
tán xìnɡ bō
  • elastic wave
  1. 岩体破坏弹性波CT动态探测试验研究

    The dynamic detection of rock mass failure by elastic wave computerized tomography

  2. 弹性波CT技术在码头加固效果检测中的应用

    Application of elastic wave CT to detecting the reinforcement effect of a port

  3. 有限单元Cloning算法在弹性波散射问题中的应用

    Application of FEM Cloning to Scattering of Elastic Waves

  4. 通过求解,实现了TI介质弹性波正演模拟。

    Elastic wave forward modeling of TI media is carried out eventually by the integral solution .

  5. 为检验其吸收能力,利用弹性波的势函数理论导出了P波和S波在吸收边界处的反射系数公式。

    To test the absorbing ability , the reflection coefficient formulas on the absorbing boundaries are derived based on the potential functions theory of elastic wave .

  6. 弹性波主动控制中LMS算法的最佳收敛系数问题研究

    Convergence Coefficient in LMS Algorithm for the Active Control of Torsional Wave

  7. 为了检测高压注浆加固效果,采用探地雷达、弹性波CT无损检测方法,配合所取岩芯的波速测试及点荷载强度试验,对码头水下高压注浆效果进行综合检测。

    Non-destructive examination methods are used such as ground penetrating radar , elastic wave CT , wave velocity and point loading strength of the rock core specimens .

  8. Born近似二维弹性波方程的双参数反演二维弹性波几何反问题中的逆BORN方法


  9. 表面声波SAW(SurfaceAcousticWaves)是传播能量集中于介质(固体或液体)表面的一种弹性波。

    Surface acoustic waves ( SAW ) is a kind of elastic wave , the propagating energy of which concentrates on the medium ( solid or liquid ) surface .

  10. 弹性波方程的VSP合成记录

    VSP synthetic record simulated by elastic wave equation

  11. 弹性波CT技术作为混凝土结构检测的常规方法,其理论基础与反演理论也日趋成熟。

    As is known , elastic wave CT technology is regarded as a conventional method of concrete structure detection and its theoretical basis and inversion theory are gradually becoming mature .

  12. 在三维弹性波散射问题的Born近似解基础上,进一步分析了在纵波入射条件下二维散射问题的Born近似解,对铝质长杆中的椭圆形空穴缺陷的散射场情况进行了对比分析;

    According to the Born approximation solution of the scattering of three-dimensional elastic waves , the scattering from an ellipse void in a long Al rod is analyzed comparatively .

  13. 对扭转弹性波的主动控制系统以及LMS算法进行了描述。

    The active control of torsional wave propagating in a shaft and the LMS algorithm are described in this paper .

  14. 弹性波阻抗反演是一种结合了常规声阻抗反演和叠前AVO反演的地震反演技术。

    Elastic wave impedance inversion is a seismic inversion technique combining ordinary sonic impedance inversion with AVO inversion .

  15. 加层半空间硬币形(PennyShaped)交界裂纹的弹性波散射远场散射波导分析

    The scattering of elastic wave by a penny shaped interface crack in a layered half space & the analysis of scattered waveguide in far field

  16. SPH方法在模拟线弹性波传播中的运用

    Application of smoothed particle hydrodynamics method to the simulations of elastic wave propagation in solid

  17. 根据相关资料,建立了一个信道模型,根据模型求得了低频弹性波信道OFDM调制技术的相关参数,并选定了相应的数字调制方式。

    The related parameters of OFDM modulation technology for low-frequency elastic wave channel is obtained according to the model , meanwhile , the corresponding digital modulation mode is selected .

  18. 近年来,各种CT技术在工程地质勘察、建筑物无损检测等工程领域得到了广泛的应用,取得了大量的成果。目前常用的工程CT技术包括弹性波CT、电磁波CT、电阻率CT三大类。

    In recent years , several kinds of CT methods , such as elastic wave CT , electromagnetic wave CT and resistivity tomography , are widely used in engineering geological investigation , nondestructive test and so on .

  19. 为了检测码头高压注浆加固处理效果,采用弹性波CT方法并结合岩芯波速测试及强度试验对其进行检测。

    In order to detect the reinforcement effectiveness of the port by underwater high-pressure grouting , the elastic wave CT technique , and detection of wave velocity and point loading strength of the rock core specimens are adopted .

  20. 对GIS技术、无线电波透视探测技术及以地震波为主的弹性波技术为煤与瓦斯突出预测技术的发展前景作了必要的分析。

    Necessary analysis of the future development is also provided for coal and gas outburst prediction by Geographical Information System ( GIS ), radio wave nondestructive detection and elastic wave technique based mainly on seismic waves .

  21. 以下覆半无限空间近垂直入射平面P波,作为弹性波数值模拟的特例,来模拟接收函数,从而为横向非均匀介质中接收函数的反演和偏移成像问题奠定了研究基础。

    Receiver function is simulated for inhomogeneous media , as a special case for elastic wave modeling with nearly vertical incidence plane P wave as initial condition , and provide the base for inversion and migration of receiver function in inhomogeneous media .

  22. 基于声波或弹性波方程的有限差分方法是数值模拟地震波场或合成VSP地震记录的有力工具。

    The finite difference methods based on acoustic or elastic wave equation are very useful tools for wave-field numerical modeling or VSP data synthesizing .

  23. 在二维弹性波散射领域Born近似解的基础上,通过Fourier变换,推导了基脉冲入射二维散射系统时,散射场的时域Born近似解。

    On the basis of the frequency domain Born approximation theory of the scattering of two dimensional waves , the time domain Born approximation solution to the scattering of basic impulse function if derived by Fourier transform .

  24. 本文在B、P、C坐标中给出了弹性波在横向均匀介质中的传播矩阵,并将其表示为五个形式简单的矩阵乘积,其中有四个矩阵是与频率无关的。

    In this paper , we have given the propagator matrix of elastic wave in a lateral homogeneous medium for B. P. G. coordinate system . This propagator matrix may be represented with five matrix factors , among which four matrices are independent of the frequency .

  25. 用Biot介质理论研究孔隙介质的弹性波是受到广泛注意的课题,然而在煤田地震勘探领域应用的例子很少。

    Elastic waves in porous media based on the Biot theory are received widespread attention ; however , seismic exploration in the coalfield shows few examples of applications .

  26. 可以证明广义弹性波场U是广义Green函数G和广义力T的卷积。U

    It is shown that tre general elastic wave field U is equal to the convolution of the generalized Green 's functions G and the generalized forces T , where symbol expresses dot-product-convolution . Discussion on Principle of The Balance Between Two Generalized Forces

  27. 弹性波阻抗(EI)技术是一种结合了常规声波阻抗(AI)反演和AVO反演技术的方法,可以利用远炮检距地震角度叠加数据进行波阻抗的反演工作。

    Elastic wave impedance technique is a method combining ordinary acoustic wave impedance inversion with AVO inversion , which can use seismic angular stack data in far offset for inversion of wave impedance .

  28. 本文通过对TI介质中二维及三维一阶弹性波方程的特征分析,分别得到了与原波动方程形式相同的吸收边界条件,并在二维弹性波数值模拟中进行了应用。

    The absorptive boundary conditions which are similar to those in original wave equations can be obtained respectively by analysing 2-D and 3-D one-order elastic wave equations in TI medium , and they are applied to numerical modeling of 2-D elastic wave .

  29. BIOT流动和喷射流动是含流体多孔隙介质中固一流相互作用的两种重要力学机制,它们作为一个耦合过程同时对声波或弹性波的衰减和频散产生影响。

    BIOT flow and jet flow are two important mechanical mechanism of solid-fluid interaction in fluid-filled , porous medium and are collective effect on attenuation and dispersion of sonic or elastic waves as a coupling process .

  30. 利用Fourier积分变换法和适当的界面条件将弹性波散射的边界值问题归结为关于裂纹位错密度函数的Cauchy奇异积分方程组,并给出了详细的推导过程。

    By using Fourier transform method and applying appropriate interfacial conditions , the boundary value problem of wave scattering is reduced to a vectorial Cauchy singular integrate equation ( SIE ) for the dislocation density function across the crack faces . The detailed derivation is given .