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  • 网络double hull;double-hull
  1. 用不着害怕船要损毁,因为这只船的双层船壳是刚铁似的坚硬;

    There are no structural deformities to worry about , because the double hull of this boat has the rigidity of iron ;

  2. 但随着海上运输船舶的数目及尺度的日益增大,双层船壳已不能满足防止船侧破损的要求。

    With the increasing of the number and the dimensions of ships , only using the double hull system in side hull cannot satisfy the requirement of avoiding the rupture of struck shipside .

  3. 诺第留斯号由双层船壳造成,一层是内壳,另一层是外壳,两壳之间,用许多T字形的蹄铁把它们连接起来,使船身坚硬无比。

    The Nautilus is made up of two hulls , one inside the other ; between them , joining them together , are iron T-bars that give this ship the utmost rigidity .