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  • 网络Polyphonic;another sound;homographs
  1. 论文对有疑问的又音作了必要的校勘。

    The papers has collated doubtful another sound .

  2. 《王三》又音研究

    The Study of Another-sound in Wang-san

  3. 第三章分平、上、去、入声和失收的音五节罗列了《切三》中因同羲又音增加的音节。

    Chapter 3 divided into " ping shang qu ru and no collect " five parts lists the increase syllables due to the synonymous pronunciations .

  4. 通过调查,得出《大字典》以又音形式合并《广韵》的反切遵循释义相同的原则和语音相接近的作为主切的原则。

    Through the investigation , the big dictionary to tone and free form of follow the same reverse interpretation principle and voice close as the main cutting principle .

  5. 《篆隶万象名义》是日本沙门空海所撰的汉语中古字书,其一字多反切的现象有不同于一般韵书“又音”的特点,本文将其称之为“又切”。

    The phenomenon of one character having several fan-qie , which this thesis calls you-qie , has some special qualities being different from that of you-yin in yun-shu .

  6. 研究这些方言词和又音,对音韵学界一些尚有争议的问题及方言史的研究有着重要意义。

    To study these dialectal terms and homographs will be of significant importance to the controversial issues in the phonological circle as well as the research of the dialectal history .

  7. 在现代,顿概念通过节和音尺两个概念而扩大成为既包含顿歇又包含音组(节奏单位)两方面意思的概念。

    In modern times , it is extended , through the concepts of Syllable and foot , into both pause and groups of sounds .

  8. 后来,阿尔热又学习了音系学和形态学。

    He then studied phonology and morphology .

  9. 有时听到蟋蟀叫声和虫叫声,又有海潮音及风声,还有听到巨大的瀑布声。

    Sometimes , it sounded like a cricket singing or the shrill chirp of a locust . also , it was like the sound of waves , wind and huge waterfalls .

  10. 首先介绍了咳嗽音识别的研究现状,接着对咳嗽音信号的产生机理及时频域特性进行了分析,然后又介绍了咳嗽音特征参数的提取方法。

    At first , the paper introduces the research status of cough sound . Then the generating mechanism and properties of cough sound in time and frequency domain is analyzed . The paper mainly focuses on the method of feature extraction .