
  • 网络primitive reflex;Primary reflex
  1. 其他包括生后12个月前ATNR、STNR、TLR、MORO等部分原始反射消失,24个月前降落伞反应建立。

    In addition , other indexes were , including the part primitive reflex ( ATNR , STNR , TLR , MORO ), disappeared at 12 months after birth , or parachute response established at 24 months after birth .

  2. 结果65例不典型病例多表现为意识、肌张力、原始反射等方面轻度异常,伴蛛网膜下腔出血者最多(46例)。

    Results Most of the 65 atypical cases showed mild abnormality in consciousness , muscular tension , and primitive reflex . Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurred in 46 cases .

  3. 12个月原始反射、肌张力检查异常的儿童6岁时言语、操作及全量表智商均明显低于正常组(P均<0.001)。

    The children with abnormal neurologic outcome at 12 months had significantly lower verbal , performance and ful-scale scores of the WISC-R tests at 6 years ( P < 0.001 ) .

  4. GDM新生儿头围偏小,各原始反射减弱,影响新生儿的大脑发育。

    GDM neonatal head circumference slants small , the original reflection abate , the influence of the newborn brain development .

  5. 生后30min内的HIE患儿兴奋激惹发生率达62%,上、下肌张力减弱和原始反射减弱见于60%患儿,并持续至72h及以后。

    62 % of the HIE infants had excitation and irritation and 60 % of them had the decreased muscle tone and weak primary reflex at 30 min after birth . These infants still had the symptoms at 72 h or after 72 h.

  6. 三种原始反射对婴儿脑损伤的预测作用

    The predicting role of three primitive reflexes for outcome of infantile brain injury

  7. 各原始反射较难引出,或反射不完全。

    The original reflection more difficult to draw out , or reflects not completely .

  8. 足抓握反射、足跖反射和拥抱反射是婴儿三种常见的原始反射。

    Plantar grasp reflex , plantar response and Moro reflex are three primitive reflexes that used frequently in infantile neurological examination .

  9. 强直,运动迟缓,震颤,缺乏表情,原始反射,难以进行精细的工作和行走困难是巴基斯坦和中国患者是最常见的临床症状。

    Rigidity , Bradykinesia , tremors , hypomimia , difficulty in performing fine work and walking difficulty were the most common clinical signs in Pakistan and China .

  10. 目的:通过运动功能、姿势反应和原始反射来探讨预测脑瘫患儿独立步行的可能性。

    Objective : The paper was to study the possibility of early prediction on independent walking in CP children by motor function , postural reflex and primitive reflex .

  11. 方法:以正常儿为标准,从运动发育、精神神经发育、原始反射、肌张力4个方面对低出生体重儿进行评价。

    Methods : Compared with the normal infants , the data obtained from the LBW infants were assessed in the aspects of physical development , mental and neural development , original response and muscle tone .

  12. 【目的】观察城乡3、6、9、12个月婴儿运动里程碑、原始反射、姿势反应和肌张力发育的年龄和性别特征,评价检查项目信度。

    To survey the age and gender characteristics of motor function including motor milestone , primitive reflexes , postural reaction , and muscle stone in infants and to evaluate the reliability of items of motor function .

  13. 在生后1周及4周即新生儿期采用新生儿20项行为神经测定法评价新生儿神经运动发育情况,包括5部分内容,即行为能力、被动肌张力、主动肌张力、原始反射和一般评估。

    The nervous and motor developments of the infants 1 and 4 weeks after birth ( neonatal period ) were assessed with the 20 item neonatal behavioral neurological assessment , including 5 contents : behavioral ability , passive muscular tension , active muscular tension , initial reflection and general evaluation .

  14. 浅地层剖面原始数据中海底反射信号的识别及海底地形的自动提取

    The recognition of the seabed reflection signal and the automatic pickup of seabed topography from the original data of sub-bottom profile