
  • 网络segregation;composition segregation
  1. Cu-In膜成分偏析对CIS膜结构的影响

    Effects of composition segregation in Cu-In precursor films on microstructures of CIS films

  2. 应用金属原位分析仪,对铸坯的成分偏析状况进行了分析。铸坯试样为120mm中等厚度连铸坯。

    The composition segregation of continuous casting slab ( 120mm in thickness ) has been analyzed with an original position analyzer for metal .

  3. 一些表面在高温下发生了重构或成分偏析等表面反应.用类似方法计算了fcc结构Ni的表面能,计算结果与已知实验研究基本一致。

    Calculation of surface energy has also been performed for fcc structure Ni with similar method , and the results coincide with the known experiments .

  4. 结果表明,检测不合的主要原因是组织中存在的氧化物、硫化物夹杂,C、Mn等元素的成分偏析以及由夹杂物造成的疏松和微裂纹。

    The results show that inclusion of oxide and sulfide , the central segregation of [ C ] and and the looseness and tint crack caused by the inclusion are main reasons of inspection disqualification .

  5. 采用各种试验方法,研究了锑元素对ZA27合金的机械性能、摩擦性能、成分偏析、底缩缺陷和老化现象的影响。

    The effects of Sb on mechanical properties , friction and wear properties , underside shrinkage and ageing phenomenon of the ZA 27 alloy were investigated .

  6. 预应力钢丝用77B热轧盘条中沿轴向存在的条带中富集碳、锰,且含有显微裂纹和孔洞,是连铸坯凝固过程中成分偏析与凝固缩孔、疏松等缺陷造成的。

    In 77B hot rolled wire rods for prestressed steel wires , there is segregational strip of C Mn , microcrack and microhole . The causes are segregation , residual shrink hole and porosity of continuous cast steel billets .

  7. 莎士比亚的基督教渊源成分偏析减少;

    Christian Elements of Shakespeare Segregation of chemical composition was reduced .

  8. 影响金属热法钨铁成分偏析的重要因素

    Important factors to affect the segregation of Fe-W composition in metallothermic method

  9. 局部加压铝合金的成分偏析及其形成机理的研究

    Segregation and Its Mechanism of Al Alloys by Local Pressurization

  10. 稀土、钛变质对贝氏体铸钢成分偏析及强韧性的影响

    Influence of RE / Ti Modification on Dendrite Segregation and Strength and Toughness

  11. 钢锭成分偏析对淬透性的影响

    Influence of segregation in ingots on Hardenability of steel

  12. 凝固冷却速度对短纤维增强铝合金复合材料基体成分偏析的影响

    Effect of Cooling Rate on Solidification Microsegregation of Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Alloy Composite

  13. 局部加压铝合金的宏观组织与成分偏析

    Macrostructure and Segregation of Al Alloys Under Local Pressurization

  14. 高碳钢小方坯中成分偏析情况的研究

    Research on composition segregation of high-carbon steel billet

  15. 钢轨化学成分偏析及接头热处理对质量的影响

    Effect of chemical constitution aliquation of rail and heat treatment on welded joint quality

  16. 热处理对单晶镍基合金成分偏析与持久性能的影响

    Effects of heat treatment on composition segregation and enduring properties of single crystal nickel-based superalloy

  17. 预混合粉末在防止化学成分偏析、提高混合粉流动性、改善生产现场环境方面有着明显的优势。

    Pre-mixed powder has obvious advantages in avoidance of segregation , flowability and environment friendliness .

  18. 熔体超声处理对7050铝合金铸态组织及成分偏析的影响

    Effect of Melt Ultrasonic Treatment on As-cast Microstructure and Component Segregation of 7050 Aluminium Alloy

  19. 而在细的柱状晶组织中,无严重的成分偏析。

    In the fine-columnar grain structure , no serious segregation in composition has been observed .

  20. 成分偏析减少;

    Segregation of chemical composition was reduced .

  21. 因此,连铸坯上存在的成分偏析带及偏析带内的夹杂物才是造成钢材纵向裂纹的根本原因。

    Therefore , the component segregation of billet and interior inclusion result in the longitudinal crack .

  22. 高温均质化处理可基本消除钢中的共晶碳化物,显著改善成分偏析;

    High temperature homogenization treatment can basically eliminate eutectic carbide and dramatically improve the segregation in steel .

  23. 合金凝固过程中的溶质再分配与成分偏析对预应力混凝土超静定结构弯矩调幅的分析

    SOLUTE REDISTRIBUTION AND SEGREGATION IN SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS Study on Moment Redistribution of Statically Indeterminate Structures of PPC

  24. 采用合适连铸工艺,减轻了成分偏析,提高了钢的韧性。

    Adopting suitable technologies of continuous casting , the composition segregation decreases and the toughness of steel increases .

  25. 结果表明,车轮存在严重的冶金缺陷&成分偏析,致使车轮轮辋中部、辐板等部位韧性差,脆性大;

    There has severe metallurgical defect - aliquation on the wheel and that made the rim and web become crisp ;

  26. 通过控制料浆粘度,克服了机械混料方法中成分偏析的缺点。

    The problem of composition segregation in mechanical mixing method has overcome by controlling the viscosity of the feed pulp .

  27. 钎焊形成的缺陷和钎缝金相组织成分偏析是导致疲劳裂纹产生的主要原因。

    The main Reason for failure is the defect that caused by braze welding and component deflection of metallographical structure .

  28. 文章从传输过程、凝固组织和成分偏析等三个方面对液相流动的作用作了综述。

    It was summarized in present paper that the liquid flow acted in the transfers process , solidification structure and componential segregation .

  29. 电渣重熔虽然可以改善该钢种的成分偏析和组织不均匀性,但是对晶粒细化无作用。

    Electricity slag remelting although can improve this kind of composition segregation and organizational inhomogeneity , but no effect to the grain refinement .

  30. 实验结果显示:(1)铸锭越厚成分偏析越大。

    The experimental results showed that : ( 1 ) With the thickness of casting increasing , the componential segregation will become more larger .