
  • 网络atomic polarization;atom polarization
  1. 在这种态选择器中利用双聚焦选择器以使氢原子极化方向反转的Majorana跃迁,去掉振荡所不需要的原子。

    In this state selection , the double focalization method and the Majorana transition which reverse the atomic polarization are used in order to eliminate undesirable atoms .

  2. 这与原子极化效应相符。

    These tendencies can also be explained with the atomic polarization effect .

  3. 多重散射Xα方法中的原子极化半径

    Atomic Polarized Radii in Multiple - scattering X_ ? Method

  4. 应用原子极化半径方法对CH4,SiH4和GeH4的X(?)方法研究

    X_ α Method Study on CH_4 , SiH_4 and GeH_4 With the Polarized Radii

  5. 分子中原子极化和轴向张量的量子化学研究

    Quantum chemical studies of atomic polar and axial tensors in molecule

  6. 原子极化率计算中的核实极化效果

    The core polarization effects in atomic polarizability calculations

  7. 对单光子及三光子过程,我们分别计算了在试探脉冲作用期间及脉冲过后,原子极化随时间的演化过程。

    Time evolutions of atomic polarization during and after the probe pulse have been calculated for both one-photon and three-photon processes .

  8. 一旦控制光的强度逐渐下降,剩馀的讯号光就给吸收了,原子极化愈来愈强的极化声子速度减慢得更多。

    As the control beam 's intensity ebbs , the remaining signal light is absorbed , and the increasingly atomic polariton slows even more .

  9. 本文采用半经典理论方法研究了在短脉冲作用下,被共振微波场驱动的三能级原子极化强度振幅和粒子数差随时间的变化。

    The Polarization and Population difference of the three-level atom , driven bya microwave field and interacted by a strong short laser pulse , is studied by me-ans of semiclassical theory in the paper .

  10. 阐明了相位可控光场对波函数的时域演化过程、原子极化过程以及光场传输过程的操控机理。

    It is shown that the polarization of the atoms and the temporal evolution of the wave function as well as the propagation of the light can be controlled by manipulating the phase of the light field .

  11. 用基于波动方程、原子极化率和位相匹配条件建立起来的理论,对参量过程谱线的分裂和频移以及混频过程谱线波长和相对强度进行了分析计算。

    Splits and frequency shifts of the parametric oscillations and wavelengths and relative intensities of spectral lines in the wave-mixing processes are explained with a theoretical analysis based on the wave equation , atomic polarization and phase-match condition .

  12. 原子实极化效应和钠原子s系列高Rydberg态能级寿命的计算

    Core polarization and the calculation of lifetimes of high s series Rydberg states of Na atom

  13. ZnO中Zn空位近邻的O原子被极化,这些磁矩铁磁耦合的能最低于反铁磁耦合的能量;

    Also , the neighboring O atoms around the Zn vacancy are polarized and the energy of ferromagnetic coupling between the moments of these atoms is lower than that of antiferromagnetic coupling in ZnO .

  14. 采用FMG方法计算半导体量子盒中氢原子的极化率

    The Calculation of Polarizability of Hydrogen Atom in Semiconductor Quantum Box by Using FMG Methods

  15. 事实上,从数学的角度,本文通过采用N-U方法,比较严格的求解了上述环形原子实极化势条件下的定态Schr?dinger方程和Dirac方程。

    Dinger equation and Dirac equation for the above ring-shaped atomic core polarization potential are relatively strictly solved in this thesis by applying N-U method .

  16. 本文用能量梯度法TEXAS从头计算程序,选取4-21G及4-21G~(O,N原子含极化d轨道)基组,对α-,β-,γ-吡啶甲酸分子的平衡几何构型进行了全优化计算。

    The equilibrium geometries of α 3 - , β - and γ - picolinic acid molecules have been optimized by the ab initio gradient program TEXAS using the 4-21G and 4-21 G ( with d functions on N and O atoms ) basis sets .

  17. 电子与钠原子散射极化参数的计算

    Calculation of the parameters of polarization in electron atom ( na ) collision

  18. 得出互补变分原理在微扰理论近似中应用所求氢原子的极化率结果,比一般的变分法和微扰法所得结果更接近于实验值。

    It concludes that the result of the polarizability of hydrogen atom resulted from applying the complementary variation principle to the approximation of perturbation theory is more approximate to the experimental value than that resulted from using the common variation and perturbation theories .

  19. 回顾了用全关联Hylleraas坐标中的变量波函数来计算二电子原子系统的极化率和色散系数的方法。

    The methods of calculating polarizabilities and dispersion coefficients of two electron atomic systems , using variational wave functions in fully correlated Hylleraas coordinates , are reviewed .

  20. 原子实的极化和轨道贯穿的多媒体课件制作

    Making the Multi-medium Courseware of Atom Factor Polarization and Trajectory Penetration

  21. 高压类氢原子能量与极化率的另一种计算

    A new calculation of energy and polarizability of hydrogen-like atom under high pressure

  22. 磁性薄膜原子层数对极化方向的影响

    The influence of the number of atomic sheet on the direction of magnetization in thin ferromagnetic film

  23. 到了控制光强度归零之时,光的最后一丝光芒都消逝到原子里,极化声子就完全停止了。

    At zero intensity , the last glimmer of the light vanishes into the atoms , and the polariton comes to a dead stop .

  24. 基于二能级原子系统的极化率理论,对共振激活介质界面的反常反射特性作了理论分析。

    An anomalous character of reflectivity of resonance active medium is analysed theoretically based on the treatment of nonlinear optical susceptibility of two level atomic system .

  25. 双光子共振增强了碱金属原子的非线性极化率,可以观测到多种非线性光学过程产生的非线性光谱.本文分析了有关的能级分布和光谱特点。

    The nonlinear spectroscopy created by many kind of optical processes are observed while two-photon resonance enhanced the atomic nonlinear susceptibility . The distribution of related energy levels and features of the spectroscopy are analysed .

  26. 慢电子与He和Ne原子弹性碰撞的极化作用及散射截面计算

    Polarization effects and cross sections for low-energy electron elastic scattering from helium and neon atoms

  27. 用基组展开和解析求导的方法精确计算Be原子SCF水平的极化率和超极化率。

    In the present work the polarizability and the hyperpolarizability of Be atom are obtained at the SCF level with basis-set expansion and analytic derivation method .

  28. 当Cs~+接近P-OH、V-OH或Ti-OH的氧原子时,能极化氢氧基,提高了B酸强度。

    WhenCs ~ + ion comes close to the oxygen atom of Ti-OH , P-OH and V-OH , the Cs ~ + ion can polarize the hydroxyl group and thus enhance the intensity of B acid .

  29. 中能区反质子与原子核散射的极化度

    The Polarization in Antiproton & Nucleus Scattering at Intermediate Energies

  30. 目前已被广泛用来计算原子和分子的极化率、磁化率、总能量、键能等。

    Now , it has been applied to calculating atomic and molecular polarization rate , susceptibility , total energy , bond energy etc.