
yuán ɡuǒ jiāo
  • protopectin
  1. 连续冷藏10d以后,原果胶含量开始增多,水溶性果胶含量变化不大。

    Protopectin began to increase after approximately 10 days ' storage .

  2. WSP含量迅速上升,而原果胶含量则不断下降。

    WSP content increased and protopectin content decreased quickly .

  3. TP和原果胶含量均随着果实发育而降低。

    TP and the original pectin contents were decreased with fruit development . 2 .

  4. 枣采后在软化过程中,果肉淀粉含量下降,淀粉酶活性上升,原果胶含量减少,可溶性果胶含量增加,多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(PG)活性下降;

    Postharvest softening of jujube flesh was coincided with the starch degradation , the increase of amylase activity and soluble pectin content , the decrease in protopectin content , and polygalactouronase ( PG ) activity .

  5. 结果表明,葡萄糖处理后LSW果实可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、水溶性果胶和MDA含量呈现先升高后下降的趋势,并且最大值出现时间与乙烯峰基本一致,而硬度和原果胶含量则一直下降。

    It was shown that the content of soluble sugar , soluble protein , water-soluble pectin and MDA basically declined after an increase until the emergence of the ethylene production peak . The content of protopectin and firmness descended through the experiment .

  6. 原果胶含量下降,水溶性果胶含量上升;

    Pectin content declined and soluble pectin increased .

  7. 试验结果表明:(1)在柿的自然后熟软化中,原果胶和半纤维素的降解是导致果实软化的主要原因。

    The results of study showed that ( 1 ) The degrading of protopectin and hemicellulose is the may reason of the softening of the persimmon fruit .

  8. 中途加温的果实原果胶含量变化不多,但水溶性果胶却不断增加。

    However , in warmed fruit , protopectin content did not change significantly , whereas the amount of soluble pectin increased gradually during storage ( Fig.1 A ) .

  9. 乙烯补偿处理增加了贮藏前期原果胶的分解,促进了膜代谢,使冷藏果正常进入成熟状态,抵御冷害。

    The ethylene compensation treatment increased the pectin disassembling and accelerated the membrane metabolic activity , which make the fruit oral ripen at the early stage of the storage . 5 .

  10. 采后原果胶和纤维素含量下降而可溶性果胶含量增加,且果肉硬度同原果胶含量和纤维素含量都呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。

    The protopectin and cellulose content decreased but soluble pectin content increased , and both protopectin content and cellulose content were positively correlated with flesh firmness significantly ( P < 0.01 ) .

  11. 研究了不同条件对原果胶酶生产果胶的影响。

    The most suitable conditions for pectin production by protopectinase were achieved as follows .

  12. 随着干热处理温度、时间及黄原胶/果胶浓度的增加,产物交联程度不断升高。

    Crosslinking degree rised with the increasing of dry heating temperature , time , and concentration of xanthan / pectin .

  13. 三种淀粉与黄原胶、果胶共混物干热处理前后均为A型结晶结构,干热处理未改变淀粉的结晶结构。

    Crystalline type of all starches and xanthan / pectin blends before and after dry heating showed A type , dry heating did not change the crystalline structure .

  14. 酸性的共混物干热处理后,淀粉发生降解,引起粘度降低;而碱性的共混物经过干热处理,可避免淀粉降解,淀粉和黄原胶或果胶反应形成交联化学键,抑制淀粉糊化。

    Dry heating of acidic blend leaded to starch degradation resulting in viscosity reduction ; alkaline blend leaded to crosslinking reaction between starch and xanthan / pection , thus starch gelatinization was inhibited .