
  1. 核盘菌SclerotiniaSclerotiorum(Lib)debary是一种放线状子囊真菌,其寄主范围和地理分布十分广泛,是一种相当严重的世界性植物真菌病害。

    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ( Lib ) de Bary - a filamentous Ascomycete fungus with a wide host range and geographical distribution , which is one of the most non-specific , omnivorous and successful plant pathogens .

  2. 一种放在盾形纹章上方的饰物。

    A device placed above the shield on a coat of arms .

  3. 6种放线菌抗药性标记及其在植株体内定殖能力测定

    Resistance Tag of 6 Strains of Actinomyces and Their Colonized Ability in Plants

  4. 一种放线酮化合物含量的几种测定方法比较

    Comparison with the determination of actidione by different methods

  5. 从中国南方土壤分离的三种放线菌产生的多烯类抗菌素

    Three types of polyene antibiotics produced by actinomycetes isolated from the soils of southern China

  6. 孝是汉代统治者对汉代社会伦理所进行的理论设计,发展成为一种放之四海而皆准的道德准则。

    Piety morality is the theory project that the ruling class of Han Dynasty made for social ethics .

  7. 镜头语言与情感表达之间是否有一种放之四海而皆准的规律可遵循?还只是创作中作者灵感突发的一种偶然事件?

    Dose a immovable rule of emotional expression of camera language exist ? Or it is depend on the fortuitous inspiration of the author ?

  8. 本实用新型涉及一种放照片的镜框,尤其涉及一种可随意拆卸、拼装的相框。

    The utility model relates to a frame for containing a photo , particularly a photo frame which can be disassembled and assembled optionally .

  9. 我也是,我不会担心厕所里的隐藏摄像头。这是一种放摄像头的方法。

    Me either , I rather not worry about hidden cameras when I am in the bathroom . Yeah , That 's a way to put it .

  10. 它是一种放射线的空间定位标准量具,使用方便,快捷,准确,并且可以对放射源的工作点和激光定位指示其进行校正。

    The utility model is convenient , quick and precise to use and can indicate the correction of the action spot of the radioactive source and the laser positioning .

  11. 1975年、1982~1983年、1990年采用菌粉拌细土手撒、纱布袋振动两种放菌方法。

    Two methods ( dusting Beauveria bassiana powder mixed with fine soil or vibrating with powder in gauze bag ) used in1974 ~ 1975,1982 ~ 1983,1990 to control Dendrolimuspunctatus Walker .

  12. 本文运用模糊集理论,并将统计学方法和人的经验合为一体,提出了一种放罐时机的启发式模糊识别、预报的建模方法。

    A modelling approach of the heuristic fuzzy recognition and prediction to the draw-off timing is developed by using the fuzzy set theory and combining the statistics method with human experience .

  13. 通过对有底柱阶段崩落法5种放矿方案的分析研究,提出能改善现场放矿指标的两步骤放矿的放矿方案。

    According to the analysis and research of five drawing schemes for block caving with floor pillar system , the two step drawing schemes used for improving drawing index are put forward .

  14. 因此,寻找新的抑制疫霉菌生长及繁殖的活性物质具有重要意义。首先,通过对600余种放线菌进行抑制疫霉菌菌丝生长的活性筛选,发现了6株活性较好的菌株。

    So , it is important to search for new active substances against Phytophthora . Firstly , more than six hundred Actinomycetes metabolites samples were screened against the hyphae growth of Phytophthora .

  15. 荤素什锦一种放了大量调料的炖煮肉、蔬菜和鸡豆什锦生菜、鲔鱼、黑橄榄、珍珠洋芋、四季豆、鯷鱼、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。

    A heavily spiced stew of meat , vegetables , and chickpeas . Lettuce , tuna , black olive , potato , French beans , anchovy and boiled egg , with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

  16. 本设计采用C开发平台和MVC框架,提出一种直放站调测系统的设计方案。

    By the application of C # development platform and the MVC framework , this paper proposed a design of the repeater maintenance system .

  17. imf表示,施行结构性改革可能有助于避免这种产出下降,不过该组织没有找到一种“放之四海皆准”的政策可供推荐。

    Implementing structural reforms could help to avert this output drop , the IMF said , though it found no " one size fits all " set of policies to recommend .

  18. 结果与结论:从446种土壤放线菌提取物中筛选获得5种提取物对K562细胞具有明显的抑制作用,而对Vero细胞生长抑制作用较弱。

    Results and Conclusion : From 446 extracts of soil actinomycetes , 5 showed selective inhibition on K562 cell line but weak inhibition on Vero cell line .

  19. 孝道在后世发展成为一种“放之四海而皆准”的道德准则。

    It later developed into a truth rule for judging everything .

  20. 线条是一种可放在页面上任何位置的图形元素。

    Lines are graphical elements that you can place anywhere on a page .

  21. 四种抗放药对组织氧张力的影响

    The effect of several RADIOPROTECTORS on tissue oxygen tension

  22. 她喜欢将每种东西放回原处。

    She likes everything to be in place .

  23. 关于线性调频信号的畸变分析及三种中放系统的比较

    Distortion Analysis of Linear FM Signal and Comparision among Three Kinds of Intermediate Amplifiers

  24. 其中,细菌16种,放线菌7种,真菌17种。

    Among of them there are 16 bacterium , 7 actinomyces and 17 fungi .

  25. 本文介绍一种不放线路中桩测绘横断面图的方法。

    A method of surveying cross section map is introduced unwanted center line piles .

  26. 四种元素放一起。

    With all four elements put together .

  27. 一种被放在地下从周围地区收集水的便携式管子。

    A perforated tube driven into the ground to collect water from the surrounding area .

  28. 燃煤型砷中毒患者血清中9种物质放免测定及临床意义

    Serum radioimmunoassay of nine materials in patients with coal type arsenic poisoning and its clinical significance

  29. 本文介绍一种复合放射线遮挡材料,用于术中放射治疗照射野内重要组织器官的保护。

    The article introduced a compound material which was used in covering some important organs for IORT .

  30. 然而,它并不是一种随意放在天壤之间的幻想的世界,

    All the same , the world of tragedy is by no means a world arbitrarily projected between heaven and earth ;