
  • 网络field genebank
  1. 郑州国家葡萄种质圃考察及对贵州省葡萄发展思考

    An Investigation in National Grape Germplasm Collection of Zhengzhou and Suggestions for Grape Industry in Guizhou Province

  2. 国家棉花种质圃工作进展

    Achievements in National Cotton Plantation

  3. 橡胶树胶乳几丁质酶基因表达的品种差异南亚橡胶种质圃部分橡胶品系幼树2007/2008年的寒害调查与分析

    Differences of Chitinase Gene Expression in Latex from 3 Hevea Clones Cold Damages to Young Rubber Trees of Some Accessions in Hevea Germplasm Nursery in Winter of 2007 / 2008

  4. 国家多年生牧草种质圃资源收集、保存及利用一年生黑麦草是一种高产、质的禾本科牧草,适应性广,很多国家都已经大面积栽培推广。

    Collection , Conservation and Utilization of Forage Resource in the National Field Genebank for Perennial Forage ( NFGFPF ) The annual ryegrass is one of Gramineae forages with high production and rich nutrition .

  5. 长柄石杉种质资源圃建设与原生境扦插实验初报

    Preliminary Report of Huperzia Serrata Nursery Constructing and Original Habitat Cutting

  6. 植物种质资源圃规划建设的理论和方法

    Theory and Method of Establishing of Field Genebank

  7. 建立广东园林植物种质资源圃必要性及建议

    The Necessity and Suggestion on the Establishment of Guangdong Germplasm Resources Garden of Landscape Plants

  8. 简要介绍了近几年国内外苹果生产及贸易现状,并概述了我国4个苹果种质资源圃的建设情况和苹果属植物资源收集、保存工作。

    Based on the analysis of the status of apple trade and production , and the construction of 4 apple germplasm resources repositories in China , the advances in research on the collection and conservation of Malus Mill . resources are summarized .

  9. 用苯酚-硫酸法测定国家果树种质福州龙眼圃中不同基因型的84份龙眼果实和龙眼育种园内85份不同基因型龙眼杂交后代果实多糖含量。

    The polysaccharide contents of 84 longan accessions and 85 hybrid seedlings of longan ( Dimocarpus longana Lour . ) were determined by using phenol - vitriol method .