
  • 网络atomic state
  1. 一般W态传送原子态并用腔QED提纯非最大纠缠态

    Teleportation for Atomic State via W State and Purifying Non-Maximally on Cavity QED

  2. C语言计算同科电子j-j耦合原子态

    The calculation of the atomic state of j-j coupling of equivalent electrons with C language

  3. 本文研究了原子态Rh和SiO2载体间的强相互作用及其催化特性。

    The strong interaction between metal Rh and silica support has been investigated .

  4. 用专门处理矩阵的Matlab语言编程,用矩阵的思想给出了计算等效电子LS耦合原子态的计算方法。

    Through programming procedure by using Matlab language which special in dealing matrix to compute equivalent electrons coupling atomic state .

  5. 从化学及冶金中的实验现象归纳出原子态贵金属的化学稳定性是按周期表位置从左到右增强,即Ru

    The chemical stability of atom state precious metals is according with the order of Ru

  6. 单原子态的可控隐形传态的腔QED方案

    Scheme for Controlled Teleportation of Single Atomic State in Cavity QED

  7. 在腔QED中实现一个未知原子态转移的方案(英文)

    Scheme for Transfer of an Unknown Atomic State Via Cavity QED ;

  8. Cs(8S)态的碰撞转移和高位原子态的激发

    Collisional Transfer of the Cs ( 8S ) State and Excitation of High Lying Atomic States

  9. 利用腔QED技术,提出了不用Bell态测量的非最大纠缠通道的未知原子态的隐形传送。

    Based on the cavity QED techniques , we proposed probabilistic teleportation of unknown atomic states using non-maximally entangled states without Bell-state measurement .

  10. 确定同科电子原子态的Jj耦合法

    Determination of the atomic states of an electron configuration for the same subshell in the j (?) - coupling scheme

  11. 基于绝热过程,仅需一个真空腔即可分别实现未知单原子态、双原子纠缠态及GHZ态的转移。

    Based on adiabatic passage , transfers of an unknown state of one atom , entangled state of two-atom and GHZ state are realized , where only one vacuum-cavity is needed .

  12. 加入到共晶AlSi合金中的P分别以AlP和原子态P存在于Si相内。P对过共晶AlSi合金变质是以AlP异质形核机理为主;

    It is considered that there are two modification mechanisms for eutectic Al-Si alloy , one is heterogeneous nucleation and refining of primary Si phase by AlP particles , and the other is P atoms modify the morphologies of Si phases .

  13. 利用腔QED技术,提出了远程制备一个单原子态和一个两原子纠缠态。

    Based on the cavity QED techniques , we proposed a faithful scheme to prepare remote state of a single-atom state and a two-atom entangled state .

  14. 该平行催化氢波被用于测定碘酸根离子氧化原子态氢的表现反应速率常数及提高PAP的分析灵敏度。

    The parallel catalytic hydrogen wave was used to obtain the apparent rate constant of the oxidation reaction of atomic hydrogen by iodate ion . Further more , it can improve the analytic sensitivity of PAP .

  15. 用专门处理二维关系的FoxPro编程给出计算等效电子LS耦合原子态的计算方法并作出简化,具体计算了f7电于组态的LS耦合原子态。

    It is gaven that the method of calculate the equivalent electrons LS coupling atomic states by using FoxPro of the particular process 2D relation tables and it is simplified . The LS coupling atomic states of the f 7 electrons configuration are also calculated .

  16. 同科电子j&j耦合的原子态

    The atomic state of equivalent electrons with j & j coupling

  17. 提出了一种隐形传送两比特未知原子态的方案。

    A scheme of teleporting a two-qubit unknown atomic state is proposed .

  18. 确定等效电子原子态的简单方法

    On the Simple Method for Atom States of Determing Equivalent Electrons Coupling

  19. 判断原子态有无磁矩的方法

    A Method of How to Judge the Moment of Magnetism in Atomic State

  20. 相干捕获条件下原子态的特性

    Properties of the State of the Atoms Trapped Coherently

  21. 原子态化学吸附气体的低能离子诱导脱附截面的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte-Carlo simulation of ATOM-STATE chemisorbed gas desorption cross section by low-energy ions induction

  22. 等离子体金属表面氮化中放电温度对氮原子态粒子的影响

    The Effect of Discharge Temperature upon Atomic Species in Plasma Nitriding of Steel Surface

  23. 电子-光子符合散射实验中受激原子态电荷云分布的研究

    Distribution of electron clouds in the excited atomic state in electron-photon coincidence scattering experiment

  24. 原子态与金属态贵金属化学稳定性的差异

    Chemical stability differences between atom-and metal-state precious metals

  25. 关于项态与原子态的讨论

    A discussion on term and atomic state

  26. 确定同科电子原子态的一种方法

    A method of equivalent electrons coupling

  27. 所有的方法首先要以大量原子态氢和碳基的产生为基础。

    All methods are primarily based on the generation of large amounts of atomic hydrogen and carbon radicals .

  28. 另外,由于气相中高度复合的缘故,提高气压可减少原子态氢的数量。

    Additionally increasing the gas pressure reduces the amount of atomic hydrogen due to higher recombination in the gas phase .

  29. 在此方案中,用一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,传送两比特未知原子态。

    In this scheme , a three-particle entangled state is used as quantum channel to teleport a two-qubit atomic state .

  30. 氧分子的振动激发,有利于分子态吸附,但对原子态吸附无影响。

    The vibration excitation of oxygen is favorite for molecular state adsorption but has no influence for atomic state adsorption .