
  • 网络Shareholder
  1. 股权转让指既己存在的股权从原股东持有转为他人持有的权利变动事实。

    The stockholder 's rights transfer refers to oneself to have after the existence stockholder 's rights from the original shareholder transfers the right change fact which other people has .

  2. 原股东之一britishland决定不参与本次全数承销的配售,其股份将因此面临严重稀释。

    British land , also one of the original shareholders , faces significant dilution having opted not to take part in the fully underwritten placing .

  3. 通过破产重组,债权人,重组方,原股东可以取得比破产的直接结果更好。

    Through bankruptcy reorganization , creditors , restructuring side , the original shareholders can achieve better than the direct result of bankruptcy .

  4. 这笔交易对原股东的具体影响,对最终判断其是否公平及其对激励未来承担风险的影响也相当重要。

    The precise implication of the deal for the old shareholders will also matter for the ultimate judgement on its fairness and on what it does to incentives for future risk taking .

  5. 第二十条上市公司发行新股,应当符合公司法有关发行新股的条件,可以向社会公开募集,也可以向原股东配售。

    Article 20 . When a listed company issues new stocks , it shall comply with the conditions required by the Company Law on new stock issue . It may sell the new stocks to the public or to existing stockholders .

  6. 原silvinit股东将获得股票加现金的补偿。

    Silvinit shareholders , other than uralkali , will receive a mix of shares and cash .

  7. 东华广场项目公司的原主要股东北京市城建集团则获利抽身。

    Group Plaza project company is the original major shareholders Beijing Urban Construction Group profit too .

  8. 不过,银泰系并未得到百大集团原大股东的支持。

    However , the Department did not receive a hundred Yintai groups the support of the former major shareholder .

  9. 外国投资者与被并购境内公司原其他股东,在境内公司资产评估的基础上,确定各自在外商投资企业注册资本中的出资比例。

    The foreign investor and other original shareholders of the merged domestic company shall , on the basis of the asset valuation of the domestic company , determine the proportions of their respectively contributed investments in the foreign-funded enterprise 's registered capital .

  10. 随着非流通股份的自由转让与通畅流通,原非流通股股东的利益实现方式与市场的关联性越来越直接。

    With the free transfer of non-tradable shares and the smooth flow of the original non-tradable shareholders and the market to achieve relevance means more direct .

  11. 他们表示,采矿、石油和天然气行业的收购近期面临各种逆风,包括更低的原材料价格、股东维权意识增强、更为严格的监管审查以及金融市场动荡。

    They say acquisitions in mining , oil and gas have faced greater headwinds from lower raw materials prices , rising shareholder activism , higher regulatory scrutiny and financial market turmoil .

  12. 由于制度性因素致使有控制权的原非流通股股东利用所具有的信息占有优势寻求控制权租金,从而引发上市公司基于资本市场动因的盈余管理。

    As a result of institutional factors have control over the use of the original non-tradable shares information with the advantage of the search for control over the rent , giving rise to capital market-based listed company earnings management motivation .

  13. 同时,这种股本性质的转变,也使原非流通股股东手中的股票财富账面价值开始随股票二级市场股价的波动而增减。

    At the same time , with the changing nature of this equity , the original " non-tradable shares " shareholder wealth in the hands of the book value of shares to start changes with the stock price-fluctuation in secondary market .