touch at Elba , where he quitted it , and passed a whole day in the island .

  12. 那在厄尔巴岛上的拿破仑,离法国仍然太近了,由于他近在咫尺,他的信徒们就会仍然抱有希望。

    Napoleon , in the Island of Elba , is too near France , and his proximity keeps up the hopes of his partisans .

  13. 法皇拿破仑退位,被流放到厄尔巴岛。在英国避难的路易斯回国登上法皇宝座。

    Napoleon abdicated as Emperor , and was exiled to the island of Elba-Louis ascended the throne of France on his return from refuge in England .

  14. 我就是当代拿破仑,被驱逐到楼梯间的厄尔巴岛,因为莱纳德告诉我他要约会。

    Sheldon : I am a modern day Napoleon exiled to the of the staircase because Leonard , get this , has a date . Penny : Oh .

  15. 那位皇帝从他在厄尔巴岛的流放地重新崛起令人印象深刻,但是只持续了“一百天”(准确的说,是111天)。

    The emperor made an impressive comeback from his exile on Elba , but it lasted only a momentous " hundred days "( 111 , to be precise ) .

  16. 拿破仑在1800年代征服欧洲,被加冕为皇帝,被英军击败,然后被放逐于厄尔巴岛?

    So there was Napoleon in the1800s conquering Europe and being crowned emperor , being defeated by the British , being sent to exile on , was it Elba , right ?

  17. 他因为对王室忠心,所以升了一级,据说他就是最先把拿破仑从厄尔巴岛出走这个消息通知政府的人之一。

    His zeal had procured him advancement , and he was said to be one of the first who had informed the government of the departure from the Island of Elba .

  18. 2010年6月12日,弗朗西丝卡·科隆比和詹皮耶罗·詹诺卡罗在意大利的厄尔巴岛卡波利韦里莫尔科内的水下举行了婚礼。5.高空绕绳下降婚礼

    Francesca Colombi and Giampiero Giannoccaro 's marriage ceremony took place underwater at Morcone Beach , Capoliveri , Elba Island , Italy , on June 12 , 2010 . 5 . Rappelling Wedding

  19. “噢,您知道,我已经对您说过,”腾格拉尔回答说“我觉得他在厄尔巴岛停靠这件事是非常可疑的。”

    " Why , you know I told you ," replied danglars ," that I considered the circumstance of his having anchored at the island of Elba as a very suspicious circumstance . "

  20. 从前拿破仑在厄尔巴岛上亲自口授,继又带回大陆的诏书及《羽林军告军人书》便是在这个印刷局里第一次排印的。

    It is there that the proclamations of the emperor and of the Imperial Guard to the army , brought from the island of Elba and dictated by Napoleon himself , were printed for the first time .

  21. 拿破仑从厄尔巴岛回来时,他拒绝到路旁去欢迎他,在百日帝政期间,也不曾替皇上布置公祭。

    He refused to see him , as he passed through on his return from the island of Elba , and he abstained from ordering public prayers for the Emperor in his diocese during the Hundred Days .