
  1. 他还没有答应这笔交易,想跟思嘉商量后再说。

    He had delayed closing the bargain until he discussed it with scarlett .

  2. 你好,我想找费思讲话?

    Hello , May speak to Faith , please .

  3. 敢想、会思、善问不仅是学生主动学习的表现,而且是学生树立创新精神和形成创新能力的核心。

    Dare and able to think , good at asking questions is not only the expression of the students ' initiative study , but the nucleus of their creative spirit upholding and innovative ability formation .

  4. 阐明要想增强高校思政课的吸引力,必须依据一定的原则,本章分别从教育环境、教师队伍、教学方式方法、教学内容、宏观领导和制度建设等方面提出具体对策。

    Starting from the principles of enhancement of Ideological and political theory course teaching attraction , put forward specific measures separately from the educational environment , teachers , teaching methods , teaching content , macro leadership and system construction .

  5. “我什么也不想说,”思嘉不耐烦地说。

    " I 'm not saying anything ," said Scarlett indignantly .