
tīng táng
  • hall;main hall of building
厅堂 [tīng táng]
  • [main hall of building;hall] 用于聚会、待客等的宽敞房间

厅堂[tīng táng]
  1. 这幅画描绘的厅堂如此逼真,若不细看,还真以为是从一扇开着的门往里看呢。

    The painting depicted a hall so lifelike that a casual observer might believe himself to be looking through an open door .

  2. 平面为圆内接正n边形(n为≥7的奇数)的厅堂声聚焦定理

    Sound Focusing Theorem for the Hall where the Plan Is a n Regular Polygon Inscribed in a Circle

  3. 基于数字信号处理器DSP的厅堂音质实时仿真

    The Real-time Simulation of The Auditorium Acoustics Based on DSP

  4. 基于PC的厅堂声学测试与管理系统

    Auditorium Acoustic Measurement and Management System Based on PC

  5. 文中列举了不同大小及形状的厅堂,C值分布的不同,并对不同使用类型的厅堂的体型设计提出了建议。

    This paper has also investigated the distribution of the value " c " in the halls of different dimensions and shapes , discussed its satisfactory distribution for good acoustical quality , and made suggestions for the hall design .

  6. 评价厅堂音质的混响时间T60和计算公式是上世纪初W·C·赛宾教授(WCSabie)提出来的,在此以后,混响时间一直是室内声学中的一个最重要、最稳定的指标。

    Reverberation time T ( 60 ) and the calculation formula used to evaluate the hall timbre were advanced by professor W. C. Sabie last century .

  7. 在海德公园角(HydeParkCorner)另一侧的骑士桥(Knightsbridge),英国最豪华的哈罗德百货公司(Harrods)金碧辉煌的厅堂里依然人潮涌动。

    On the other side of Hyde Park Corner in Knightsbridge , the gilded halls of Harrods , one of Britain 's most opulent department stores , continued to surge with shoppers .

  8. “GB/T14476-1993客观评价厅堂语言可懂度的”“RASTI”“法”

    " "" RASTI "" method for the objective estimating of speech intelligibility in auditoria "

  9. 介绍了厅堂响度的评价指标,然后利用强度指数和厅堂乐队齐奏强音标志乐段的平均声压级LpF对现有的厅堂调研结果进行分析。

    The loudness in the hall is introduced and the investigated results are analyzed by the strength and LpF which is the mean sound pressure level of tutti-sound .

  10. 分析结果与厅堂评价等级结果相符合,而且音质评价较好的厅堂的LpF值与其优选范围相一致。

    The analyzing results are accord with the hall evaluation class . Moreover , the LpF of the hall which has the good sound quality evaluation is consistent with the preferred scope .

  11. T12是一款全频多用途两分频,可以用于固定安装、厅堂扩声、流动演出以及大型扩声系统的辅助补声等等。

    T12 is a full-range multi-purpose two-frequency , can be used for fixed installation , Hall PA , flowing performance , and supporting large-scale sound reinforcement system fills and so on .

  12. 他的事业生涯从并不光鲜亮丽的家庭清洁产品和聚氨酯泡沫开始,和LVMH华丽的厅堂可谓天差地别。他在这些行业中的一系列公司里担任市场营销和产品管理工作。

    Far removed from the glittering halls of LVMH , he started his career in the less glamorous realms of household cleaning products and polyurethane foams for a series of companies at which he held marketing and product management roles .

  13. 厅堂耦合空间的计算机模拟研究

    The Study of Computer Simulation of Coupled Rooms in Hall Building

  14. 厅堂扩声功率计算方法与分配原则

    Calculative Method and Distributive Principle for Audio Power Amplification in Hall

  15. 请购厅堂盆景花,美化你的生活。

    Please Buy potted landscapes , which can Beautify your life .

  16. 通用型厅堂的音质缺陷及其声学改建

    Acoustic Defects in Auditoriums of Common Type and their Acoustic Refinements

  17. 多功能厅堂的声学设计

    Attaching Importance to the Acoustic Design of Multi - functional Hall

  18. 运用数字、网络技术的厅堂扩声系统设计

    Design of Sound Reinforcement System Based on Digital and Network Technologies

  19. 在你的厅堂,我坐在屋角,为你歌唱。

    In this hall of thine I have a corner seat .

  20. 门式高大厅堂模板支架的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Gate Scaffolding Applied in Tall Big Hall

  21. 厅堂中混响时间测量的一些实际问题

    Some practical problems in the measurement of reverberation time in auditoria

  22. 他刚走出厅堂门,那客人就进来了。

    Hardly had he left the room when the traveller entered .

  23. 厅堂音质设计新趋势

    New Trends in the Design of Sound Quality of Lobbies and Halls

  24. 厅堂中总声压级的修正计算

    A revised prediction of the total sound pressure level in an auditorium

  25. 民族音乐厅堂混响时间优选试验

    Research on the preferred reverberation time of national concert hall

  26. 耦合空间在厅堂音质设计中的应用

    Application of coupled - space in the design of auditorium sound quality

  27. 厅堂声线自动模拟系统&SR

    An Automatic Analog System for Analysing Sound Rays in Auditoriums

  28. 厅堂声学测量中不同激励声源的比较

    Comparison of acoustic measurements with different sound sources in a concert hall

  29. 人工神经网络应用于厅堂声级预测

    Neutral Networks Predictions of Speech Levels in Classrooms and Halls

  30. 厅堂回声脉冲响应测试方法探讨

    Discuss on the Impulse Response Measurement of the Echo in the Hall