
  • 网络Atom Economy;atomic economy;atom-economy
  1. 最近这些年来,多组分反应(MCRs)由于其过程简单,高效且具有较高的原子经济性而得到广泛的研究。

    In recent years multicomponent reactions ( MCRs ) have been extensively studied for their simple procedures , efficiency and superior atom economy .

  2. 多组分反应(MCR)固有的原子经济性、会聚性、高产率、多样性等特点,使MCR成为小分子化学库强有力的合成方法。

    Due to the atom economy , convergent character , high yields and diversity , multi-component reactions ( MCRs ) have become a powerful method for the synthesis of small-molecule libraries .

  3. 该合成方法步骤简洁,只需一步即可从醛、酰胺和一氧化碳合成N酰基氨基酸,而且该反应是原子经济型反应。

    This method is straightforward and atom-economy : N-acyl amino acids can be synthesized in one step from aldehydes , amides and carbon monoxide . Besides , this reaction is obviously an atom-economic one .

  4. 这些方法存在原子经济性差,需要化学计量的无机酸或Lewis酸,使用有毒试剂和产率低等缺点。

    However , these routes suffer from poor atom-economic , stoichiometric amounts of mineral or Lewis acids , toxic reagents and poor yields .

  5. 多金属含氧簇合物(POM)同时具有酸性、氧化-还原性、假液相行为等催化特性,在原子经济反应和环境友好催化方面有着诱人的实用前景。

    Polyoxometalates ( POM ) are useful materials as acidic and oxidation catalysts for various reactions and have been practically applied in industry .

  6. 1991年美国著名化学家Trost提出了原子经济性概念。

    In 1991 , Trost , the famous chemist in America , propose the conception of atomic-economy reaction .

  7. CO2和C2H4直接合成丙烯酸,是重要的原子经济型反应之一。

    Direct synthesis of crylic acid from CO2 with C2H4 is important one of the atom-economic reaction , and the technology of photo stimulated surface catalytic reaction ( PSSCR ) has been used to this reaction system at first time .

  8. 随着原子经济性和绿色化学概念的出现,近年来通过直接对C-H键的活化来构筑新的C-C键,C-杂键成为了一个重要的研究热点。

    With the emergence of the concepts of " atom economy " and " green chemistry ", research of directly using C-H bonds to form new C-C bonds and C-hetero bonds via C-H activation has attracted more and more attention recent years .

  9. Fries重排反应具有100%的原子经济性,有利于原料资源的充分利用和从源头上消除污染,这是实现化学化工过程绿色化的一条有效途径。

    Fries rearrangement reaction is a reaction with high atom economy , which is beneficial to making full use of raw materials and eliminating pollution at the source , at the same time , it is an effective approach to realize the green chemistry and chemical process .

  10. 该反应简单、高效并且原子经济性高。

    The catalytic system is simple , effective and high atom-economy .

  11. 合成高纯氢氧化铈的原子经济性

    Atomic economy of synthesis technology for high pure ceric hydroxide

  12. 关于有机化学反应中的原子经济性探讨

    Research for Atom Economy on the Reaction of Organic Chemistry

  13. 该反应是原子经济的绿色化学反应。

    The reaction is atom economic green chemistry reaction .

  14. 化工产业发展中的原子经济观

    On Atom-economy View in the Development of Chemical Industry

  15. 反应条件温和、步骤简单、原子经济且环境友好、区域选择性高。

    This transformation features with step-and atom-economic , environmentally friendly and highly region-selective .

  16. 另外对原子经济性概念作了简要介绍。

    It also briefly introuduces atom economy concept .

  17. 基于金属卡宾的原子经济性催化反应研究

    Metal Carbene Based Catalytic Reaction for Atom Economy

  18. 原子经济将促进化工高新技术发展

    Atom economy to hasten development of chemical high-technology

  19. 文中对绿色化学和原子经济性进行了介绍。

    In this paper the concepts of green chemistry and atom economy are introduced .

  20. 与二碘化钐相比,该反应具有较好原子经济性。

    The reaction is good in atomic economy .

  21. 有机电化学合成方法是一种符合原子经济性的绿色合成技术。

    Organic electrosynthesis is a kind of green technology according with " atomic economy " .

  22. 过渡金属催化新碳-碳键的形成是实现原子经济绿色化学的重要途径。

    Transition metal-catalyzed C-C bonds formation reaction paved the way for atom economic green chemistry .

  23. 过渡金属催化反应中的原子经济性

    Atom Economy Towards Transitional Metal Catalyzed Reaction

  24. 高效区域选择性是体现原子经济性的绿色化学合成的重要内容。

    Efficient regioselective reaction is an atom economy example of the cornerstones in modern synthetic green chemistry .

  25. 实验结果表明,该反应具有很高的原子经济性。

    The above experimental results revealed that the reactions have very high atom economical manner . 4 .

  26. 该类合成方法简便有效,对映选择性高,符合原子经济性要求,具有大的使用价值。

    The synthetic process was simple , efficiency , highly enantioselectvity , atom-economic and with great practical worth .

  27. 提出了改进和完善石油加工技术,以实现原子经济反应目标的思路。

    Ideas of improving and perfecting petroleum processing techniques to achieve the objective of atom economic reaction were put forward .

  28. 从原子经济性出发,对以碳酸铈为原料合成硝酸铈铵的绿色化学工艺与传统工艺进行了对比。

    This paper has compared a green chemistry technology of ammonium eerie nitrate with the classical technology by atom economy .

  29. 原子经济反应:氢氧化铯催化下二硒醚与端炔反应合成炔硒醚

    Atom-economic Reaction : Diselenides Reacted with Terminal Alkynes to Synthesize Alkynyl Selenides Catalyzed by Cesium Hydroxy and Promoted by Air

  30. 而且该反应体现了绿色化学的特点,节能,清洁氧化剂,原子经济。

    This reaction system embodied the characteristic of green chemistry , energy conservation , clean oxidant , atomic economy . 2 .