
mó shā
  • Frosting;matting;dull polish;abrazine
磨砂[mó shā]
  1. 通过磨砂膏去除死皮细胞。

    Slough off dead skin cells by using a facial scrub .

  2. 女性有时因过度使用磨砂膏而损伤了皮肤。

    Women sometimes damage their skin by going overboard with abrasive cleansers

  3. 他办公室门的上半部分是磨砂玻璃。

    The top half of the door to his office was of frosted glass .

  4. C型,胞质浅染、均质,如细磨砂玻璃样;

    C type , carcinoma cells with finely granular pale cytoplasm , like frosting glass .

  5. 天然而温和磨砂成份,能有效去除死皮;核桃皮中的酵素含丰富维他命C,有紧肤功效。

    A natural , gentle yet effective exfolian the enzyme from Walnut provides the skin with vitamin C , a natural astrigent .

  6. 化学分析玻璃仪器-互换圆锥形磨砂接头USB插头式微型电化学分析仪的研制及应用

    Interchangeable conical glass ground joints Development and Application of Universal Serial Bus Plug Shaped Micro Size Electrochemistry System

  7. 全磨砂型屏(MB型)

    All matte type screen ( MB type )

  8. 屏蔽系数(屏蔽隔离度)全磨砂型屏(MB型)

    Factor of shielding ( shielding strength ) All matte type screen ( MB type )

  9. 这辆四门掀背式轿车通体为磨砂绿,造型俊朗,前格栅让人想起福特汽车(Ford)一度拥有的阿斯顿•马丁(AstonMartin)的前脸。

    The frosty-green , four-door hatchback is handsome , with a front grille that evokes Aston Martin , which Ford used to own .

  10. 我想送些稍微有点怪异的美容产品,比如唇部磨砂膏或者电动睫毛夹或者commedesgar?

    I like to give slightly outlandish beauty products such as lip exfoliators or electric eyelash curlers or comme des Gar ?

  11. 虽然z10比iphone略厚、也略宽一些,但其边缘部分的弧型设计和磨砂质感的碳纤维背板保证了其单手持握时的舒适度。

    While the Z10 is a little thicker and wider than the iPhone , its curved edges and textured carbon back ensure it is still comfortable to hold in one hand .

  12. 本文按照JB2494·78小模数滚刀结构参数的标准数值,制作出其铲磨砂轮直径的一系列计算图解,为贯彻实施这项标准提供方便。

    According to the standard data for fine pitch gear hob parameters issued in JB2494 · 78 , a series of relieving wheel diameter charts have been constructed so as to facilitate the application of the mentioned JB item .

  13. 浅谈深色磨砂革染整技术

    Discussion about the dyeing and finishing technique for dark colored nubuck

  14. 滚刀铲磨砂轮廓形的精确设计

    Accurate design of the grinding wheel profile for hob relief grinding

  15. 还可在此基础上磨砂和蒙砂。

    You are also on this basis and frosting and etching .

  16. 具磨砂玻璃接口蒸馏器化学分析玻璃仪器-互换球形磨砂接头

    Distilling apparatus with ground glass joint interchangeable spherical ground glass joints

  17. 介绍了一个牛皮磨砂鞋面革加工工艺。

    A processing technique for cattle nubuck upper leather was introduced .

  18. 玻璃集装器具取样方法具磨砂玻璃接口蒸馏器

    Sampling method for glass containers distilling apparatus with ground glass joint

  19. 提出了修整铲磨砂轮的新工艺。

    A new method for dressing grinding wheel is presented .

  20. 磨砂油墨在包装领域深受人们的喜爱并得到广泛应用。

    Frosted ink is favorable and used widely in package printing field .

  21. 研制的入射光学系统由聚四氟乙烯积分球、磨砂石英球冠型余弦漫射器和修正环组成,积分余弦误差

    A new combination entrance optics is developed with the integral cosine error

  22. 水牛磨砂压花摔纹鞋面革生产工艺的探讨

    Inquisition of productive technique of buffalo hide nubuck embossed milled upper leather

  23. 大直径高速粗磨砂轮的强度分析

    Analysis of Strength in High Speed Rough Grinding Wheel of Large Diameter

  24. 蜗轮滚刀铲磨砂轮廓形的计算机辅助设计

    CAD of the profile of grinding wheel used in relieving wheel hob

  25. 抽油泵泵筒加工用珩磨砂条的研制与应用

    Development and application of whet-slate used for machining pump barrel

  26. 论述了黄牛磨砂沙发革加工过程中的几个技术关键问题。

    The key techniques of cattle nubuck sofa leather processing were discussed .

  27. 如果你想要磨砂膏,在橄榄油中加些砂糖就行了!

    To turn it into an exfoliant , just add some sugar .

  28. 磨砂玻璃上的污渍可用小刷子去除。

    Stains on frosted glass can be removed using a tiny brush .

  29. 小模数滚刀铲磨砂轮直径的计算图解

    Relieving Wheel Diameter Charts for Fine Pitch Gear Hobs

  30. 绵羊型猪磨砂服装革的工艺研究

    Study on the Sheep Style Buffed Pigskin Garment Leather