
yā yán
  • rolling;calender;flattening;recycle flattening
压延 [yā yán]
  • [rolling;flathening] 加压力使金属伸延成一定形状

压延[yā yán]
  1. 使用引进的四辊压延生产线生产用于食品和医药用品包装的PVC透明硬片,对提高企业经济效益和促进我国塑料工业的发展都取得良好结果。

    Making use of the imported 4 rolls calender line to produce PVC transparent rigid sheet for food and medicine packing has a good result to raise economic benefit of enterprise and develop the plastics industry in this country .

  2. Φ450×1000橡胶钢丝压延机组的设计

    Design of Ф 450 × 1000 Rubber / Wire Calender Group

  3. 轿车C柱加强板拉深工艺与拉深模设计压延系数,引伸系数,拉伸系数,深拉系数

    Drawing process and design of die for car C-shaped pillar reinforcement plate

  4. 橡胶四辊压延制品厚度Fuzzy控制器设计方法

    Fuzzy Controller Design Method Used in Thickness Measuring of Rubber Sheet from 4-roller Calender

  5. 材料强化指数n值与极限压延系数mk值的关系

    The correlation of strain hardening index n with limiting draw ratio m_k

  6. 微机压延模CAD专家系统的工程图自动输出子系统

    Subsystem of Engineering Drawing Output for Drawing Die Expert System on Microcomputer

  7. 介绍尺寸稳定型(DSP)聚酯帘布压延工艺及其在子午线轮胎中的应用。

    The calendering technique of DSP and its application in radial tire are described .

  8. PVC压延双向拉伸膜生产技术

    Process Technology of PVC Calendering Biaxial Stretching Film

  9. 主要产品有PVC压延片材、环保型的PET片材、板材;

    The main products are PVC calendered sheet material , environment-friendly PET sheet , plate ;

  10. 分析了PVC压延膜印刷后粘着现象产生的原因及改进方法。

    Reasons for the printing adhesion of PVC rolling film and its improvement methods are analyzed .

  11. 压延存料对PVC透明片材质量影响的探讨

    Introduction to the influence of holding material in calendering process on the quality of transparent PVC sheet

  12. 用热辊压延法制备了水滑石填充聚氯乙烯(PVC)树脂复合材料。

    Poly ( vinyl chloride ) resin filled with hydrotalcite was prepared by a two roll mill .

  13. 而这在软性薄片PVC膜压延到基布上的工艺工程中,是无法实现的。

    Which in soft PVC film calendering the fabric sheet on the process engineering , can not be achieved .

  14. 浅析影响PVC压延薄膜耐低温性能的主要因素

    A Simple Analysis of the Influence of the Major Factors over the Low Temperature Resistance of PVC Calendering Film

  15. 重点研究了抗氧剂对高钛白颜料含量和含金属颜料的PVC压延膜制品加工过程的作用机理及效果,指出对于高钛白含量的PVC压延膜制品,使用受阻酚类抗氧剂是有效且可取的;

    The action mechanism and effects of antioxidant on the calendered PVC film product containing high content of titanium pigment and metal pigment during the processing process are studied .

  16. 系统地介绍了PVC薄膜的压延生产工艺及控制要点,并对产品所存在的问题进行了探讨解决。

    The process conditions and control points of calendaring technology for PVC film are systematically introduced , and the problems in the production of the film are discussed and solved .

  17. 根据生产流程,详细地介绍了生产压延法PVC硬片所需的主要设备。

    Rolling law PVC hard piece production equipment This article according to the production process , in detail introduced the production rolling law PVC hard piece institute needs main equipment .

  18. 基于工程设计CAD专家系统特点,建立了ADDES专家系统(飞机压延模CAD专家系统)。

    The features of engineering CAD expert system are discussed , and an ADDES system ( Aircraft Drawing-Die design CAD Expert System ) is built .

  19. 简要介绍了压延法生产PVC牛津人造革的生产工艺,其关键在于粘合剂和改性树脂的选择,及配方调整。

    Calendering processing of PVC oxford artificial leather is briefly introduced . The key processing is the selection of the adhesive agent and the modified resin , and the adjustment of the formula .

  20. JE希望开展橡胶新材料的研究并建立橡胶压延生产线以生产橡胶零件,从而提高马达性能。

    JE plans to develop novel rubber material study and fabricate rubber component in-house by compression molding , which improve micro-motor performance .

  21. 在对江西省主导产业对经济增长的研究来看,金属冶炼及压延加工业对GDP的贡献率最大,其次是化学工业,食品制造业。

    , the leading industry in Jiangxi Province , the research point of view on economic growth , metal smelting and rolling processing industry , the greatest contribution to the GDP , followed by the chemical industry , food manufacturing .

  22. 温度和压延率的提高促进了LCP微纤的形成和长大,增强了PP相和LCP相的结合力;

    Along with the increase of temperature and rolling ratio , the formation and extension of the fibril were promoted , and the combination of PP phase with LCP phase were improved .

  23. RYL热油炉在塑料压延设备上的应用

    Application of RYL thermal oil furnace in plastics calendering equipment

  24. 对4个厂家生产的1870dtex/2尼龙浸胶帘布进行了压延、裁断、轮胎成品等方面的性能测定及比较。

    The determination and comparison of the properties of 1870dtex / 2 dipped nylon cords made by 4 factories in calendering , cutting and in finished tire were carried out .

  25. 操作简单,取代滚筒机压延出片。

    Easy manipulation , replacing the roller to press into sheets .

  26. 三辊压延机振动分析与故障诊断

    Vibration Test Analysis and Fault Diagnosis on Three Press Roll Calender

  27. 这是美铝公司在华成立的第三个压延产品工厂。

    It is alcoa 's third flat-rolled products facility in china .

  28. 异径辊筒压延机速度分布及压力分布

    Velocity and Pressure Distribution of the Calender with Non-equal Sized Rolls

  29. 钢丝帘布压延线上辅机的设计与应用

    Design and Application of Up-stream Equipment for Steel Cord Calendering Line

  30. 粉末压延技术制备高硅铁硅合金

    Fabrication of High Silicon Iron Alloy by Direct Powder Rolling Technique