
kě xíng xìng
  • feasibility;feasibleness;practicability
可行性 [kě xíng xìng]
  • [feasibility;feasibleness] 行得通方面的性能和特点

  • 有关经济计划可行性的重大问题

可行性[kě xíng xìng]
  1. 我怀疑这个计划的可行性。

    I doubt the feasibility of the plan .

  2. 有些人怀疑这一提议的可行性。

    Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal .

  3. 他们的国防市场太小,就经济可行性而言不足以维持生产。

    Their defense markets are too small to sustain economically viable production runs .

  4. 摆在反对党面前的挑战是如何为未来发展提出其他可行性政策。

    The challenge before the opposition is to offer credible alternative policies for the future .

  5. 通常,构想各种可行性方案的能力,同正确地从它们当中进行选择具有同等的重要性。

    The ability to develop alternatives is often as important as selecting correctly from among them .

  6. 该州的政务客户至上办公室正在审查外包的可行性,在该办公室的一份电子邮件声明中,发言人米歇尔·R·马丁表示,政府官员仍在努力分析来自高等教育监管会的数据。

    In an email statement from the state 's Office of Customer Focused Government , which is examining the possibility of outsourcing , spokeswoman Michelle R. Martin said officials were still working to analyze the data from the Board of Regents .

  7. 例如,在关于摩天大楼的一章中,史密斯先生谈到了建筑方法、自动电梯的革命性发明、生活在空中的可行性以及随着城市变得更加拥挤,公寓生活将成为常态的可能性。

    In the chapter on skyscrapers , for example , Mr. Smith touches on construction methods , the revolutionary invention of the automatic lift , the practicalities of living in the sky and the likelihood that , as cities become more crowded , apartment living will become the norm .

  8. 中国与蒙古官员周四在乌兰巴托宣布,两国将于下月就自由贸易区问题正式发起一项可行性研究。

    Chinese and Mongolian officials announced in Ulan Bator on Thursday that the two countries have agreed to officially launch a joint feasibility study on a free trade area ( FTA ) next month .

  9. 第五十二条建设项目可行性研究论证时,土地行政主管部门可以根据土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划和建设用地标准,对建设用地有关事项进行审查,并提出意见。

    Article 52 In the process of the feasibility study for construction projects , land administrative departments may examine the related matters concerning the land for construction purposes and put forward their proposals according to the general plans for the utilization of land , the annual plan for the use of land and standards for land used for construction purposes .

  10. 分布式网络雷达抗ARM摧毁可行性分析

    Feasibility research of distributed netted radar against ARM attack

  11. 方法分析18例肺脓肿、脓胸患者经皮穿刺前后的临床表现及治疗经过,探索CT导引下经皮穿刺的适应症和介入治疗的方法,经皮肺穿刺诊断及治疗的可行性与必要性。

    Methods The group included 18 patients who received percutaneous interventional therapy of lung abscess and pyothorax .

  12. 目的初步探讨基于PC机的CT肝脏灌注成像和定量测量方法的可行性。

    Objective : To determine the feasibility of liver CT perfusion mapping and quantitative measurement programs for PC.

  13. 并通过实例证明了方法的可行性,最后与一般的BP神经网络方法进行了对比,体现了该方法的先进性。

    The advantage is shown by contrast with the method of generic BP neural network .

  14. 湖北省火电厂灰场排水加酸调整pH值可行性探讨

    The Feasibility Discussion of Adding Acid to Adjust pH Value in Ash Yard Water Drainage in Hubei Province

  15. 探讨了基于遥感影像图进行城市地震灾害模拟的可行性,提出了一套利用GIS栅格分析功能进行城市地震灾害模拟的方法。

    This paper discussed the possibility of city earthquake disaster simulation based on RS image and GIS grid analysis .

  16. 目的研究酶生物信号放大系统用于放大DNA压电传感器检测信号的可行性和有效性。

    Objective To research on the possibility and the efficiency of the enzyme biological signal amplification system applied to DNA piezoelectric biosensor .

  17. 探讨了SiCp/Al复合材料脉冲氩弧焊过程中合金元素Ti发生诱发反应的可行性。

    The weldability of SiCp / Al composites is investigated during pulsed TIG welding through Ti induced-reaction .

  18. 通过此系统的设计和实现,揭示了GIS技术在此领域应用的可行性和广阔前景。

    The feasibility and prospect of GIS techniques application in this field is revealed by the design and realization of the system .

  19. 研究了BP神经网络用于大气中可吸入颗粒物(PM(10))及SO2、NO2预测的可行性。

    The application of BP neural network to predict PM_ ~ 10 , SO_2 and NO_2 pollutions is researched .

  20. 农村地区实施疾病控制中心模式(CDC)的可行性论证

    The feasibility of centers for disease control model in rural areas

  21. House翻译质量评估模式的理论基础、构建以及其中的一些基本概念,并探讨了该模式在英-汉翻译实践中的可行性。

    House 's model for translation quality assessment ( QA ) is formulated , its structure and some basic concepts , and simultaneously discusses its availability in English-Chinese translation practice .

  22. 倒闸操作全面安全管理(TSC)可行性研究

    The Study on the Total Safety Control Feasibility of Switching Operation

  23. 针对不同AES设计结构和测试点配置对纠错电路的资源及速度进行了分析,实验结果表明我们提出的硬件容错设计有很强的可行性。

    The results of analyzing of different architecture and configuration of check points certificate that our proposal is very practical .

  24. 目的探讨小儿顺铂(DDP)腹腔热灌注化疗的可行性。

    Objective To study the feasibility of chemotherapeutic hyperthermic intraperitoneal perfusion ( CHIP ) with cisplatin in children .

  25. 以这些分析为基础,进一步分析了机群(COW)环境下实现大规模并行有限元计算的可行性。

    The feasibility to realize large-scale parallel finite element in the circumstance of cluster-of-workstations ( COW ) is discussed in details on the evaluating index and capability .

  26. 目的探讨用结扎冠状动脉前降支(LAD)后快速右室心内膜起搏的方法尝试建立急性心功能不全动物模型的可行性。

    Objective To establish a canine model of acute cardiac insufficiency ( ACI ) by coronary artery occlusion and right ventricular pacing .

  27. 采用背向生长技术成功地制备出了厚膜多孔硅包括穿透整个硅片的多孔硅,并证实了该技术作为后处理工艺应用于CMOS技术的可行性。

    Fabrication and characterization of the through wafer PS layer with the backside growth technique were carried out , which proved the feasibility of post-processing procedure in CMOS technology .

  28. 首先从理论计算和模拟的角度上证明了制备纳米Ni/微米TiB2包覆颗粒的可行性。

    The possibility of creating nano-Ni / micro-TiB_2 coated particle is approved by theoretical calculation and simulation .

  29. 文章分析了其运动规律及控制电压的时序,并通过ADAMS仿真验证了其可行性,为后续的研究提供了依据。

    The motion rule and the time sequence of control voltage are analyzed in the paper , and its feasibility is verified by simulation in ADAMS software .

  30. 另外,本文对关系数据库中如何进行方法继承进行了探讨,提出了在关系数据库中进行方法继承的可行性措施,使得方法继承在关系数据库Oracle中得以实现。

    In addition , this paper discusses how to inherit method in RDB and brings forward some feasible advice on method inheritance and realizes inheritance of method in oracle .