
shuāng qīn yí chuán
  • amphilepsis
双亲遗传[shuāng qīn yí chuán]
  1. 天竺葵质体和线粒体双亲遗传的细胞学机理&雄性和雌性配子超微结构和DNA荧光的研究

    The cytological mechanism of biparental cytoplasmic inheritance in Pelargonium hortorum & ultrastructural and DNA fluorescence studies of male and female gametes

  2. 因此,在育种实践中,不能片面追求以双亲遗传差异的大小作为亲本选配的指标。

    Therefore , we could not only pursue the size of the genetic differences between parents as an indicator of parent selection in breeding practice .

  3. 甘蔗常用亲本及优良组合双亲间遗传相似性分析

    Analysis of Genetic Similarity among Commonly-Used Sugarcane Parents and between two Parents of Cross

  4. 在医学遗传学中,指非双亲的遗传因素引起的病例。

    Sporadic & In medical genetics , a disease that is not the result of inheritance of a disease-causing allele from a parent .

  5. 结果表明:①亲本自交系的不同谱带在F1代发生互补,表现双亲共显性遗传,在主要带区没有偏亲现象;

    The results were as follows : ① The bands of parents were complementary in hybrid FI . It showed codominant inheritance in main zones .

  6. 两系杂交稻组合的双亲籼粳遗传差异的适合范围比三系杂交组合更宽,在7.7%~15%差值范围内较易选出强优组合。

    The application range of genetic difference of the parental indica-japonica in two-line hybrid rice was much wider than in three-line hybrid rice . It could be easy to select high yield combinations from the difference of 7.7 % to 15 % . 4 .

  7. 从父亲或母亲那里遗传了这种基因变异的人,患肺癌的机率比没有变异的人高出30%。那些从父母双亲那里都遗传了基因变异的人,患肺癌的可能性会增加80%。

    People who inherit the variants from one parent have a 30 per cent higher chance of developing lung cancer than those who do not have the variants . Those with two copies of the variations are 80 per cent more likely to get lung cancer .

  8. 对农作物优势利用的辩证思维结果表明:其亲本选配仍遵从亲本性状优良、配合力高、双亲有一定的遗传差异、产量结构互补的一般作物杂优育种的亲本选配原则;

    The analytical results indicated that its principle of selection of parental material followed the general principles of crop heterosis breeding that characters were advantageous , combining abilities were higher , there were certain gnetic distance between both parents , yield component was complemented each othe ;