
hòu yì
  • deep friendship or hospitality;profound friendship;hospitality
厚谊 [hòu yì]
  • [profound friendship;hospitality] 深厚的情谊

  • 深情厚谊

厚谊[hòu yì]
  1. 我们之间的厚谊长存。

    Our deep friendship has lasted for years .

  2. 大学四年的相处使我们结下了厚谊。

    We had established a profound friendship after four years of university together .

  3. 我左思右想,还是不知道该说些什么。在此谨对于各位的隆情厚谊表示感激与道别之意。

    I have thought hard about this , but I still don 't know what to say , except to express my gratitude for you all and to bid you all & farewell .

  4. 老实说,我这所牧师住宅虽然异常简陋,诸多不便,可是,谁要是住到里边来,就可以和我们共享罗新斯的盛情厚谊,这可有能说是没有福份吧。”

    In truth I must acknowledge that , with all the disadvantages of this humble parsonage , I should not think any one abiding in it an object of compassion while they are sharers of our intimacy at Rosings . "