
  • 网络History Education;Historical education
  1. 然而,国内的历史教育并非一帆风顺。

    However , the domestic history education has not been easy .

  2. 李大钊历史教育思想初探

    An introductory exploration in Li Da-zhao 's thought of history education

  3. 论历史教育应强化可持续发展意识与可持续发展知识

    History Teaching Should Intensify Sustainable Development Consciousness and Sustainable Development Knowledge

  4. 论两汉时期的历史教育

    On the Education of History in the Period of Two Hans

  5. 略论历史教育与青年学生道德健康教育的融合

    The syncretion of historical education and moral education to the youth

  6. 略论新形势下高师历史教育的改革

    Talk about the new situation educational reform of high teacher history

  7. 面向21世纪的中学历史教育目标

    Objectives in Secondary School History Teaching for the 21st Century

  8. 梁启超对中国近代历史教育的贡献

    Liang Qi-chao 's Contributions to the Modern Chinese Historical Education

  9. 论历史教育培育和弘扬民族精神的作用

    On the Role of Historical Education in Cultivating and Developing National Spirit

  10. 鲁宾逊对美国历史教育的贡献

    Robinson 's Contribution to Historical Education in the United States

  11. 高专历史教育专业教学模式创新研究

    On the Teaching Model Innovation of History Education in Senor Vocational College

  12. 中学历史教育与人文精神培养之研究

    A Research on the Historical Education and the Cultivation of Humanistic Spirit

  13. 在本章节中首先对历史教育中的人文精神的内涵进行了梳理。

    This chapter first discusses the connotation of humanity in history education .

  14. 辛亥革命准备时期的历史教育

    History Education during Preparing Period for the Revolution of 1911

  15. 全球化、族群认同与历史教育

    Globalization , Ethnic Group Identification , and History Education

  16. 中学历史教育的忧思&兼谈历史的持续学习问题

    Being Concerned about History Education in the Middle School ── Keeping Studying History

  17. 明清时期的童蒙历史教育在痛苦地结束它在古代社会的教育使命后,开始向近代中小学历史教育过渡。

    The traditional children history education finished its mission in late Qing dynasty .

  18. 发展历史教育学的探索与思考

    Exploration and Consideration about the Development of History Education

  19. 这种原始的历史教育具有鲜明的时代特点。

    Such a kind of primitive historical education had striking features of times .

  20. 历史教育中价值观的引导和自主建构

    Guidance of Students ' Values and Their Self - perfection in History Education

  21. 那么,英美等国历史教育中有关移情的思想值不值得我国借鉴?

    But , is the idea of empathy beneficial to Chinese historical education ?

  22. 浅淡历史教育在人文精神塑造中的作用

    A Brief Remark on the Function of Historic Education in Humanistic Spirits Creation

  23. 历史教育,以塑造人、培养人为最终目标。

    The goal of history teaching is in order to shape the people .

  24. 历史教育已成为古代学校教育的重要内容之一;

    History education became one of the most important contents in ancient schooling .

  25. 传统的童蒙历史教育在清朝晚期遇到了冲击和挑战。

    In the Ming-Qing period traditional children history education encountered many impact and challenges .

  26. 明清时期是我国古代童蒙教育发展的成熟时期,其中历史教育相对于前代也达到了较高的水平。

    Children education , including history education , was mature in the Ming-Qing period .

  27. 中国古代历史教育研究是一个跨学科的综合性课题。

    Historical education deals with a wide range of disciplines and is a comprehensive problem .

  28. 中国古代历史教育特点探析

    Characteristics of History Education in Ancient China

  29. 社会史视角与中学历史教育的革新

    The Visual Angle of Social History and Renovation of the History Education of Middle School

  30. 古代历史教育研究应该围绕此两大主题展开。

    The study of ancient history education should be extended around these two main topics .