
yā suō ɡōnɡ
  • Compression work;work done during compression
  1. 对CO2-H2的低温分离工艺进行了模拟,并进行了热力学分析,每生产1kgCO2需消耗425.83kJ压缩功和496.79kJ的低温(-125℃)冷量。

    Second , the cryogenic separating process of CO2-H2 is simulated and applied to thermodynamic analysis . It shows 425.83 kJ work of compress and 496.79 kJ cool of low-temperature ( - 125 ℃) are consumed to generate one kg CO2 .

  2. 单位质量压缩功与比容积压缩功的应用

    The application of compress work of per mass and specific volume

  3. 单位厚度的压缩功可以量化铬鞣绵羊服装革的丰满性。

    The plump performance can be measured by the compress work per thickness .

  4. 向压气机喷水可减少压气机压缩功。

    Compressor compression work can be decreased by the injection of water into a compressor .

  5. 由于冷凝器排出的热量包括冷媒从蒸发器吸取的热量以及由压缩功转换过来的热量。

    Because the condenser heat includes a refrigerant from the evaporator absorbs heat and compression power conversion over heat .

  6. 其全部供给的能量包括压缩功能量,传送到整个发动机的能量。

    Basic available energy , total energy supplied including energy for compression work ( 3 ) and the energy flow in the whole engine .

  7. 活性炭床增加了流动阻力和压缩功,特别是在充气过程的后期影响更加明显。

    The flow resistance and compression power is increased as the existence of the activated carbon bed , especially in the latter period of the charging process .

  8. 而不同的前处理加工对织物风格如拉伸线性度、回弹性、弯曲刚度、剪切特性、压缩功、表面粗糙度、膨松性等影响各异。

    Different pretreatment process can differently affect fabric style such as drawing linearity , elastic resilience , bending rigidity , shearing characteristic , compression work , surface roughness , bulkiness etc.

  9. 基于这种分析,讨论了一种利用高压工质能量系统的压缩功变化,提出了临界抽气效率的概念,并把这种概念运用在氨制冷系统中。

    According to this , the change of the energy consumed by the compressor of a refrigeration system using the high pressure refrigerant was discussed , and the concept of the critical coefficient of gas bleed was given up .

  10. 本文对增压辅助型太阳能溴冷机循环流程提出了在冷凝器前加装隔离阀的改进方案,该方案可降低发生压力,以充分利用低温热源,并可有效回收压缩功。

    A modified compressor assisted scheme by adding an isolating valve ahead of the condenser is presented in this paper , which decreases the generating pressure to make sufficient use of the low temperature solar heat source as well as to reclaim the compression work .

  11. 四冲程循环发动机中,四个冲程的固定顺序是:进气、压缩、作功和排气。

    The four strokes in the four-stroke-cycle engine , in their proper order , are intake , compression , power , and exhaust .

  12. 地毯的压缩弹性可用压缩功、回弹率和柔软系数表示。

    Compression resiliency of carpets can be expressedin terms of compression work , percentage compression recovery and soft coefficient .

  13. 结果表明,采用二级压缩并回收膨胀功可以大大提高系统的性能;只采用两级压缩而不回收膨胀功,对系统的性能并没有明显的改善;

    The simulation results show that the two stage compression cycle with expansion work recovering can greatly improve the system performance , while without expansion work recovering it will do nothing good .

  14. 在气动系统中,气缸工作腔的压缩气体在做完功以后,通常没有经过任何利用就直接排空,造成巨大的浪费,因此,对气缸排气腔压缩气体能量的转换回收具有很重要的研究意义。

    In a normal pneumatic system the compressed air in the exhaust chamber of the cylinder is discharged without recycle . Therefore much energy is wasted and the research on energy saving of exhaust is very important .

  15. 应用这个模型列出了湿压缩对整个压缩过程的压缩终温、压缩功的影响,并进行了实验结果与计算结果的比较。

    By using the model the entire compression process and compression works were given and were compared with the experimental results .

  16. 从热力学研究的角度,湿压缩技术可以对压气机进行有效的进气蒸发冷却,减少消耗的压缩功,从而增加涡轮输出功,提高燃气轮机的性能;

    From the scope of thermodynamics , wet compression technique can effectively act as an inlet-cooling method , improve the output of the turbine and then enhance the performance of the whole system .

  17. 根据试验结果,建立了压缩力与压缩密度的数学模型,确定了喂入量对压缩力、压缩密度、压缩功的影响规律,为新鲜草物料压缩工程优化设计提供基础依据;

    Based on the data of experiment , a mathematical model in term of the relationship between compression pressure and density is established and the law for the feeding rate to exert influence on the compression pressure , compressed density and the power consumption is acquired .

  18. 并且建立了理想和实际湿压缩的数学模型,在此基础上应用上述液滴蒸发速率的计算方法分别得出压缩终温、压缩功随喷水百分比及效率的变化关系。

    According to the method , the evaporative rate vs pressure ratio and temperature of inlet can be given , ideal and actual wet compression process is established , which gives out rules and methods to calculate wet compression parameters .