
yàn yǎng
  • anaerobism;anaerobic
厌氧[yàn yǎng]
  1. 厌氧呼吸只有在处于剧烈运动状态的肌肉等特别活跃的组织中才会发生。

    Anaerobic respiration occurs only in particularly active tissues such as muscles during severe exercise .

  2. 厌氧消化体系的真实pH值

    True pH Value of Anaerobic Digestion System

  3. 腐败作用是蛋白性物质的厌氧降解作用。

    Putrefaction is the anaerobic degradation of proteinaceous materials .

  4. 猪场废水IC厌氧&三沟式氧化沟工艺技术研究

    Technological Research of IC Anaerobic-Triple Oxidation Ditch for Piggery Wastewater

  5. 取盲肠内粪便作厌氧培养及细菌种群DNA指纹图谱分析。

    The feces in cecum were cultured for anaerobic bacterial growth and analysed by bacterial group DNA fingerprint spectrum .

  6. IC厌氧反应技术应用于制浆废水处理

    IC Anaerobic React Technology Used for Pulping Effluent Treatment

  7. 强制性内循环快速启动IC厌氧反应器过程的研究

    Study on Quick Start-up of Anaerobic IC Reactor in Compellent Internal Circulation Way

  8. 化工类废水以其有机物成分复杂、污染浓度高、可生化性差而难以处理,单用好氧工艺通常不能做到达标排放,所以需要厌氧工艺作为预处理改善生化性、降低COD(Cr)。

    Chemical wastewater is very difficult to be treated because of its complex composition , high pollution .

  9. 厌氧消化过程中Fe、Co、Ni对NH4~+-N的拮抗作用

    The Antagonism of Fe , Co , Ni to the NH_4 ~ + - N in the Anaerobic Digestion Process

  10. 出水经白腐菌株C调节pH后,利用厌氧菌水解和好氧菌接触氧化工艺进一步处理。

    Then with the pH readjusted by white rot fungus ( strain C ), the BL is put into further treatments of anaerobic and contact oxidation processes .

  11. 利用klebsiellapneumoniae生长与催化耦合的特点,将好氧生长与厌氧转化两个过程耦合,开发了两段双底物发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的新工艺,并对其工艺特点进行了初步研究。

    Two stage two substrate fermentation of 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae was studied .

  12. Fenton氧化/厌氧/好氧工艺处理苯胺农药废水

    Fenton Oxidation / Anaerobic / Aerobic Process for Treatment of Nitroaniline Pesticide Wastewater

  13. 厌氧过滤器技术在PTA废水中的运用

    Anaerobic Filter Technology on the PTA Wastewater Treatment

  14. 试验结果表明:设有回流装置的异波折板穿孔旋流厌氧反应器对COD的去除率高于不设回流装置的异波折板跳跃式厌氧反应器10%以上;

    Results showed that the removal efficiency of COD with reflux was 10 % higher than anaerobic reactor without reflux .

  15. 厌氧降解苯酚的最适温度为3035℃、pH为7.07.5,添加0.1%的蛋白胨能促进苯酚的厌氧降解。苯酚浓度在100800mg/l时均能被降解;

    The optimum temperature for anaerobic degradation of phenol is 30-35 ℃ and the optimum pH is 7.0-7.5.Addition of 0.1 % peptone can promote anaerobic degradation of phenol .

  16. UASB及VFA在啤酒废水厌氧处理中的应用

    Application of UASB and VFA in Anaerobic Treatment of Brewery Wastewater

  17. 厌氧-好氧驯化活性污泥生物合成PHA的研究

    Biosynthesis of PHA from Anaerobic-Aerobic Activated Sludge Process

  18. 生物气是厌氧环境下特殊的生物产甲烷菌的代谢产物,形成途径主要有乙酸发酵和CO2还原两种。

    Biogenic gas is an important end-product of methanogenesis in an anoxic environment . Methanogenesis mainly occurs through acetate fermentation and CO_ 2 reduction .

  19. 后继处理采用炉渣吸附过滤技术脱氧为后续厌氧创造条件,并去除残留絮凝物进一步降低废水COD及色度;

    And the subsequent treatment is studied in order to deoxygenate the former effluent and reduce COD , chromaticity concentration by cinder absorption-filtration .

  20. HRT厌氧反应器与好氧MBR组合工艺中对有机物去除效果的研究

    Study On the Removal of Organic Pollutants at Different HRT in an Anaerobic Bioreactor and MBR

  21. 其中,厌氧处理部分使用UASB反应器,好氧处理部分选用生物接触氧化池。

    In anaerobic treatment , the design used UASB reactor and contact oxidation pool in aerobic treatment .

  22. 本文叙述了当前GY系列厌氧性密封胶的技术与产品发展概况。

    In this paper , the present situation of technical develpment and products of anaerobic adhesive series GY was introduced .

  23. 本文主要研究了厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)的基本特性,探讨了基质降解的规律,COD负荷、进水浓度、HRT对ABR反应器基质降解的影响;

    This paper mainly studied the fundamental characteristics of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor ( ABR ) and discussed the disciplinarian of degradation .

  24. 用平板厌氧胶、双抗-TJA、CO2烛缸代替常规的检测方法,明显看出用优化条件测定乳酸菌的优势。

    The advantages of optimized detection of Lactobacillus are remarkably shown when anaerobic adhesive plate testing , bi-anti-TJA and CO2 box are used instead of conventional detection methods .

  25. 转Bt基因克螟稻秸秆还土对水田厌氧微生物、生物学活性及其种群多样性的研究

    Effect of Bt Transgenic Rice ( KMD ) at the Booting Stage on Anaerobic Microorganisms , Biochemical Processes and Bacterial Diversity in Flooded Soil

  26. 采用改装上流式反应器,通过实验室模拟试验,研究了pH、硫化物浓度、气提速率等因素对厌氧酸化污泥吸附制革脱毛废液中硫化物的影响。

    The factors that influence the sulfide distribution of dehairing wastewater in acidification sludge were studied in modified up-flow reactor , for example , pH , the sulfide concentration and gas stripping rate etc.

  27. 在不添加氮、磷营养盐和不调节进水pH值条件下,用厌氧折流板反应器(ABR)处理碱法草浆黑液。

    Without adding nitrogenous and phosphorous nutrients and adjusting influent pH , an anaerobic baffle reactor was used for treating alkaline straw-pulping black liquor has been studies .

  28. 石油类污染含水砂柱中BTEX的自然衰减与厌氧生物降解特征

    Natural Attenuation and Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX Compounds in Groundwater Contaminated by Petroleum Hydrocarbons

  29. 以湖滨湿地基质和原位上覆水为材料,分别模拟了在好氧及厌氧、不同pH值及不同上覆水初始磷浓度条件下基质中磷的释放特性和规律。

    The substrate and in situ overlying water of constructed wetland in the riparian zones were used to simulate phosphorus release by controlling DO , different pH and initial TP concentrations of overlying water .

  30. 结果表明,pH增大、温度升高、厌氧状态均可增加底泥磷释放,pH在弱酸至中性范围内底泥释磷量较小,酸性和碱性条件都有利于磷的释放,进一步分析了其中机理。

    According to the results , several conclusions were obtained : intensity of phosphorus release increased with high temperature at anaerobic condition , for both acidic and alkaline condition increased the intensity of phosphorus release .