首页 / 词典 / good


kě wù
  • hateful;damn it;abominate;abominable;abhorrent;be disgusted at;odious;detestable;loathsome;loathe;abhor
可恶 [kě wù]
  • [abhorrent;abominable;detestable;loathsome;odious] 令人厌恶恼恨

  • 可恶之极

  • [abhor;abominate;loathe;be disgusted at] 憎恶

  • 大人最可恶他,一向是不许他上门的

可恶[kě wù]
  1. 他的行为太可恶了。

    It 's hateful of him to behave like that .

  2. 否定这些事实是毫无根据的、无知的、可恶的。

    Denying that fact is baseless , ignorant , and hateful .

  3. 我讨厌给史蒂夫这个可恶的大男子主义者干活。

    I hate working for that male chauvinist pig Steve .

  4. 这是个可恶的小骗局。

    That was a nasty little trick .

  5. 对我来说,种族歧视非常可恶。

    Racial prejudice is anathema to me .

  6. 这些邻居太可恶了。

    They are the neighbours from hell .

  7. 可恶的雨,我们一到海滩它就非得下起来。

    Of course , it had to start raining as soon as we got to the beach .

  8. 邮局关门了,真是可恶。

    The post office is shut , which is an infernal bore

  9. 据说他称她是“满嘴谎话的可恶白痴”。

    He reportedly called her ' a lying little twit ' .

  10. 他必须对这些可恶的罪行负责。

    He must be made answerable for these terrible crimes .

  11. 要警惕一个自称“实力防卫”的可恶组织。

    Keep a lookout for a nasty little organization calling itself Defence Through Strength

  12. 他想,可恶的女人,她怎么就不能等一等呢?

    Wretched woman , he thought , why the hell can 't she wait ?

  13. 你们全都是些可恶的势利小人。

    What nasty little snobs you all are

  14. 可恶,那完全是不讲道义,是不是?

    Dash it all . It 's just not playing the game , is it ?

  15. 她对待丈夫的行径使她赢得了“全美最可恶的女人”的称号。

    Her treatment of her husband earned her the label of the most hated woman in America .

  16. 好吧,我承认,是我干的。但我是对的,可恶!

    OK , I admit it , it was me . But darn it , I was right !

  17. 你这个可恶的骗子。

    You dirty liar .

  18. 作者把他父亲描绘成一个可恶的酒鬼。

    The author portrayed his father as a vicious drunkard .

  19. 传播流言蜚语是可恶的。

    The circulation of gossip is vicious .

  20. 这些棉铃虫真可恶!

    What a curse those bollworms are !

  21. 他是多么可恶的吝啬鬼呀!

    What a miserable old devil he was !

  22. 那可恶的女人突然咒骂起来。

    The wicked woman broke out into curses .

  23. 她听到可恶的罗登和无耻的斯丹恩干这种坏事,气得周身发抖。

    She quivered with indignation at the account of the conduct of the miserable Rawdon and the unprincipled steyne .

  24. 就一般情况说来,只有那种可恶的鲨鱼,才可以说是具有跟狗相似的癖性。

    The accursed shark alone can in any generic respect be said to bear comparative analogy to the dog .

  25. 他这样乱说,妖言惑众,真是太可恶了。

    He is so abhorrent , saying such bullshit to confuse people .

  26. 这条大鱼非常可恶。

    The big fish was very bad .

  27. 施舍和掠夺一样可恶,对捐献者和接受者都有失公平

    Charity asas brigandage . Charity is really as unfair to the recipient as the donor .

  28. 你要么是我船上的厨子,要么就是西尔弗船长,一个可恶的海盗!

    You 're either my ship 's cook , or Capn Silver , a dirty pirate !

  29. 恰巧农夫回来了,看到眼前发生的一切,便说:“这个可恶的东西,但愿你弃恶从善,干点正经事。”

    Just then the ploughman came back , and seeing what was happening , he cried , " Ah , you old rascal8 , I wish you would give up thieving for good and take to honest work instead . "

  30. Microsoft所犯的更可恶罪行之一是将动词“toarchitect”引入到英语。

    One of the more heinous crimes perpetrated by Microsoft is the introduction of the verb " to architect " into English .