
  • 网络Initial Margin;Original Margin
  1. 原始保证金和变动保证金有什么区别吗?

    Nick , what 's the difference between initial margin and variation margin ?

  2. 原始保证金是我们要交易的每一笔期货合同的预付款。

    Initial margin 's a down payment on each futures contract that we trade .

  3. 其低于受托契约约定之维持保证金时,应即通知委托人于限期内补缴其保证金专户存款余额与其未了结部位原始保证金总额间之差额。

    Where the balance is lower than the maintenance margin provided in the consignment contract , the Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to replenish its owner equity balance by the amount that it falls short of the initial margins for its open positions within a specified deadline .