
  • 网络China's land system;Economic history of China
  1. 论《明日的田园城市》与中国土地制度改革

    Garden Cities of Tomorrow and Rural Land System Reform in China

  2. 新中国土地制度的变革与思考

    Reflections on the Changes in New China 's Land system

  3. 中国土地制度改革论析

    Analyse Ch in a 's Land Reform

  4. 农村土地转让权的赋予以及农地流转的出现可谓是新中国土地制度史上的又一次重要改革。

    The right of the rural land transfer and emergence of the rural land transfer is an important reform in Chinese system .

  5. 最终从资产选择、基金类型和结构设计等方面,提出符合中国土地制度的房地产投资信托基金结构。

    Finally suggestions about the structure of REITs based on land systems in China are given with property selection , REITs types and so on .

  6. 新中国土地制度的历史发展经历了耕者有其田;农业合作化;集体所有、统一经营;集体所有、承包经营几个阶段。

    The land system of China has undergone the stages : land to the tiller , agricultural cooperation , and collective and unified management , collective and contract management .

  7. 但由于中国土地制度、劳动制度、社会保障制度等制约,城乡二元结构不会轻易被打破。

    However , owing to the constraints of land system , labor system , the social security system , urban and rural structure will not to be broken so easily .

  8. 关于中国农村土地制度的产权经济思考&兼论我国农村土地的复合所有制

    The Opinions on Property Rights about Rural Land Institution in China

  9. 中国农村土地制度演变的80年

    Evolution of China 's Rural Land System over the Eighty Years

  10. 加快中国土地产权制度建设的建议

    Suggestion to Expedite the Construction of Land Property Institution in China

  11. 中国城市土地制度经济问题研究

    Studies on the Economic Issues in China 's Urban Land Institution

  12. 对当前中国农村土地制度的几点认识

    Some Suggestions on the Current Rural Land System in China

  13. 新时期中国农村土地制度改革探析

    On Land Tenure Reform in the New Period of China

  14. 中国农村土地制度现状及今后改革方向探讨

    Discussion of China Rural Land System Present Situation and Next Reform Direction

  15. 公权力与中国农村土地制度的演变

    The Public Power and the Evolvement of the Chinese Countryside Land System

  16. 中国城市土地制度变迁的社会学研究

    Sociological Studies on the Change Process of China 's Urban Land Institutions

  17. 论中国土地征用制度的构建

    Discussion on the Construction of the System of Land Acquisition

  18. 中国现行土地制度的弊病及其对策

    The drawbacks in china 's current land tenure system

  19. 当前中国农村土地制度改革的现状与问题

    Current Situation and Problems of the Reform of Rural Land System in China

  20. 中国农村土地制度改革理论的评析与反思

    A reflection on reform theories of Chinese Land Tenure

  21. 中国农村土地制度改革模式探索

    Research on Reform Patterns of China Rural Land System

  22. 土地使用权流转制:中国农村土地制度改革的方向

    Land-Use Rights Transfer System : the Direction of China 's Rural Land System Reform

  23. 中国土地征用制度:反思与改革

    Land Expropriation System in China Introspection and Reform

  24. 高地价对中国土地储备制度的冲击

    Research on the Impact of High Land Price on the Land Reserve System in China

  25. 基于新制度经济学的中国农村土地制度变迁研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Rural Land Institution in China Based on New Institutional Economics

  26. 中国农村土地制度中的公平与效率

    Fairness and efficiency of rural land regulations

  27. 基于社会燃烧理论的中国土地储备制度产生与发展研究

    On the Origination and Developments of Land Banking System in China with Society Burning Theory

  28. 中国农村土地制度

    Rural Land Policies in China

  29. 在对我国农村土地制度变迁的绩效分析时,把新中国农村土地制度变迁作为重点,主要从三方面入手:第一,我国农村土地制度变迁带来了巨大的经济绩效。

    First , tremendous economic performance is brought by the evaluation of rural land institution in China .

  30. 中国农村土地制度变迁与农用地、建设用地市场培育

    The Evolution of the land system in rural China and the market cultivation of land for farming and construction