
  • 网络biodegradable;biodegradation;biodegradability;bio degradable
  1. 可生物降解肝素钠/两性壳聚糖复合物用于蛋白药物pH响应释放研究

    Biodegradable heparin / ampholytic chitosan complexes for pH-sensitive release of proteins

  2. 可生物降解纤维聚乳酸(PLA)纤维第Ⅱ报.性能特征及其应用前景

    A Biodegradable Fiber - Polylactide Fiber Part II Performance Features and its Applications

  3. FC级可生物降解二冲程汽油机油的研究

    Study on a FC Biodegradable Two-Stroke Gasoline Engine Oil

  4. 基于SolidWorks软件的可生物降解肠吻合支架设计

    Development of Biodegradable Intestinal Anastomose Stent Based on SolidWorks Software

  5. 厌氧好氧串联系统对慢速可生物降解COD的去除(Ⅰ)对不同基质COD的去除能力

    COD Removal of Slowly Biodegradable COD in Combined Anaerobic-Aerobic Treatment System (ⅰ): COD Removal of Individual and Mixed Substrates

  6. 脂质体(liposomes)是一种新型药物载体,具有生物相容性好、可生物降解、无毒和无免疫原性等优点。

    Liposomes are novel drug carriers , as they have good biocompatibility , biodegradability , innocuity , non-immunogenicity .

  7. PHB与PCL、PECL可生物降解高分子共混体系的研究

    Biodegradable polymer blends containing of PHB and pcl , pecl

  8. 以可生物降解的聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)为载体,通过乳化-溶剂挥发法制备了包覆毒死蜱的农药缓释微胶囊。

    Biodegradable poly ( butylene succinate ) ( PBS ) microcapsule was prepared via emulsion solvent evaporation process .

  9. MPS变形机加工的一些新型聚合物&PTT和PLA,用可再生原料制造,也是可生物降解的。

    Some of the new , MPS processed polymers & PTT and PLA are manufactured from renewable raw materials and are also biologically degradable .

  10. 生物可降解聚乳酸(PDLLA)的合成及性能表征可生物降解聚乳酸纳米复合材料的研究进展

    Synthesis and Characterization of Biodegradable PDLLA ; Progress in Nanocomposites Based on Biodegradable Polylactide Matrix

  11. 和传统塑料相比,聚乳酸(PLA)有着优良的性能,例如其良好的生物相容性、可生物降解性及其良好的机械性能等等。

    And compared to the traditional plastic . Polylactic acid has excellent performance , such as its good compatibility , biodegradability and good mechanical properties .

  12. 结果CMC是一种组织相容性良好、可生物降解及理化特性稳定,能有效预防术后粘连的多糖类化合物。

    Results CMC was a polysaccharide with favorable biocompatibility , biodegradation , stable physical and chemical characters , and it can prevent postoperative adhesion .

  13. 可生物降解聚乳酸(Poly(lacticacid),PLA)是一种新型的生物可降解聚合物,无毒、无刺激、生物相容性好,应用范围十分广泛。

    Poly ( lactic acid ) ( PLA ) is a new kind of biodegradable polymer , which is non-toxic , non-irritative and good biocompatibility . The application of this polymer is very wide .

  14. 可生物降解PLA-PEG嵌段共聚物的形态结构研究

    Studies on the morphological structure of biodegradable PLA-PEG block copolymers

  15. 制备了一类可生物降解肝素钠两性壳聚糖复合物(HPACS),并探索将其用于蛋白药物pH响应释放。

    A series of biodegradable heparin / ampholytic chitosan ( HP / ACS ) complexes were developed for pH-sensitive release of protein drugs .

  16. 同时KGM具有良好的生物相容性,可生物降解,易化学改性等优点,作为缓释载体有良好的应用前景。

    Its chemical stability , better biocompatibility , biodegradability and easily modified ability suggest their applications in targeted drug delivery systems .

  17. 采用可生物降解的聚合物作为药物载体,利用Fe3O4磁性纳米粒子的磁导向性来实现靶向给药的目的。

    Biodegradable polymer and Fe_3O_4 nanoparticles were chose as drug carriers , and drug-loaded magnetic polymer microspheres can be delivered to the area of interest by an external magnetic field .

  18. 因此,对PPC进行化学封端改性,并借助其他可生物降解材料对其进行熔融复合改性,是一种既经济又有效的重要方法。

    It is economical as well as effective method to take chemical end-capping modification of PPC and melt blending modify it with the help of biodegradable materials .

  19. 星型羟丙基木质素(HL)填充大豆蛋白(SPI),得到具有良好力学性能的可生物降解SPI/HL复合材料(SL)。

    Biodegradable soy protein ( SPI ) plastics were compounded with star-like hydroxypropyl lignin ( HL ) to produce SPI / HL composite sheets with good mechanical performance .

  20. 提出了以BOD5/CODcr的比值划分钻井液化学剂可生物降解性的分级标准,并对16种钻井液化学剂的可生物降解性进行分级,为其应用提供依据。

    The ratio BOD_5 / COD_cr is calculated and it is proposed as the standard to classify biodegradability , 16 kinds of chemicals in drilling fluids are classified for the purpose of their application .

  21. 聚乳酸PLA(polylactide)是一种无毒、可生物降解的聚合物,它具有良好的生物相容性,在医药上有广泛的应用。

    The PLA ( polylactide ) is a kind of polymer which is innocuous and biologically decomposable . It has good biological capability and is widely applied in medication .

  22. 生化需氧量(BOD)是监测水体中可生物降解的有机物含量的一个重要参数,是目前最常用的水体有机污染综合指标之一。

    The biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) value is a key parameter that can determine the level of organics , particularly the content of biodegradable organics in water .

  23. 聚乳酸(PLA)是源于可再生农业资源玉米的可生物降解塑料,已在生物医用、包装等领域成功应用。

    Poly ( lactic acid ) ( PLA ) is a biodegradable plastic that can be produced from renewable sources , such as corn . PLA has been used in packing and medical application successfully .

  24. 聚ε-己内酯(PCL)作为一种目前很受关注的可生物降解聚合物,它无毒,并具有良好的生物可降解性能、生物相容性、血液相容性、药物通透性等。

    At present , poly ( s-caprolactone )( PCL ) is a hot research as a biodegradable . It is nontoxic and has excellent biocompatibility 、 blood compatibility and drug penetrability .

  25. PHA具有生物相容性和可生物降解性,同时根据单体组分的不同还可以具有同石化塑料相类似的多种物理性质,可以代替现行的难降解塑料,以此可缓解环境固体废弃物污染。

    PHAs are biocompatible and biodegradable and can also possess the similar properties with the petro made plastics , which enables them to substitute the current plastics to reduce solid wastes .

  26. 以己二酸、1,4-丁二醇、己二胺和己内酰胺为原料,丙三醇为支化剂,采用熔融缩聚法合成了可生物降解的脂肪族支化聚酰胺酯(PEAs)。

    A series of biodegradable aliphatic branched polyesteramides ( PEAs ) were synthesized from adipic acid , 1,4-butanediol , hexamethylene diamine and caprolactam by melt polycondensation method using glycerol as branching agent .

  27. 介绍了采用可生物降解热塑性PHBV树脂为粘结基体相,天然纤维作增强相,通过热压工艺开发绿色板材。

    This paper introduces the technology of biodegradation by using natural fiber as buildup cross-purposes and PHBV polyester as felt cross-purposes through the heat press process .

  28. 聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)是一种重要的可生物降解的脂肪族聚酯,由于其具有良好的生物降解、优异的成型加工以及力学性能而倍受青睐。

    Poly ( butylene succinate )( PBS ) has also been known as an important biodegradable aliphatic polyester and has attracted much interest because of its good degradation property , excellent processability and physical property .

  29. 推荐采用BOD5/CODCr比值来评定我国石油行业钻井液化学剂及油田化学剂的可生物降解性,规范石油行业生物降解研究工作,保证评定结果的可靠性和可比性。

    The ratio BOD_5 / COD_cr is proposed as the index to evaluate biodegradability of chemicals in drilling fluids chemicals and oil field chemicals in petroleum industry so as to normalize research work in biodegradation and ensure for evaluation results reliability and comparability .

  30. PAC-MBR和普通填料-MBR均能有效去除可生物降解有机物,前者对可吸附有机物的去除率受PAC饱和程度的影响较大。

    Both PAC-MBR and MBR filled with common carries can effectively remove biodegradable organics , in PAC-MBR the removal of adsorbable organics is more affected by the saturation extent of PAC .