
zhǒng féi
  • Seed fertilizer;seed manure
种肥[zhǒng féi]
  1. NP作种肥以及0.1%Zn~(++),BR(油菜素内酯)浸种均可提高玉米的耐冷性。

    Treatments of NP as seed manure and soaking maize seeds with Zn + + ( 0.1 % ) , BR ( Brassinolide ) ( 1 , 0.1 , 0.001Ppm ) before sowing could increase cold tolerance of the plant .

  2. 种肥影响夏玉米免耕精密播种的效果。

    Seed manure affect seeding effect of no-tilling precision sowing in summer maize .

  3. 花生种肥适宜的公顷用量为150kg磷酸二氢钾+75kg尿素,可使荚果增产13.3%。

    The suitable application rate of peanut seed fertilizer , that can increase the pod yield of 13.3 % , is 150 kg KDP + 75kg urea per hector .

  4. 亩施1kg硫酸锌作种肥在黑土地较对照可提高根含糖率0.76度,提高产糖量2.9%;

    Generally , sugar content of roots was higher 0.76 percent and sugar yield was increased 2.9 percent than control by application of zine sulfate 1kg / mu as seed manure in black earth ;

  5. 在适播期(6月11日),密度与种肥合理搭配,上述3个品种均可获得2250kg/hm2左右的葵籽产量和57%左右的籽仁含油量。

    The 3 varieties could give a seed yield of approximately 2 250 kg / hm 2 with seed oil content being about 57 % when sown in right time with proper planting density and seed manure .

  6. 盐渍土壤施种肥对棉花出苗的影响棉花的多倍体起源

    Influence of Applying Seed Manure Upon the Rate Of Cotton Emergency in Salinized Soil

  7. 花生种肥壮苗效果及对荚果产量影响研究

    Studies on the Effect of Seed Fertilizers on Peanut Seeding Strengthening and Pod Yield

  8. 重施种肥是春小麦提高穗粒数的有效措施。

    More application of seeding-fertilizer is an effective method for increasing grain number per ear .

  9. 主要适用于农田耕前撒播底肥、耕后播种及草场、牧场的种肥混合撒播作业。

    Mainly applicable for spreading fertilizer , sowing seeds and mixture of fertilizer and seeds .

  10. 2BF&7型种肥正位分层精少量谷物播种机的设计与研究

    The Design and Study of Few Precision and Two Layers Fertilizer Grain Drill Model 2BF 7

  11. 实验菌肥为颗粒种肥和拌种菌剂,实验作物为玉米。

    Bacterial manure includes seeds particles and seed dressing . Crop of the experiment is corn .

  12. 增施磷素种肥对免耕直播油菜生长发育及产量的影响

    Effect on Applying Phosphor Seed Manure on Growth and Yield of No Tillage Direct Seeding Rape

  13. 父母本行比以2∶3为宜;前期采用平衡配方施肥可使制种产量提高11.5%,在此基础上,增施种肥(磷肥)有进一步的增产效果,可使制种产量提高18.7%。

    On this base adding base fertilizer P_2O_5 can increase the seed-making yield by 18.7 % .

  14. 为了确定机播小麦种子和肥料的适宜间隔距离,进行了种肥间距试验。

    To determine the suitable distance between wheat seeds and fertilizer during mechanical sowing , the seed-fertilizer distance experiments were carried out .

  15. 尿素作种肥与作追肥对牧草增产效果的比较试验(1990年)

    A comparative experiment on the effects on increasing forage yield by applying urea as seed manure or after manure ( 1990 )

  16. 在土壤含磷量中等田块,磷素种肥用量以30kg/hm2为最优,产量增幅达51.78%。

    The best application rate of phosphor seed manure should be 30 kg / hm2 , the rapeseed yield increased by 51.78 % .

  17. 种肥对玉米种子萌发与幼苗生长的影响及施用技术研究

    Effect of the Maize Seeds on Seed Manure of Characteristics of Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence and Study on the Method of Seed Manure Application

  18. 施用种肥(尿素+磷酸二铵),产草量由847.59增加至1347.84kg/hm2,比对照增产21.72-93.56%。

    With seed fertilization ( urea + Phosphoric acid two ammonium ), grass production increased from 847.59 to 1347.84 kg / hm2 , that is 21.72-93.56 % more than check .

  19. 45000kg/hm2农家肥和磷肥一次性基施,氮肥的2/3作种肥,1/3作追肥施用方式较为经济合理;

    Applying 45 000 kg / hm2 farm manure with phosphorus as base fertilizer , two thirds nitrogen as seed manure and one third nitrogen as topdressing is more economic and rational ;

  20. 研制在播种的同时能将肥料分成种肥、基肥且深施播的新型播种机。

    The study developed a new type of sowing machine that is capable of dividing the fertilizer into seed fertilizer and base fertilizer and laying them into a deeper depth while sowing .

  21. 在理论分析的基础上,研制了驱动双向螺旋刀防堵装置和相匹配的弧形种肥开沟器。

    Selection and determine the appropriate suppression devices . Based on the theoretical analysis of the anti-blocking mechanism , developed anti-blocking equipment with driving two-way helix knife matching with the arc seed and fertilize ditcher .

  22. 菜用大豆籽粒中蔗糖含量和果糖含量随施钾肥量的增加而升高,总糖含量也因此增加,在种肥基础上叶喷钾肥可进一步增加籽粒中糖含量。

    The sucrose content and fructose content increased with the rate increase of K fertilizer application , while the total soluble sugar also increased . Additional foliar application of K fertilizer further increased the sugar content in vegetable soybean seed .

  23. 在自动控制系统中,通过利用多种传感器技术,实现了自动检测种肥箱是否排空、耧腿是否堵塞,另外,实现了播种量从人工调整到电动调整的转变。

    The automatic control system , through the use of sensor technology , achieved automatic detection of whether the kinds of fertilizer boxes empty and whether the blockage of either legs . In addition , this system achieved adjustment of sowing , from human to power .

  24. 在山西阳高县进行的田间试验结果表明:播种均匀性变异系数为1.1,种肥深度合格率92.5%,种肥间距合格率85.7%,平均除草率92.3%。

    The field tests approved that the variation coefficient of seeding uniformity was about 1.1 , the eligible rate of depths for seeds and fertilizer 925 % , the eligible rate of the interval between them 857 % , and the average successful weeding rate 923 % respectively .

  25. 试验结果表明,冬小麦多功能种肥素可促进根系的发育,促进茎基部粗壮,增加苗期生物量,增加分蘖成穗率,具有显著的增产效果。

    The result indicates that the selected multifunctional seeding fertilizers can improve the development of root system and form a thick and strong stem base , increase the biological weight in the seedling stage , raise the rate of tiller forming ear and have the markes effect on increasing yield .

  26. 4种N肥表观回收率、表现损失和固定率均无显著差异。

    The apparent nitrogen recovery rate , loss rate and fixed rate have no significant difference among four nitrogen fertilizer types .

  27. 实验室恒温密闭培养法研究了4种培肥措施连续培肥23年后农田土壤的CO2释放状况及其动力学特征。

    CO 2 emission and its kinetics of farmland soils with different fertilization systems were studied by incubation method .

  28. 采用温室盆栽试验研究了3个不同磷(P)效率小麦品种(品系)对水溶性、构溶性和难溶性3种P肥的相对肥效。

    The effect of water-soluble , citrate-soluble and hardly soluble phosphate on wheat vari-eties with various phosphorus ( P ) efficiencies was studied by a pot experiment under greenhouse conditions .

  29. 本试验以10~11年生枳砧温州蜜柑龟井为试材,以含氮、磷、钾不同比例的五种复合肥和尿素(CK)为处理,进行配方施肥试验。

    Fertilizer test of 5 kinds compound fertilizer including different percentage N , P , K fertilizer was performed for 10-11 years old Citrus unshiu Marc .

  30. 比较4种沼肥处理对烤烟的影响,B2处理效果最明显。

    Compare with the 4 kinds of ways on treating flue-cured tobacco by using biogas manure , the best effect was using B2 .