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  • Read again;also pronounced as...
  1. 最近,我把巴斯托的小说翻出来又读了一遍。

    Recently , I dug out Barstow 's novel and read it again

  2. 如果你的数据是又读又写的,那么使用“read-write”策略。

    Use the " read-write " strategy if your data is read-write .

  3. 第二天,我又读到了PhilandoCastile被杀案的新闻;第三天,达拉斯“黑人的命也是命”游行活动中发生警察被枪杀事件,暴力事件就像多米诺骨牌一样接连不断的侵袭,我彻底被惊呆了。

    Then after reading about the killing of Philando Castile the next day , and the shooting of police at a Black Lives Matter protest in Dallas the day after , the domino effect of violence left me paralyzed .

  4. 他又读起他那份《泰晤士报》来了。

    He returned to his copy of the " Times " .

  5. 他停顿了一下,然后又读下去。

    He made a pause and then went on reading .

  6. 这封信我读了又读,想尽量理解它的内容。

    I read and re-read the letter , trying to absorb its contents .

  7. 他又读到一则神奇减肥的食物广告。

    He read yet another ad for a diet that promised miraculous weight-loss .

  8. 巴黎&我刚刚又读到一篇以法国的衰落和不安情绪为题的文章。

    PARIS & I have just read another piece about French decline and malaise .

  9. 我慢慢地将他的便条又读了一遍。

    Slowly I read her note once more .

  10. 巴黎——我刚刚又读到一篇以法国的衰落和不安情绪为题的文章。

    PARIS - I have just read another piece about French decline and malaise .

  11. 然后我又读了一些书。

    Then I read some more books .

  12. 赫敏把那张纸又读了几遍。

    Hermione read the paper several times .

  13. 他把文章从头至尾又读了一遍。

    He went over the article again .

  14. 推荐答案我又读了一遍你的简历。

    I read your profile again .

  15. 转身回来的路上,他把那封信取出来,就着街灯又读了一遍。

    Turning back , he took out the letter and read it again beneath a lamp .

  16. 我把美国和欧洲的各种报刊读了又读,但没有获得进一步的了解。

    I had read and reread every American and European newspaper without being any farther along .

  17. 我把那封信又读了一遍,然后靠在沙发上想这个问题。

    I read the letter again , then lean back on the sofa to think about it .

  18. 采访沃特斯女士之前,我又读了一遍她的书,以唤起自己的记忆。

    Before I interviewed Ms Waters , I read her book again just to refresh my memory .

  19. 之后我又读了《洛丽塔》的前几章,这部优秀的作品完全让我震惊了。

    Afterwards I read the first few chapters of Lolita . I was shocked by Lolitas superiority .

  20. 我们又读了一些书,唱了几首歌,然后我吻了吻他和他说晚安。

    We read a few more books , sang a few songs , then I kissed him goodnight .

  21. 基於此,我们选取了《古今汉语词典》作为研究的平台,穷尽性地分析了该词典标注的旧读和又读。

    Based on this , we selected the " ancient and modern Chinese dictionary " as the research platform .

  22. 接着我又读到一篇文章,又有一对少年情侣因为惊吓过度而死亡。

    Then I later read that a second teenage couple had been found dead , they also had died of fright .

  23. 我想这就是我全部的家当,尽管如此,我还是把这些书翻来覆去地读了又读,直到那些文字被磨损得几乎无法辨认。

    but I read them over and over , until the words were so worn and pressed I could scarcely make them out .

  24. 于是她把舅母信上恭维他的那段话读了又读,只觉还嫌说得不够,可是也足以叫她十分高兴。

    She read over her aunt 's commendation of him again and again . It was hardly enough ; but it pleased her .

  25. 但当我又读了一遍我写的文章时。我意识到我不是一位理论天才和哲学家。

    But when I read over what I had written , I realized , you know , I 'm no theoretical genius or philosopher .

  26. 假后上班,我在一沓旧报纸里翻出那张报纸,把这个故事又读了一遍。

    When I return to work after the holiday I hunt through a stack of old newspapers and sit down to reread the story .

  27. 从前他在巴西的时候,苔丝在燧石山农场给他写过信,于是他把他收到的信找出来,又读了一遍。

    Then he hunted up the old letter sent on to him in Brazil , which Tess had written from Flintcomb-Ash , and re-read it .

  28. 他给皇家天文学会写了一篇关于黄赤交角的论文然后又读到另一篇写的比他好的

    He 'd written a paper for the Royal Astronomical Society on the obliquity of the ecliptic and then read another that seemed to surpass it

  29. 他很精明,又读过那么多书,完全没有道理经营不好,赚不到钱。

    He was so smart and he had read so many books and there was no reason at all why he should not make a brilliant success and lots of money .

  30. 上床之前,他又读了苔丝那封热情洋溢的来信。那一晚,他辗转难眠。第二天早晨,他来到了邮电局,可是他们不知道有叫克莱尔或德北的人。

    Before going to bed he re - read Tess 's passionate letter.He could not sleep that night.At the post office next morning they knew nothing of the names of Clare or Durbeyfield .