
chú yú lā jī
  • kitchen waste
  1. 原料比例和pH值对厨余垃圾和废纸联合厌氧消化的影响

    Influences of Feedstock Proportion and pH Value on Anaerobic Co-digestion of Kitchen Waste and Waste Paper

  2. 应用从厨余垃圾中分离到的一株乳杆菌TD175作为接种菌株,强化厨余垃圾的乳酸发酵。

    A strain of Lactobacillus sp. , designated as TD175 , which was isolated from kitchen waste , is used to enhance lactic acid fermentation in kitchen waste .

  3. 餐饮服务经营者可以对造成明显浪费的消费者收取处理厨余垃圾的相应费用,收费标准应当明示。

    Catering service providers could charge customers who leave excessive amount of leftovers a disposal fee , but rates for the charge must be clearly advertised .

  4. 将加碱水解和未水解剩余活性污泥与厨余垃圾混合后进行序批式中温厌氧消化,对生化产甲烷势(BMP)进行了测定。

    Biochemical methane potential ( BMP ) tests have been carried out to determine the anaerobic digestibility of the waste activated sludge ( WAS ), the sludge pretreated by NaOH ( PWAS ), and kitchen garbage .

  5. 湿热法处理实现厨余垃圾饲料化的研究

    Study of turning restaurant food wastes into feedstuffs by wet heating treatment

  6. 粪便与厨余垃圾地埋式处理工艺研究

    Study of underground fecal waste and kitchen garbage treatment system

  7. 粪便与厨余垃圾现场处理研究

    Studies of On-Site Night Soil and Kitchen Garbage Treatment

  8. 深圳市厨余垃圾现状调查及处理对策

    Survey on Output of Food Residue and Disposal Countermeasures in Shenzhen City RUBBISH

  9. 厨余垃圾与粪便现场处理工艺研究及设计

    Studies and technical designs of on-site treatment of nigh soil and kitchen garbage

  10. 酵母菌对厨余垃圾厌氧发酵产乙酸的影响研究

    Influence of Yeast on Anaerobic Fermentation of Kitchen Waste for Producing Acetic Acid

  11. 亚临界水技术处理厨余垃圾的比较研究

    Research on kitchen waste treatment by subcritical water

  12. 厨余垃圾堆肥过程碳氮转化控制研究

    Study on Control of Carbon and Nitrogen Conversion in Simulated Food Waste Composting Processes

  13. 厦门市厨余垃圾再生利用的实践

    Recycling the Kitchen Waste in Practice in Xiamen

  14. 目前,国内外实际应用的厨余垃圾集中处理技术主要包括填埋、焚烧、堆肥、饲料化和厌氧消化技术。

    Nowadays , the practical treatments are mainly landfill , incineration , compost and anaerobic digestion .

  15. 厨余垃圾的资源化技术

    Resource recycling technology of food wastes

  16. 高产乳酸细菌发酵厨余垃圾生产乳酸的试验研究

    Fermentative production of lactic acid from kitchen waste using a strain of high-yield lactic acid bacterium

  17. 提高厨余垃圾厌氧消化水解酸化阶段挥发性脂肪酸产率的技术研究

    The Study of Improving the Yield of VFA in the Hydrolysis and Acidification of Two-Phase Anaerobic Digestion of Kitchen Wastes

  18. 吃惯了美味佳肴的世界各国领导人27日在联合国就餐时大吃一惊,因为他们的盘子里装的居然是厨余垃圾。

    World leaders accustomed to fine dining had a surprise on their plates Sunday at the United Nations - trash .

  19. 我国垃圾的主要特点是成分复杂、含水率高,其中厨余垃圾和可燃垃圾比例较高。

    The rubbish in our country has complex components , high water content , high garbage ratio and high combustible component ratio .

  20. 地沟油是指被回收来的食用油,通常从下水道收集上来,那里餐厅会把厨余垃圾倒在里边。

    The term refers to recycled cooking oil , which is often retrieved from drains where it is dumped by restaurants after use .

  21. 二是采用微生物处理技术,把厨余垃圾分解成二氧化碳、水和极少量的有机残余物;

    Second , by making use of microbial technology to decompose the kitchen waste into carbon dioxide , water , and less organic residue .

  22. 尽管如此,家中的厨余垃圾还是无法完全避免,而家庭堆肥堆常常是它们最好的归宿。

    Even so , we still produce some level of personal food waste and the compost heap is often the best place for it .

  23. 家庭垃圾需要分为四类:厨余垃圾,可回收垃圾,危险垃圾和其他垃圾。

    Household garbage will need to be sorted into four categories : kitchen waste , recyclable waste , hazardous waste , and other waste .

  24. 随着环境保护的日益提高,厨余垃圾的处理也越来越被人们重视,而且厨余垃圾具有很大的回收利用价值。

    With enhancement of the environmental protection , people must pay attation to kitchen waste more and more , meanwhile kitchen waste has great recycling value .

  25. 分析了上海市生活垃圾中的含水量及成分,含水量达60%,高含水量的厨余垃圾占垃圾总量的68.71%。

    Water content and composition of domestic waste in Shanghai city were analyzed , moisture content is 60 % , high water content of food residual is 68.71 % .

  26. 前言:厦门市对于厨余垃圾的再生利用主要开展了三种模式,一是采用生物转化技术,利用厨余垃圾生产有机肥或生物肥料“蚯蚓粪”;

    There are three main modes for recycling the kitchen waste in Xiamen . First , by making use of biotransformation technology to produce organic fertilizer or worm cast .

  27. 采用正交实验优化湿热法处理厨余垃圾的工艺条件高产乳酸细菌发酵厨余垃圾生产乳酸的试验研究

    Study on optimizing operation parameters of wet heating treatment for kitchen waste with orthogonal experiments Fermentative production of lactic acid from kitchen waste using a strain of high-yield lactic acid bacterium

  28. 随着我国污水处理厂污泥产量的迅速增加以及城市厨余垃圾产量的不断提高,将其进行无害化与资源化处理与处置变得迫在眉睫。

    With the rapid increase of the sewage sludge and the continuous growth of the urban kitchen waste , the treatment and disposal to make them harmless resources is extremely urgent .

  29. 厦门市在厨余垃圾的再生利用方面已经初步形成了以企业为主体、多种技术综合应用的社会化运营模式。

    Now , it is successful that the socialized operational mode of recycling the kitchen waste which the main body are enterprises , and many technologies are applied synthetically in Xiamen .

  30. 而厨余垃圾具有含水率较高,含有大量有机物,易降解腐烂的特点,将其进行无害化处理是主要的研究内容。

    And the characteristic of the kitchen waste is high moisture content , high content of organic matter , easy biodegradation , which makes harmless disposal be a major research content .