
  • Forgive me;Excuse Me.;pardon me
  1. 原谅我,我不该草率地下结论。

    Forgive me . I shouldn 't be jumping to conclusions .

  2. “原谅我,”我期期艾艾地说。

    ' Forgive me , ' I stammered

  3. 请原谅我多问,那位是您的先生吗?

    Pardon my asking , but is that your husband ?

  4. 请原谅我打岔,不过我确实不同意那一点。

    Forgive my interrupting but I really don 't agree with that .

  5. 请原谅我的无知,这家公司到底是干什么的?

    Forgive my ignorance , but what exactly does the company do ?

  6. 你一定要原谅我父亲——他并不总是那样粗暴无礼。

    You must excuse my father ─ he 's not always that rude .

  7. 请原谅我这么说,他是一个讨厌透顶的家伙。

    He 's a pain in the butt , if you 'll pardon the expression .

  8. 你得原谅我的发音。

    You 're going to have to forgive my pronunciation .

  9. 我永远无法原谅我自己。

    I can never , ever , forgive myself

  10. 这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。

    It 's enough to make you wet yourself , if you 'll pardon the expression .

  11. “请原谅我礼数不周,”她平静地说。“我忘了自我介绍了。”

    ' Forgive my manners , ' she said calmly . ' I neglected to introduce myself . '

  12. 她马上就懊悔了。“哦,我很抱歉!你一定要原谅我。”

    She was instantly contrite . ' Oh , I am sorry ! You must forgive me . '

  13. 我希望你原谅我这样做。

    I hope you will pardon me for doing so .

  14. 请原谅我的失礼。

    Please forgive me for being impolite .

  15. 母亲临终前我未去看她,为这件事我永远不会原谅我自己。

    I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died .

  16. 请原谅我忘记把书还给你。

    Excuse my neglect in returning your book .

  17. 我希望您原谅我那次失误。

    I hope you will pardon me for that slip .

  18. 请原谅我很冒昧地写信给你。

    Please pardon my presumption in writing to you .

  19. 你能原谅我,让我们重新开始吗?

    Won 't you forgive me and let us make a new beginning ?

  20. 请原谅我来迟了。

    Please excuse me for coming late .

  21. 希望你能原谅我。

    I hope you 'll forgive me .

  22. 请原谅我这样说。

    Pardon me for saying so .

  23. 请孩子们原谅我把这本书献给了一个大人。

    I ask the indulgence of the children who may read this book for dedicating1 it to a grown-up .

  24. 请原谅我,Susan,但

    Please forgive me , Susan , but

  25. 听我说,blair,或者你原谅我或者结束这一切。

    Look , Blair , either you try to forgive me and move on or we end it .

  26. 现在请原谅我“厚着脸皮”植入广告:如果你们对加入学生政府有兴趣,那么请你们在周五的下午两点到UC大楼第二层的坦福斯休息室会面。

    Shameless plug : If you 're interested at all in Student Government , please come to the Student Government meet and greet at2pm on Friday in the Danforth Lounge , which is on the second floor of the UC .

  27. 请原谅我,我在信中写道,原谅我过去的苛刻。

    Forgive me , I wrote , for having been critical .

  28. 请原谅我为这点小事麻烦你。

    Pardon me for bothering you with such a small matter .

  29. 原谅我吧,我的冲动令你受惊了

    Forgive me for startling you with the impetuosity of my sentiments

  30. 原谅我现在才来,我很忙碌。

    Forgive me for not coming sooner . I was busy .