
  • 网络Primordial star;protostar
  1. 宇宙无线电背景好象不是来自这些天文学家们所搜寻的原始恒星,的确如此,因为它完全淹没了作为初始搜寻目标的早期恒星的迹象。

    It does not appear to be coming from the primordial stars sought by the astronomers & indeed , it completely drowns out any signs of the early stars that were the object of the original quest .

  2. 索夫拉尔表示,除此之外的唯一解释是,发生了一些惊人的、意想不到的事,天文学家还不知道这种事是否发生过,那就是原始星云越过恒星阶段,直接坍缩为黑洞。

    The only alternative explanation , Dr. Sobral said , is something so spectacular and unlikely that astronomers do not know if it has ever happened , namely a primordial cloud bypassing the star stage and collapsing directly into a black hole .