
  • 网络KITCHEN SINK;kitchen-sink
  1. 以填满厨房水槽为例。

    Take filling up the kitchen sink as an example .

  2. 它们选择厨房水槽的窗前做窝。

    They build their mud nest in front of the kitchen sink window .

  3. 在厨房水槽下面

    In the kitchen , under the sink .

  4. 我喜欢你太娇贵不肯在厨房水槽尿尿的态度。

    I love that you 're too good to pee in the kitchen sink .

  5. 用橡皮筋把厨房水槽上的洗手液开关固定在打开位置。

    Rubber band the sprayer on the kitchen sink into the " on " position .

  6. 礼物现藏在厨房水槽的下面,不会遭损坏。

    The presents were now hidden under the sink , out of harm 's way .

  7. 也是有效的浴缸,淋浴房,厨房水槽,以及。

    Also is effective for the tub , shower and kitchen sink , as well .

  8. 我厨房水槽上面的水龙头给卡住了,我关不上。

    The faucets on my kitchen sink are stuck . I can 't turn them off .

  9. 厨房水槽在漏水。

    The kitchen sink is leaking .

  10. 我们都知道至少有一个小型企业网站,似乎包含一切,但是看来却像厨房水槽。

    We all know at least one small business website that seems to include everything but the proverbial kitchen sink .

  11. 既然能把宝宝放在厨房水槽里洗澡,我们就不需要婴儿澡盆。

    We didn 't need a baby bathtub when we could give our kid a bath in the kitchen sink .

  12. 据设计师介绍,厨房水槽、灶具附近墙面采用玻璃材料处置,是近年新兴的装修手法,适合现代及田园风格装修。

    According to Designer , kitchen sink , stove wall near the glass material handling , new decoration techniques in recent years , and garden style suitable for modern decoration .

  13. 我自豪地向她展示冰箱冰柜、洗碗机、洗衣机和干燥机,带定时器的电炉和厨房水槽处理装置。

    With great pride I showed her the refrigerator-freezer , the dishwasher , the washer and dryer , the electric stove with time controls , and the disposal units in the kitchen sink .

  14. 面对不断下跌的房价、创纪录的销售额降幅和日益加重的亏损,开发商希望现金回馈、“免费”游泳池和更大的厨房水槽能够重新带动销售。

    Facing a triple threat of falling house prices , record declines in sales and mounting losses , builders are hoping cash , " free " swimming pools and upsized kitchen sinks will reinvigorate sales .

  15. 我必须修理厨房的水槽。

    I have to fix my sink in the kitchen .

  16. 我的马桶堵塞,而且厨房的水槽漏水了。

    My toilet is plugged up and my kitchen sink has a leak .

  17. 他将水龙头开着让厨房的水槽注满水。

    He left the tap open to fill the kitchen sink with water .

  18. 我想我的厨房的水槽又堵塞了,浴缸也是。

    I guess my kitchen sink is clogging up again , and so is the bathtub .

  19. 她在厨房的水槽里给乔洗了洗脸,梳了梳头,穿好衣服。

    She washed Jo 's face at the kitchen sink , combed his hair and dressed him .

  20. 墙上有个放食物的架子,地面上放一桶水。屋里没有龙头,马丁得到厨房的水槽去取水。

    Martin had to carry his water from the kitchen sink , there being no tap in his room .

  21. 我们大多数人可能还没有在自家厨房的水槽中做过任何基因检测,或者家庭亲子鉴定测试。

    Most of us may not yet be diagnosing genetic conditions in our kitchen sinks or doing at-home paternity testing .

  22. 壶、平底锅、搅拌、扁平餐具、刀和许多厨房下水槽等都是不锈钢做的。

    Pots and pans , mixing bowls , flatware , knives , and many kitchen sinks are made of stainless steel .

  23. 除了厨房里的水槽什么都有几乎包括了所有事。

    Everything but the kitchen sink almost everything has been included .

  24. 从厨房到浴室水槽

    From the kitchen to the bathroom sink

  25. 例如,你可以把电视搬到厨房,站在水槽边看你最喜欢的节目。

    For instance , you can move a TV to the kitchen and watch your favorite shows while you 're standing at the sink .

  26. 用杀菌湿巾,可能洁净剂和纸巾,将厨房的台面、水槽以及常用的厕所收拾整理干净。

    Take some disinfectant wipes or some cleanser and paper towels and clean all the counters and the sinks in the kitchen and the bathrooms that get used the most often , said Rockmore .