
  1. 生物多样性是可持续生物圈生态学的前沿领域。

    Biodiversity is a frontier domain of the ecology of sustainable biosphere .

  2. 从物质文明到生态文明&人类社会可持续发展的生态学

    From Materialized Civilization to Ecological Civilization - Ecology for Sustainable Development

  3. 产业集群可持续发展的生态学分析与生态化管理

    Ecology Analysis and Ecological Management of Sustainable Development of Industrial Clusters

  4. 湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学基础及一个范例

    Ecological Theories for Sustainable Fishery in Lakes and An Example

  5. 土地生产力可持续增进的生态学基础

    The Ecological Basis for Sustainable Enhancing Productivity of Land

  6. 城市胁迫发展理论&城市可持续发展的生态学视角

    Urban stress development theory : The new ecology view on the sustainable development of city

  7. 从农业文明到生态文明&转型期农村可持续发展的生态学方法

    From Farming Culture to Ecological Culture

  8. 城镇可持续发展的生态学方法

    Ecologic Method of Town Sustainable Development

  9. 可持续发展的生态学思考

    Ecological thought of sustainable development

  10. 从渔业与环境兼顾的角度出发作者认为湖泊渔业可持续发展的生态学理论基础是渔业生态学和渔业湖沼学。

    On Right of Fishery The ecological theories for sustainable fishery of freshwater lakes are fisheries ecology and fisheries limnology .

  11. 许多环境问题都与工业化、城市化和现代化过程相联系,城市的可持续发展对生态学提出了挑战。

    Most environmental problem are connected with industrialization , urbanization and modernization , and the sustainable development has challenged ecology .

  12. 第5部分是巨野县土地利用中存在的问题及合理利用对策,论文从可持续发展和生态学的角度找出巨野县土地利用中存在的问题并提出了相关的发展策略。

    The fifth part is the countermeasure to the problems existing in the course of land utilization in Juye County . The article shed light on the subsistent problems from the aspects of sustainable development and ecology , besides , it proposal relevant strategy on developing .

  13. 药用植物资源的可持续利用及其种群生态学研究与展望

    Sustainable Use of Medicinal Plant Resources and Study and Prospect of Their Population Ecology

  14. 在可持续发展、城市生态学、景观生态学、生态经济学和都市农业等理论指导下,提出城市绿色生态园区规划的指导思想与原则、思路与内容及规划程序与方法。

    Directed by the theories of sustainable development , city ecology , landscape ecology , ecosystem economics and city agriculture , the ideas include the general ideas , principles , approaches , planning procedures and methods of the green ecosystem in the city park planning .

  15. 文摘:评述了可持续发展的产生背景,从生态学角度分析了可持续发展的生态学属性,及其所蕴涵的生态学原理,并从生态学角度理解可持续发展的基本原则,提出社会经济可持续发展的生态开发体系。

    Abstract : this paper discussed the background of sustainable development , ecologically analyzed the comprehension on Sustainable development , discussed the ecological characteristics of sustainable development , then put forward the concept of ecological management in resources exploitatoin for economic development .