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  1. 鲁多是由一种古印度竞赛游戏演变而来。

    Ludo is a version of an ancient Indian racing game

  2. 她有种古灵精怪的幽默感。

    She had a wicked sense of humour

  3. 4种古DNA抽提方法效果比较

    Comparisons of effects of four methods for ancient DNA extraction

  4. 他最近挑选的书是保罗•金斯诺斯(PaulKings­north)的《守灵》(TheWake),该书获得了2014年布克奖(ManBookerPrize)提名,是用一种古英语的变体写的。

    His most recent pick was The Wake by Paul Kings ­ north , which was on the 2014 Man Booker Prize longlist and is written in an adapted form of Old English .

  5. 属于或关于一种古希腊的战舞的。

    Of or relating to a war dance of ancient Greece .

  6. 声音2:象形文字是一种古埃及书写系统。

    Voice 2 : Hieroglyphic is an ancient Egyptian writing system .

  7. 一种古建筑三维建模方法&以苏州虎丘塔为例

    An Ancient Architecture 3D Construction & A Case Study of Suzhou Tiger Hill Pagoda

  8. 一种古海洋环境的静态恢复法

    A static method for reconstruction of paleo-oceanographical environment

  9. 这样,央行陷入了一种古希腊悲剧式的两难境地。

    Here central banks get caught in a dilemma of the proportions of a Greek tragedy .

  10. 其中多数是另三种古文明曾不具备或不完全具备的。

    Most of the reasons were not contained or not completely contained in the other three ancient civilizations .

  11. 另外,本章还详尽分析了《禅林宝训音义》等五种古注本和第一本白话今注本《禅林宝训释译》各自的具体特点。

    In addition this chapter analyses in detail five kinds of ancient annotation and a kind of modern annotation .

  12. 梯玛文化是土家族历代各种仪式和祭祀中产生的一种古文化事象。

    The culture of TiMa is ancient culture appearance by various rits and offers a sacrifices to gods or ancestors .

  13. 满文经历了创制、改革、完善、衰落,如今成为一种古文字。

    Having experienced the process of creation , reform , perfection and decline , Manchu language has now become an ancient language .

  14. 里约奥运会上的运动员爱上了拔火罐,这是一种古法治疗,在中东和亚洲国家,尤其是中国,十分常见。

    Olympians at Rio have taken to cupping -- an ancient therapy that have mostly been used in Middle Eastern and Asian countries , especially China .

  15. 古罗马哑剧表演:一种古罗马剧场表演形式,一个演员通过手势和姿势,并伴以讲述的合唱来演出全部的情节。

    An ancient Roman theatrical performance in which one actor played all the parts by means of gesture and movement , accompanied by a narrative chorus .

  16. 说起金字塔,不要以为它只是一种古埃及文化遗迹,或者是减肥者参照的营养结构图,在你整理衣柜里什物的时候,金字塔也可以发挥重要的分类作用。

    A pyramid is more than just an ancient Egyptian burial site and a reminder of dietary restrictions , it can also dictate the division of items in your wardrobe .

  17. 由公羊的触角制成的一种古乐器号;在古代由犹太人警示或者召集用。

    An ancient musical horn made from the horn of a ram ; used in ancient times by the Israelites to sound a warning or a summons ; used in synagogues today on solemn occasions .

  18. 一种新型古丝绸强度测定仪的研制

    Development of a new tensile strength meter for ancient silk

  19. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。

    Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic .

  20. 专家说那个地区的人使用一种叫做古印欧语的语言。

    Experts say the people in that area spoke a language called Proto-Indo-European .

  21. 目前在天水市为害梨树的茎蜂虫种有古氏简脉茎蜂和梨简脉茎蜂2种。

    At present there are2 species of pest damage to pear trees including Janus gussakovskii and J.

  22. 演出的本身就是让老作品在当代再次复活,就是一种演古现今的透视方法。

    The performance itself is a way of perspective , in which the old literatures revived in modern times .

  23. 傅抱石人物画始终保持了一种高古、典雅、飘逸的格调。

    The figure painting of FU Bao-shi always keeps up the styles of remote antiquity , elegance , natural gue .

  24. 长江下游流域第四纪古年地表径流量的估算&一种第四纪古水文学研究方法的应用尝试

    Estimating Annual Runoff of Quaternary past for the downstream catchment of Yangtze river : an application of an approach to Quaternary PALAEOHYDROLOGY

  25. 大熊猫是一种残存的古动物。

    The giant panda is one of the surviving ancient animals .

  26. 稀有气体(特别是He、Ar)是一种研究成矿古流体来源的灵敏示踪剂。

    Rare gas isotopes , especially helium and argon isotopes , are sensitive to trace the origin of the ancient ore-forming fluids .

  27. 最要命的是,每天清晨禅坐之后、早饭之前的事(天啊,这些早晨可真长)——一种叫“古鲁梵歌”(Gurugita)的咏诵。

    The murderous thing is what we do every morning after meditation and before breakfast ( my God , but these mornings are long ) - a chant called the Gurugita .

  28. 二是与两种不同的古文化思维方式有关。

    The other is different thinking mode of ancient culture .

  29. 原始声音冥想是一种起源于古印度的智慧方法。

    Primordial Sound Meditation is a meditation technique originating in the ancient wisdom of India .

  30. 一个软体动物贝壳的收藏者和研究人员。史前考古遗址中一种重要的古气候信息载体:软体动物贝壳

    The Mollusc Shells : An Important Message Carrier for the Study of Ancient Climate in the Prehistorical Relics of Archaeology