
màn màn xí guàn
  • gradually get used to
  1. B:别担心,你会慢慢习惯这里的。

    B : Don 't worry . You 'll get used to it in no time .

  2. 20多年前,“都市型男”(metrosexual)这个词被造出来,形容新一代顾客。如今,男人们已经慢慢习惯成为他人注视的对象。

    More than two decades after the term " metrosexual " was coined as a catchall for a new breed of consumer , men have eased into their role as the object of other people 's gaze .

  3. 你得慢慢习惯他这种直率的方式。

    You 'll have to get used to his direct manner .

  4. 别担心。你不久就会慢慢习惯它。

    Don 't worry . you 'll get use to it soon .

  5. 出冷汗了没有,你会慢慢习惯的。

    Don 't sweat it , you 'll get used to it .

  6. 你要慢慢习惯美国的生活方式。

    You 'll have to get used to the American way of life .

  7. 她甚至对外交宴会也慢慢习惯起来。

    She became reconciled even to diplomatic parties .

  8. 慢慢习惯吧,卢德分子们。

    So get with it , you Luddites .

  9. 我会慢慢习惯的

    I 'll get used to it .

  10. 如果你能很好地向她解释,她就会慢慢习惯这样的时候让你一人独处。

    She 'll get used to leaving you alone if you explain your needs to her .

  11. 真的?我想我要慢慢习惯才是。

    SAM : Really ? Well , I guess I have to get used to it .

  12. 我想我最好的建议是:外面越来越冷了,还是慢慢习惯吧。

    I guess my best advice is : get used to it , it 's getting cold out there .

  13. 是啊,同住的头五六年是这样的,但我都已经慢慢习惯了。

    We ... Yes , for the first five or six years , but I 've gotten used to it .

  14. 2002年,在我初到东京时,除了蓝色的树以外,还有其它一些事情需要慢慢习惯。

    When I arrived in Tokyo in 2002 , there were a few things to get used to besides blue trees .

  15. 如果她说她要杀死你,不要掉以轻心,你会慢慢习惯的。

    If she says she 'll kill you , don 't take it lightly , you 'll get use to it .

  16. 随着时间推移,他的想法可能会变得不那么轻率,而你,也将慢慢习惯他那令人憎恶的年轻脸庞。

    His schemes may get less hare-brained , and you will slowly get used to the shocking sight of his fresh face .

  17. 也许,随着时间的推移,我们会慢慢习惯于变革,就像在此以前,我们的思想状态使我们习惯于停滞不变一样。

    It may be that in time we shall become used to change as in our older wisdom we had become used to the unchanging .

  18. 在某些情况下,你需要从最底层开始,你必须慢慢习惯。

    In some cases you will have to start from the very bottom of the ladder again , and this will take some getting used to .

  19. 随著万得城电器在中国的第一家门店落户上海,中国的消费者们得开始慢慢习惯这个欧洲消费电子产品零售巨头胆大妄为的风格脾气。

    With the opening of European consumer electronics retail-giant Media Markt first China store in Shanghai , Chinese consumers must get used to retail communication with bite and attitude .

  20. 每周做一些让你犹豫不决的事,你会发现自己会慢慢习惯,甚至在一段时间后就会期待挑战了。

    Do something you 're hesitant about every week , and you 'll find yourself getting used to it or even looking forward to the challenge after some time .

  21. 一旦开始做让你开心的事情,你的身体会慢慢习惯,你会更快地进入开心的情绪。

    Once you get into your stuff that 's making you feel good , then your body will get used to it and you can begin to get happier much faster .

  22. 从那以后,每次去城里我都会去拜访卢格诺维奇一家。他们慢慢习惯了我的到来,我也慢慢习惯了去看望他们。通常我都说来就来,好像我是那个家的一员。

    girl was asleep . And after that , every time I went to town I never failed to visit the Luganovitchs . They grew used to me , and I grew used to them . As a rule I went in unannounced , as though I were one of the family .

  23. 除非你能想出一种简便快速的办法,让人一眼就能看出你是加拿大人(在衣领上夹一朵花?穿马鞍鞋?戴枫叶图案的眼罩?)要不然你也就只能慢慢习惯,不再抱怨了。

    Unless you can think of a quick and simple way to distinguish yourselves at a glance - flower in lapel ? Saddle shoes ? Maple leaf eyepatch ? - then you are just going to have to suck it up . Americans : While you 're here , why not pretend to be Canadian ?

  24. 可悲的是,多数人慢慢就习惯了这种舒适的关系而变得自满,即使回放曾经新鲜而兴奋的VCR都感觉变得单调乏味。

    Sadly , most of us have a tendency to get too comfortable and complacent in our relationships , turning what used to be fresh and exciting into a VCR rewind that becomes boring and monotonous .

  25. 这种景象,你慢慢会习惯的。

    You get accustomed to sights like that after a while .

  26. 这个老人慢慢地习惯了没有孩子的生活了。

    The old lady slowly accustomed herself to life without children .

  27. “大家慢慢就习惯了,比尔,”牧师说。

    We 'll get used to that , Bill , 'said the vicar .

  28. 一开始我也不行,可是慢慢会习惯的。

    I couldn 't either at first , but you get used to it .

  29. 我现在总觉得很累,不过慢慢会习惯的。

    I 'm tired right now but I 'm getting used to it day by day .

  30. 慢慢地习惯了一个人的糊口,变得沉默沉静变得冷落。

    Slowly accustomed to a person 's mouth , become silent calm be left out in the cold .