
  • 网络prototyping;Prototype Development
  1. 为了某些快速的原型开发或者试用一些新的API,每次都键入“go”是非常累赘的。

    For quick prototyping or playing with some new API , typing'go'each time was very cumbersome .

  2. 应该特别注意Python绑定,它支持快速原型开发,而且降低了学习cairo绘图API的门槛。

    Worthy of special mention are the Python bindings , which enable rapid prototyping , as well as a lower bar of entry for those learning the cairo drawing API .

  3. V字形开发模型由快速原型开发模型演变而来。

    V development model is evolved from rapid prototype development model .

  4. 基于JAVAapplet的Web数据库应用原型开发

    Development of Web Database Application Prototype Based on Java Applet

  5. 基于分层策略的Java原型开发法

    Java prototyping based on layered strategy

  6. 原型开发关键的东西在于,保证你绝对不把原型代码变形转化成生产代码(productioncode)。

    The critical thing with prototyping is to ensure that you never , never , never allow prototype code to morph into becoming production code .

  7. UML可视化建模系统研制与原型开发

    The Development and Prototype Exploitation of Visual Modeling System Based on Unified Modeling Language

  8. 基于Flex的切片地图服务关键技术研究及原型开发

    Research on Key Technology of Tile Map Service & Prototype Development Based on Flex

  9. 同时,在此方法基础上进一步研究了单核SoC芯片内置硬件加速模块的原型开发策略。

    Simultaneously , the prototype design strategy of the hardware accelerated module in the single core SoC is also proposed .

  10. Vega是一个用于虚拟现实和实时仿真应用的软件环境,支持复杂视景仿真的快速原型开发。

    Vega is a software environment for virtual reality and real-time simulation application .

  11. RMIPS是在WINDOWS环境中研制的单片机接口程序原型开发系统。

    RMIPS is a prototype development system for microcontroller interface programs in WINDOWS environment .

  12. C3I系统仿真是C3I系统原型开发、效能评估的有效手段。

    C3I system simulation is an effective method for the prototype development and evaluation of C3I system .

  13. 最初SnapFlow选择的是Flash,但在原型开发的几周后

    SnapFlow had initially chosen Flash but after a few weeks into the development of their prototype

  14. 另外,Android手机隐私保护软件已经实现并申请了国家专利,以该原型开发的软件已经作为商用产品发布在公开市场。

    Furthermore , this software has been implemented and has applied a national patent while the software based on this model has been implemented which has been released in the public market .

  15. 如果您有兴趣在将来的Web应用程序的原型开发中使用这种方法学,那么这里展示了一个JSTLSQL库的例子,但是对于生产环境,不建议这么做。

    The JSTL SQL library example is shown here , in case you are interested in using this methodology for future prototyping of Web applications , but it is not recommended for production environments .

  16. 提出了一种基于规格说明的面向对象软件原型开发方法.规格说明分为结构部分和行为部分.结构部分利用了面向对象开发方法OMT的直观可视的表示和分析设计规程;

    An object oriented prototyping development approach on specifications is presented in this paper . Specifications are composed of structure part and behavior part . The part of structure utilizes the visible notations and analyzing & designing process of OMT .

  17. 基于HLA/RTI的卫星组网联邦原型开发

    Development of Federation Prototype of Satellite Network Based on HLA / RTI

  18. 参数化的类属图象处理分析原型开发

    Development of a prototype of parametric and generic image processing and analysis

  19. 铁路车站信号设备故障诊断专家系统原型开发

    Development on an Expert System of Railway Signals Malfunctions Diagnosis

  20. 地理信息系统工程局部原型开发模式探讨

    Study on Part-Prototype Development Mode of Geographical Information System Engineering

  21. 然后对物资管理信息系统软件进行了设计和原型开发。

    Then the material management information system software design and prototype development .

  22. 一个支持软件定义模拟的原型开发框架研究

    A prototype development framework to support software specification simulation

  23. 原型开发环境包括常规的程序设计环境和原型环境。

    A prototyping environment includes the conventional programming environment and environment for prototyping .

  24. 导弹飞控系统快速控制原型开发及半实物仿真系统方案研究

    Research of Rapid Control Prototyping for Flight Control System and Hardware-In-The Loop Test

  25. 无线电引信快速原型开发平台的实现

    The Realization of Radio Fuze Rapid Prototype Development Platform

  26. 运输管理信息系统分析和原型开发

    Analysis and Prototype Development of Transportation Management Information System

  27. 通过本实例,可以了解面向对象的可视化原型开发方法在单片机项目开发中的具体实现过程。

    You can understand the concrete procedure of the method through this example .

  28. 面向对象原型开发方法的一种实现策略

    An implementation strategy for the object-oriented prototype method

  29. 货物出门概不退货,买主需自行小心&在开发期间或原型开发期间,务必进行彻底的单元测试。

    Caveat emptor & and be sure to unit-test thoroughly during development or prototyping .

  30. 用对象实现构件的原型开发方法

    A Prototyping Method with Components Implemented by Object