
  • 网络ore-forming solution
  1. 成矿溶液则具有多种来源,既有富含稀土元素的岩浆热液,也有富含F、Cl的贫稀土的深循环地下水热液参与。

    The ore-forming solution not only comes from the magmatic hydrothermal solution rich in REE , but also from the deep circulation warm groundwater rich in F-and Cl - but poor in REE .

  2. 断裂构造高频等值线星团是构造活动最强烈的地区,是成矿溶液活动的场所,地球化学梯度(pH,Eh)变化大,有利于铀成矿。

    Those areas covered by fracture structure frequency isopleth clusters represent the intense tectonic active areas and the ore-forming solution active places , where geochemical gradiants ( pH , Eh ) change in a wide range that is favourable for uranium metallization .

  3. LaDY的氟碳酸盐矿物能够从成矿溶液中直接形成,而HoLu的则不能。

    Fluor-carbonate minerals of La-Dy can be formed directly from ore-solutions , but those of Ho-Lu and Y can not .

  4. 对金属矿床成矿溶液的性质,特别是pH值(酸碱度)的确定,是认识含矿溶液的成因、成矿条件和成矿机理的关键。

    The knowledge of the properties , especially the pH of ore forming solutions , is the key to understanding the genesis of ore forming solutions , the conditions and mechanism of ore formation .

  5. 关于建立成矿溶液配合物体系Eh-pH图的研究

    On the establishment of eh - pH figures for complex compound systems in metallogenic solutions

  6. 在岩体蚀变过程中,在碱性相对还原的介质条件下,金主要以硫络合物的形式进入成矿溶液,在T、P、pH、Eh等物理化学参数发生变化的条件下沉淀。

    During the alteration process , gold was extracted into solution as sulfur complex under the conditions of alkali and reduction , and was deposited with change of physico-chemical parameters , such as T , P , pH , Eh etc.

  7. 结合同位素及其他微量元素资料,提出其成矿物质主要来源于富CO2的地幔流体,REE和部分金属可能是以碳酸配合物的形式搬运的,成矿溶液为(弱)碱性。

    In conjunction with isotope and other trace element data , it is suggested that the ore-forming material was ' derived mainly from CO2-riched mantle flow in which REE and part of the metals were transported as carbonate-complexes . The ore fluids are weakly alkaline in nature .

  8. 同时根据流体包裹体的特征及其成分推测作为成矿溶液组成部分的CO2-CH4-H2O体系可能为一种特殊类型的成矿流体。

    Based on the characteristics of fluid inclusions and their composition , We deduce that as component part of the ore-forming fluid , the CO2 - CH4 - H2O system is possibly a special ore-forming fluid .

  9. 根据RbSr,UPb和KAr同位素年龄以及氧、铅和硫稳定同位素资料,并结合矿区的地质特征,笔者认为:成矿溶液以大气降水来源为主;

    Metallogenic epoch belongs to Late-Caledonian . According to Rb Sr K At and U Pb isotopic dating , and oxygen , lead and sulfur stable isotope data along with the geologic characteristics of the ore deposit it is believed that the oreforming solution was derived dominantly form meteoric water ;

  10. 笔者总结了这些铅锌矿床的地质特征,并将这些矿床与国外的MVT矿床进行对比,探讨它们的矿质来源、成矿溶液、成矿机制和成矿控制因素等。

    This paper sums up the geological features of these Pb-Zn deposits , compares them with MVT deposits abroad and discusses their ore material source , ore fluids , genetic mechanism and ore controlling factors .

  11. 成矿溶液是受大气降水补给的地下水热液;

    The ore-forming solutions were mainly of the hydrothermal one alimented by meteoric water .

  12. 成矿溶液乃岩浆水与大气降水混合成因;

    Ore-stage solution is of a mixed origin of magmatic water and meteoric water .

  13. 成矿溶液是变质水和大气降水的混合体系。

    The mineralizing solutions are considered as a mixed system of metamorphic and meteoric water .

  14. 矿石氢氧同位素组成显示出成矿溶液具备多成因的特点;

    H and O isotope compositions of ores show the polygenetic origin of ore-forming solution ;

  15. 镇源金矿成矿溶液的水文地球化学特征与矿化分带模式

    The hydrogeochemical feature of the mineralizing solution and mineralization zoning pattern of the Zhenyuan Gold Deposit

  16. 成矿溶液是岩浆水、地下热卤水、变质水混合型。

    The metallogenic solution is mixed flow of magma water , subterranean heat bittern , metamorphogenic water .

  17. 某水晶矿床成矿溶液研究及矿床成因

    Ore-forming solution and genesis of a rock crystal deposit in South hunan , indicated by fluid inclusion study

  18. 成矿溶液为中等盐度的中性偏碱性水;成矿作用是在低温、低压、弱氧化或弱还原条件下进行的。

    The ore is formed in the conditions of low temperature , low pressure and weak oxidation or weak reduction .

  19. 水成岩墙的存在对油气和其它成矿溶液的运移和储集具有重要意义。

    The existence of neptunian dikes is of great significance in the migration and accumulation of oil and gas , and other diagenetic fluids .

  20. 成矿溶液来自变质水,硫来源于古海洋水硫酸盐和岩浆硫的混合;

    The ore forming fluids were derived from metamorphic waters . The sulfur elements were derived from old seawaters aqueous sulfates and magmatic sulfur .

  21. 辉锑矿的常量元素和微量元素化学成分分析揭示了成矿溶液的某些信息,并有助于评价不同类型的矿石质量;

    The chemical compositions of main and minor elements of stibnite reveal some valued information on mineralizing solution , and reflect quality of three ore types .

  22. 借助于电子顺磁共振、成矿溶液电导度和红外光谱方法对刺猬沟金矿区石英进行了分析。

    The quartz is studied using an electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ), infrared spectrum ( IR ) and the electrical conductible degree of ore-bearing fluids .

  23. 通过氧同位素研究证明了成矿溶液的来源由早期岩浆水转变为晚期大气降水;

    The isotopic composition of oxygen shows that the origin of the ore forming solution was turn from magmatic water in early stage to circulated meteoric water in later stage .

  24. 南张家金矿黄铁矿的形态以{100}+{210}为主,反映了成矿溶液中硫浓度较高,金具有明显的亲硫性。

    The form is mainly { 100 } + { 210 } , indicating the higher sulfur concentration in the mineralized solution , and the obvious sulfur affinity of gold ;

  25. 早期成矿溶液的雨水端员的同位素组成是雨水的平均氢、氧同位素组成,而晚期成矿溶液的雨水端员为中生代雨水的氢、氧同位素组成。

    Isotopic composition of rainwater end-member in early metallogenic solution is the average of H and O isotopic composition of rainwater , while rainwater end-member of late metallogenic solution is H and 0 isotopic composition of Mesozoic rainwater .

  26. 轻稳定同位素地球化学研究,表明成矿溶液中硫、碳同位素组成与含矿岩石的性质有关,就地取材特征表现非常明显;

    Scientific research on light stable isotope geochemistry indicates that the isotopic composition of sulphur and carbon in ore-forming solution relate to nature of ore-bearing rocks , and the character of " draw on local resources " displays very clearly ;

  27. 用热爆法打开包裹体提取成矿溶液,以电导度度量其相对浓度,以地质类比法通过从已知到未知的分析,将其结果用于成矿找矿试验。

    Open the fluid inclusion by heat explosion , extract the ore-forming solution , measure the relative density of the ore-forming solution through its electric conductivity , and apply the results to the test of mineralization and ore-search by geological analogy .

  28. 流体包裹体研究揭示,成矿溶液为富Cl-型和富SO42-型,爆裂温度为183~378℃。

    Fluid inclusion data indicate that the ore foming fluids is of the Cl - rich and SO 2 - 4 types and that cracking temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz , barite and dolomite are about 183 ℃ to 378 ℃ .

  29. 显然,早、晚期成矿溶液均是岩浆水和雨水的混合,但这并不意味着雨水成因的外生水循环直接进入成矿溶液,只是证明成矿溶液中存在雨水成分。

    This shows that metallogenic solution of both early and late stages are mix of magmatic water and rainwater , but it does not mean that circulation of epigenic water produced by rainwater did not directly enter into metallogenic solution , it improves that rainwater portion existed in metallogenic solution .

  30. 矿床的地质地球化学特征表明,成矿物质主要来自前泥盆纪基底的地层和岩石,成矿溶液主要为盆地同生水与变质水及大气降水的混合流体。

    Its geochemical feature indicates that ore forming elements mainly comes from stratum and rock of pre Devonian period and ore forming solution is complex fluid of syngenetic water , metamorphic water and meteoric water .