
  • 网络piezoelectric transducer;PZT
  1. 目前用的技术都是由压电换能器来采集声发射信号。

    Current techniques employ PZT transducers for acquisition of AE signal .

  2. 通过改变压电换能器的电压控制马赫曾德尔干涉仪的单个光子在两个输出端的选择,实现了光子在节点上的路由。

    The routing control of the single photon is under the control of the changing of PZT power .

  3. 它是一种用于温度范围超过900°C的压电换能器和传感器的非常有前途的材料。

    It is a promising material for piezoelectric transducers and sensors in the temperature range over 900 ° C .

  4. 针对这种压电换能器结构,深入研究了SH波的激发和辐射特性。

    The SH wave is studied for the structure of this piezoelectric transducer .

  5. 本文采用理论分析与实验相结合的方法,从压电换能器的特性分析及频率跟踪两方面入手,深入研究了换能器fp附近的特性及频率跟踪问题。

    Based on the method combining theory with experiment , the behavior of the piezoelectric transducer around its f_p and auto-frequency tracing are studied in this paper .

  6. 厚度方向极化的圆片状压电换能器已经广泛地被用到声波成象测井仪和CET水泥胶结质量评价仪上。

    A thin disc transducer polarized in thickness direction is widely used in ultrasonic imaging logging tool and CET logging tool .

  7. 该器件采用高品质因数Ge单晶(III)作为声光介质,y36°切铌酸锂晶体作为压电换能器。

    The device uses high quality germanium single crystal ( III ) as acousto-optic media and y36 ° lithium niobate crystal as piezoelectric transducer .

  8. 本文提出了一种利用补偿原理直接测量压电换能器串联谐振频率fs和并联谐振频率,fp的新方法一补偿法。

    Put forward in this paper is a new and simple method for measuring the serial resonant frequency fs and the parallel resonant frequency fp of a piezoelectric transducer .

  9. 我们研制的TXH-1型换能器是加速度型的压电换能器,它利用共振原理提高抗干扰能力。

    The TXH-1 type transducer we designed , which is acceleration-sensitive , utilizes resonance priciple to heighten the anti-interference capability .

  10. 压电换能器电端匹配电路的优化

    Optimization of Electricity Parameters on Its Matching Circuit in Piezoelectricity Transducer

  11. 基于数字电感的压电换能器动态匹配的研究

    Dynamic matching of a piezoelectric transducer based on a digital inductance

  12. 实际支承工况下压电换能器等效电路实验研究

    Experimental Studies of Equivalent Circuit for Operating - mode Piezoelectric Transducer

  13. 透镜式聚焦压电换能器超声功率测试分析

    Ultrasonic power measurement and analysis of lens style focused piezoelectric transducer

  14. 一种拓宽凸球面压电换能器指向性的方法

    A way to widen the directivity of protuberant spherical piezoelectric transducer

  15. 本文研究纵向振动压电换能器的频带展宽问题。

    The article study widening band of longitudinal mode piezoelectric transducers .

  16. 医用超声高灵敏度40阵元压电换能器研制

    Development of a high sensitivity medical ultrasonic 40 element array piezoelectric transducer

  17. 纵向压电换能器预应力的研究

    Study on the Pre stress of the Longitudinal Piezoelectric Transducer

  18. 同时,对压电换能器能够实现超声悬浮的机理作出分析。

    And the ultrasonic suspension mechanism of the piezoelectric transducer is analyzed .

  19. 基于静态电容补偿的压电换能器锁相环频率跟踪

    A PLL-dependent piezoelectric transducer frequency tracking technique based on static capacitance compensation

  20. 纵向压电换能器予应力的选择和控制

    Selection and Control of the Prestressing Force on Piezoelectric Transducers

  21. 在测井仪器中,压电换能器通常是配对使用的。

    In Well Logging , piezoelectric transducers are usually used in pairs .

  22. 压电换能器耗散因子的等效电路参数表示

    Dissipation Factors Represented by Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Piezoelectric Transducers

  23. 用锁相环电路跟踪压电换能器并联谐振频率区

    Tracking the fp region of the piezoelectric transducer by the phase-locked loop circuit

  24. 夹心式压电换能器的参数对有效耦合系数的影响

    Effect of the parameters of a sandwich transducer on its effective coupling coefficient

  25. 超声减摩用压电换能器阻抗匹配的试验研究

    Experiment Study on Inductance Match of Damping Ultrasonic Transducer

  26. 压电换能器的动态匹配

    Trends Dynamic State Dynamic matching for a piezoelectric transducer

  27. 红外声光滤光器与压电换能器设计方法

    The Design Method of the IR Acousto-Optic Tunable Filter and the Piezoelectric Transducer

  28. 计算机曲线拟合求压电换能器的特征频率及动态参量

    Evaluation of characteristic frequencies and dynamical parameters of piezoelectric transducer by curve fitting

  29. 厚度方式压电换能器瞬态响应分析

    Analysis of transient response of thickness mode piezoelectric transducers

  30. 介绍了相关系数法及最大值法两种挑选压电换能器的技术。

    The maximum screening method and the correlation coefficient screening method are introduced .