
  • 网络titratable acidity;Titratable acid;titrable acidity
  1. 但降低了果肉可溶性固形物、可滴定酸、维生素C和总糖等营养物质含量,导致龙眼果实甜度下降、风味变淡。

    Whereas , fruit pre-harvest bagging decrease the contents of total soluble solids , titratable acidity , vitamin C and total sugars which result in lower sweetness and less flavor in longan pulp .

  2. 处理E虽然果实中总糖含量下降了1.77%,但由于可滴定酸下降了7.25%,故糖/酸比率仍然提高了6.16%。

    While total sugar content of treatment E decreased by 1.77 % , but its titratable acidity decreased by 7.25 % , so the sugar / acid ratio increased still by 6.16 % .

  3. 经测定,可滴定酸,抗坏血酸(维生素C)和蛋白质为Ⅰ的果实的主要成分。

    Titrable acids , ascorbic acid , and protein dominated in the fruits of ⅰ .

  4. 研究了不同温度和不同气体条件下冬枣的贮藏效果,以及在贮藏期间枣果实硬度、Vc、总糖、可滴定酸、乙醇含量的变化。

    Quality of fresh Winter-date was studied under different storage condition .

  5. 保鲜剂处理能明显抑制葡萄的呼吸,延缓还原糖、可滴定酸、维生素C的降解和损失。

    Freshness keeping agent treatment inhibited obviously the respiration of grapes , lowered the loss of reducing sugar , titratable acid and vitamin C.

  6. 低氧处理对果实可溶性固形物,可滴定酸和pH值的影响不大。

    Ultra low O 2 treatment had no significant effect on soluble solids content , pH and titratable acidity .

  7. 可滴定酸、总糖、维生素C和类胡萝卜素含量均在果实接近成熟期迅速变化。

    At the end of fruit development , the contents of titratable acids , total sugars , vitamin C and carotenoids all changed notably .

  8. 但对可溶性固形物、可滴定酸及pH值的影响,对照与处理并无差异。

    But there were no evidence difference of all treatments in TSS content , titratable acid content and pH value .

  9. 在同一发酵温度下,试验设计的pH对杏汁的发酵速度、可滴定酸含量、酒精的生成均没有显著影响。

    The pH had no effect on the fermentation rate , titratable acid and alcohol content under the same temperature .

  10. 可溶性固形物含量11.5%,总糖含量8.26%,可滴定酸含量0.55%,维生素C含量49.2mg/100g,固酸比高。

    The content of total soluble solids is 11.5 % , total sugar 8.26 % , acidity 0.552 % , Vitamin C 49.2 mg / 100 g.

  11. 维生素C含量高达201mg/kg,可溶性糖2.56%,可滴定酸0.41%,可溶性固形物4.7%。

    The content of vitamin C was up to 201 mg / kg , soluble sugar 2.56 % , TA 0.41 % , TSS 4.7 % .

  12. 其中干物质、总糖及可滴定酸的含量差异不显著,维生素C、皂甙及芦丁的含量差异显著。

    Dry matter , total sugar and titratable acid content difference was not significant , vitamin C , the content of rutin of saponins and significant difference .

  13. 1-MCP处理对枣果硬度、VC、可溶性固形物、可滴定酸的影响均不明显。

    As a whole , the 1-MCP treatments have not significant effect on firmness , VC , ssc and titratable acid .

  14. 果实发育过程中,2个品种果皮的可滴定酸、可溶性糖、还原性糖、葡萄糖含量总体呈下降趋势,而pH、果糖含量呈上升趋势。

    The titratable acid , reducing sugar and glucose showed a decreasing tendency while the pH value and fructose tended to increase in pericarp of both of the two cultivars during fruit development .

  15. 而内在品质方面,HB柚自然状态下的维生素C、可滴定酸和可溶性固形物含量均显著高于杂交处理。

    While the inner qualities , like vitamin C , titratable acid and soluble solids content of the natural pollinated HB pomelo fruits , were significantly higher than the cross-pollinated fruits .

  16. 随着果实着色程度增加,果实内可溶性糖、蔗糖、果糖和可滴定酸含量增加,而葡萄糖和Vc含量降低。

    With the increasement of fruit coloration the content of sucrose , fructose , the soluble total sugar and titratable acid increased and that of glucose and vitamin C decreased .

  17. 红地球和巨峰葡萄中还原糖、可滴定酸、维生素C含量逐渐减少,其中可滴定酸和维生素C含量变化与贮藏时间呈显著的负相关;

    During the storage , the contents of reducing sugar , titratable acid , and vitamin C decreased gradually , among them , changes of titratable acid and vitamin C contents were negatively correlated with the time of storage significantly .

  18. 果肉黄白色,细脆多汁,酸甜适口,品质优良,可溶性固形物含量14.79%,总糖含量12.9%,可滴定酸含量0.36%,维生素C含量6.5mg/100g,果实硬度13.7kg/cm2。

    Flesh is yellowish white , fine , crisp and very juicy , containing a soluble solids of 14.79 % , soluble sugar of 12.9 % , titratable acidity of 0.36 % and vitamin C of 6.5 mg / 100 g ;

  19. 结果表明,喷钙后单果重增加,Vc含量提高,可溶性固形物和花青苷含量增大,而成熟果实的叶绿素和可滴定酸含量下降。

    The results showed that calcium fertilizer spraying could increase per fruit weights , Vc content , soluble solids content , and anthocyanidin content but decreased chlorophyll content and titratable acid content .

  20. 同时,1-MCP处理能较好地保持果实Vc含量,但对总糖及可滴定酸无显著影响。

    In addition , 1-MCP treatment could slow the loss of Vc content down , but not affect the total sugar and titratable acid content significantly .

  21. 可滴定酸的动态变化趋势与对照基本一致,其变化曲线与TSS相反。

    Also similar on the changing trend of total acid , but the trend was opposite to that of TSS .

  22. 研究了不同采收成熟度“解放钟”枇杷果实中有机酸、总糖、可滴定酸等成份的变化和8~10℃低温保鲜及MAP保鲜效果。

    The changes of organic acids , total sugar and titrable acid content in different harvest mature fruit of loquat variety " Jiefangzhong " were analyzed , and the effects of low temperature and MAP storage at 8 ~ 10 ℃ were studied .

  23. 控释氮肥能显著提高甜椒Vc和可溶性糖的含量,降低可滴定酸的含量,但各控释氮肥处理甜椒硝酸盐含量差异不显著。

    Controlled release nitrogen fertilizer can significantly improve the Vc and soluble sugar content , lower acid content , but each of the controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer nitrate content of sweet pepper was no significant difference . 4 .

  24. 随着贮藏期的延长,枣果硬度逐渐下降,Vc含量逐渐减少,总糖含量前期升高,中后期逐渐下降,可滴定酸含量整体上呈下降趋势,乙醇含量逐渐升高;

    During storage , fruit firmness , Vc and titratable acid content decreased constantly , total sugar content accumulated in the earlier stage and then decreased . However , the content of ethanol increased gradually all along .

  25. 与不套袋梨比较,太谷和运城酥梨在套袋后可滴定酸含量、可溶性糖含量和Vc含量均有所降低,降低了酸甜口感的风味指标。

    Compared with the non-bagging , pear of bagging titrable acidity , soluble sugar content and Vc content were decreased in Tai Gu and Yun cheng , bagging reduce the flavor index of sweet and sour taste .

  26. 拮抗菌P1、P5发酵原液处理后,和对照相比能够延缓还原糖、可滴定酸的降解和损失,有效维持果实品质,延长了贮存期。

    Use antagonistic bacteria P1 and P5 fermentation liquid treatment , could lower the loss of reducing sugar 、 titratable acid and VC compared with the CK .

  27. 8项指标分为营养品质指标(包括可溶性糖、可滴定酸和维生素C)、加工品质指标(包括果肉质地和汁液)及感官品质指标(包括异味、香气和风味)3类。

    All the indexes could divided into 3 groups : nutrition quality indexes ( including soluble sugar , titratable acidity , and vitamin C ), processing quality indexes ( including flesh texture and juice ), and aesthetic quality indexes ( including peculiar smell , aroma , and flesh ) .

  28. 幼果期喷施防落素后,虽然能增大成熟果实的纵横径降低可滴定酸的含量,但果实的单果重、Vc含量、可溶性糖的含量均略有降低。

    Young fruit of spraying Fang Luo Su , although able to increase the aspect of ripe fruit diameter to reduce titratable acid content , but the fruits of fruit weight , Vc content , soluble sugar content decreased slightly .

  29. 0℃、2℃下贮藏果实还原糖含量峰值、可滴定酸含量峰值的出现均比4℃贮藏推迟5d。

    Compared to 4 ℃, the storage temperatures of 0 ° C and 2 ℃ delayed the peak of reducing sugar content and titratable acid content about 5ds .

  30. 结果表明,经果胶酶处理的各品种橙汁的Brix、果汁澄清度、钙含量及可溶性果胶的含量增加,而pH值、可滴定酸和黏度均降低。

    Results showed that all the juices treated with pectinase got higher value on Brix , clarity , calcium and water soluble pectin content , and they got lower value on pH , titratable acidity and viscosity .