
  1. 你们大家使这个地方变得牛逼起来。

    You guys & gals have really made this place awesome .

  2. 最后牛跳起来跑了。

    Finally the bull jumped up and ran away .

  3. 这一切是如此地宜人,公明仪被深深地触动了心弦,不由得取下琴,对着牛弹奏起来。

    All this was so pleasing , Gong Mingyi felt deeply moved and couldn 't help taking down his lute and beginning to play before the cow .

  4. 民政部门现正购买卡车,准备把牛集中起来,运到在德里附近的牛棚。

    The civic agency is in the process of purchasing hydraulic trucks so it can catch stray cattle and transport them to shelters in and around Delhi .

  5. 很多狗渐渐地把那只牛围了起来。

    Many dogs closed around the bull .

  6. 布里森登学着当地一个有名的吹捧吃蛇表演的牛皮匠大叫起来。

    Brissenden exclaimed , imitating the SPIELER of a locally famous snake-eater .

  7. 牛子尖叫起来,翻着白眼。他倒在地上,嘴里流出口水。

    He fell on the ground and water ran out of his mouth .

  8. 澳洲中部的农场通常都很广阔,农场主要乘摩托车或驾驶直升飞机来把羊牛圈集起来。

    Farms in the middle of Australia are usually so large that farmers use motorbikes or helicopters for the task of rounding up the sheep or cattle .

  9. 把所有的牛都算起来,克里克管理的奶牛有一百头;在这一百头牛里,有六头或八头牛是奶牛场老板自己动手挤奶,除非是他出门离开了家。

    There were nearly a hundred milchers under Crick 's management , all told ; and of the herd the master-dairyman milked six or eight with his own hands , unless away from home .

  10. 到了晚上,牛都要圈起来。

    The cattle are rounded up in the evenings .

  11. 但是百度牛,让百度收录了更牛,但是收录了你的站,并不代表你也能牛起来?

    But Baidu ox , let Baidu collect more arrogant , but the station that collected you , do not represent you also can arrogant rise ?