- Germline;germ line;bloodline;phylad;line of descent or evolutionary development

[phylad;line of descent or evelutionary development] 假定有共同起源的关系密切的一小群物种
Germ line mutations in Chinese kindreds with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
Indeed , in early chimera studies , it was demonstrated that teratocarcinoma cells are able to contribute to the germ line , ultimately giving rise to adult mice .
This experiment shows this EG cell line is pluripotent , germline transmission remains to be confirmed .
Two to seven AMF phylotypes were detected from each individual plant sample .
The results that suggest lineage-specific β - actin loss might happen in the radical evolution of teleost fishes .
We hypothesized that germline variation contributes to MPN predisposition and phenotypic pleiotropy .
Conclussion : We have obtained C57BL / 6J ES cell lines with a potential germ-line contribution , which can be applied to generate transgenic and gene knock-out mice .
Objective To amplify and analyze the Wolbachia 16S rRNA sequences from Aedes albopictus and Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus , and to analyze their phylogenetic relationship . I is presented . relation .
Weedy rice , which is also called red rice in USA , occurs in all the major rice growing areas in the tropics , even in the areas where no wild relatives of rice occur , such as the USA and Europe .
The obtain of germline chimeras is the key of putting ES cells into practice , but the germline chimeric rate is low , which hampers the use of ES cells .
Results : 22 influenza B viruses were obtained from 2003 to June 2005 , including 2 of Victoria-lineage and 20 of Yamagata-lineage .
M , N and S genes were amplified by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction ( RT-PCR ) from the positive samples . Sequencing results showed that they were SARS-CoV gene segments , and most closely matched SARS-CoV gene sequences were isolated from civet cats in Guangdong Province .
Ammo acid sequence comparison and phylogenetic analysis of NSP4 and NSP5 of J19 were made with the known proteins of other rotaviruses .
Here , we obtained the first C. elegans mutant library in China , and isolated a C-terminal truncated mutation of sec-10 by screening this library .
Our results indicated that nov gene is very conservative during the evolution of brain from lower vertebrate fish to higher vertebrate mammals , and the expression of nov gene coincided with the development and structure and function differentiation of brain .
However , the drug assay deduced the postsynaptic receptors are hypersensitive , which indicates some other kinds of receptors other than the ionotropic receptors are affected in sec-10 mutant .
The killing activity of CTL at 20 ∶ 1 ratio of effective cells to target cells was more than 75 % to tumor cells , 35 % - 45 % to homologous cell line and weaker to other germ cell line ( P < 0.01 ) .
Studies on Metabolic Function of Pulmonary Vessels in Rats of Different Strains
Cytological studies on semi - wild races of Gossypium hirsutum
Study on Molecular Phylogeny of Schistosoma sinensium Based on Nuclear Ribosomal DNA
Study on the Wild Plant Resource in Henan and its Exploitation and Protection
Comparison and Significance of Various Rat Intestinal Transplantation Models
Study of reactivity of pulmonary vessel on chronic hypoxic rats in different strains
The Advance of Embryonic Stem Cells and Germline Chimeras
The phylogenetic relationship of the true citrus trees is analysed and discussed .
Research on Identification and Molecular Phylogenetic Characterization of Cryptosporidium from Poultry in Henan Province
Ethnic Composition of the Ancient Inhabitants in the Liaohe River Valley and Related Problems
Mammalian primordial germ cells form and migrate to the gonad during embryonic development .
Even more intriguing than the inflammation-induced increase in numbers was a cross-species experiment .
A hat tied under the chin .