
hòu ēn
  • great kindness
厚恩 [hòu ēn]
  • [great kindness] 称对方对自己的大恩

  • 蒙受厚恩

  • 答报厚恩

  1. 我拿什么报答耶和华向我所赐的一切厚恩。

    How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me ?

  2. 我要向耶和华歌唱,因用厚恩待我。

    I will sing to jehovah , for he has dealt bountifully with me .

  3. 求你用厚恩待你的仆人,使我存活。我就遵守你的话。

    Do good to your servant , and I will live ; I will obey your word .

  4. 感恩节该是我们于匆忙的生活中稍停下来,思想过去一年神在我们身上的厚恩的日子。

    Thanksgiving Day is really about pausing to reflect on the blessings of the year gone by .

  5. 我的心哪,你要仍归安乐,因为耶和华用厚恩待你。

    Return unto thy rest , O my soul ; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee .

  6. 就是他们在患难中受大试炼的时候、仍有满足的快乐、在极穷之间、还格外显出他们乐捐的厚恩。

    Out of the most severe trial , their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity .

  7. 神拣选「约翰」,因为「约翰」的名意就是「神满有恩慈」,或「神的厚恩赐予」。

    God chose " John " because it means " God has been gracious " or " God 's gracious gift " .

  8. 我们若记得祂曾经何等耐心、何等厚恩的等待我们,我们在等候上帝时就不致疲倦。

    We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously he once waited for us .

  9. 亲爱的主,我今天只求祢为我造一个乐捐的心,正如祢曾以厚恩待我一样。

    Dear Lord , I simply ask today that you will create within me a heart that is as generous as yours has been with me .

  10. 求你领我出离被囚之地,我好称赞你的名。义人必环绕我,因为你是用厚恩待我。

    Bring my soul out of prison , that I may praise thy name : the righteous shall compass me about ; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me .