
běn yì
  • Original intention;original meaning;original idea;real intention
本意 [běn yì]
  • (1) [original meaning]∶本来的想法或意图

  • (2) [real intention]∶真实的意图

本意[běn yì]
  1. 殊不知,说此话者的本意是讽刺镇长大人的哟。

    Little imagine , the original idea of the person that say this word is acid alcalde adult oh .

  2. 第二语言学习者往往难以区分标记词的本意及其标记意义。

    The learner of a second language often can not tell apart one Discourse Marker ' original idea and it ' extended meanings .

  3. 她的本意是什么,那是一清二楚的。

    It was palpably clear what she really meant .

  4. 这结果与我的本意相悖。

    It didn 't turn out like I intended .

  5. 图片本意不是为了挑逗观众。

    The pictures were not meant to titillate audiences .

  6. 这听起来像是接二连三的指责——这并非我的本意。

    This sounds like a barrage of accusation — I don 't intend it to be

  7. 即便完全没有恶意的话都会被歪曲,以达到并非说话人本意的效果。

    Even remarks that were quite innocent could be twisted to produce an unintended effect .

  8. 有几个并非出于本意的引人发笑之处。

    There are moments of unintentional humour .

  9. 现在他们作的任何一个决定,不管本意多么好,都可能使和平进程复杂化。

    Any decision taken by them now , however well meant , could complicate the peace process .

  10. “其实我们本意是一季度一次。”——“哦,一季度一次,对不起,我还以为一月一次呢。”

    ' We 're meant to do it quarterly actually . ' — ' Oh quarterly , I beg your pardon , I thought it was monthly . '

  11. 措辞晦涩,致使人误解本意。

    The wording is so ambiguous that it leads to misinterpretations .

  12. 我本意不想去。

    Originally I didn 't want to go .

  13. 揆其本意,或非如此。

    That presumably was not his original intention .

  14. 这种做法与我们的本意相违。

    This way of doing things is opposite to our original intention .

  15. 他对朋友粗鲁不是出于本意。

    It goes against the grain for him to be rude to a friend .

  16. snatched极好的(snatch本意是“抢走”)你穿这件婚纱超赞!

    You look snatched in the wedding dress !

  17. “作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国“的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器“,即“中国“了。参考译文:

    Gradually , Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan , only remembering it is “ china “ , namely “ China “ .

  18. 对我而言,这才是最初创造企业架构(EnterpriseArchitecture)这个差劲词汇的本意所在。

    To me that is what was designated by the term enterprise architecture when it was first , poorly , coined .

  19. 相同的Java应用程序在每个平台上都有不同的外观,但本意是不同的实现在功能上是等同的。

    The same Java application had a different appearance on each platform , but the intention was that the different implementations were functionally equivalent .

  20. 急,和客人付款上的理解不同我们的本意是美金现在疲软,而CAD相对比较稳定,我们引用CAD报价可以让你们在销售上有个固定的价格。

    Now the American dollar is fatigued and weak , but relatively parallel stability of CAD , we quote CAD quoted price to be able to let you have fixed price on the marketing .

  21. 在选择Kennedy法官继任者的过程中,我最大的责任,就是挑选一位会按照法律本意如实解释宪法的法官。

    In choosing Justice Kennedy 's replacement , my greatest responsibility is to select a Justice who will faithfully interpret the Constitution as written .

  22. 我不知道Self策划这事儿多久了,不过看起来真是无懈可击的。【air-tight本意是指密封的,引申义很明显,“无懈可击、天衣无缝”根据上下文选择咯。】

    I don 't know how long Self has been planning this thing and from the looks of it , it 's pretty air-tight .

  23. 男人本意:Work'sbotheringyou?Letmehelp!工作让你感到困扰吗?让我来帮助你!事实上,在恋爱关系中,男人往往视他们自己为问题解决者,所以他表现得傲慢,实际上是他在试图帮助你。

    The truth is , men tend to see themselves as problem solvers in romantic relationships , and so what comes across as condescending can actually be your guy 's way of trying to help . "

  24. 纽约社区银行(NewYorkCommunityBank)在其2月份给监管机构的一封信中表示:对于富国银行提出的(这类构想),应该倍加谨慎,以避免并非出于本意的潜在毁灭性影响。

    Care should be taken particularly to avoid the potentially devastating unintended impacts .   .   .   [ of ideas ] such as that put forward by Wells Fargo , New York Community Bank wrote in a February response to regulators .

  25. Icebreaker的本意是“破冰船”,icebreakertrip就是“破冰之旅”的意思了。电影中指的是1972年尼克松总统访华,中美交往的大门终于打开,这在历史上被称为“破冰之旅”。

    China 's surprise invitation to the American pingpong team paved the way for President Nixon 's historic icebreaker trip in 1972 .

  26. 湿地一词译自英文Wetland,本意是潮湿的土地,指一种特殊的土地资源和生境。

    The Chinese word " Shidi " comes from the English word " Wetland " . It means the wet lands , refers to a kind of special land resource and environment of living beings .

  27. 我本意并非是说史蒂夫乔布斯与ladygaga是当今世界最重要的人物,其他人都不足挂齿,只是

    I am not claiming that Lady Gaga and Steve jobs are the most important figures in the world and that everyone else can go hang , it is just that

  28. 欧元有一个共同的央行,但没有共同的财政部&鉴于《马斯特里赫特条约》(Maastrichttreaty)的本意是在不缔结政治联盟的条件下,创建一个货币联盟,这种情况是不可避免的。

    The currency had a common central bank but no common treasury – unavoidable given that the Maastricht treaty was meant to bring about monetary union without political union .

  29. 这项举措本意针对德国dax指数成分股公司,但也可能会影响外国公司驻德国的高管。

    The initiative is intended to target Dax-listed businesses , but would also affect Germany-based executives of foreign companies .

  30. 4C是通信本意的回归,使通信产业链趋于完整。

    The tonoplast structure remained intact ; The 4C ′ s will be a return to the original meaning of communication , and will make the communication industry more complete .