首页 / 词典 / good

  • circle;ring;group
  • enclose;encircle;mark with a circle

  • pen;fold;sty

  • shut in a pen;pen in;lock up;put in jail
  • 环形,环形的东西:圆~。花~。~套。画~。

  • 周,周遭:跑了一~儿。

  • 范围:势力~。

  • 画环形:~阅。~点。~定。

  • 划界,围住:~地。~闭。

  • 养家畜的棚栏:~舍(shè ㄕㄜˋ)。~养。~牢(饲养家畜的地方)。猪~。

  • 姓。

  • 关闭:把鸡~起来。他已被~在监狱里。


(用栅栏把家禽围起来) shut in a pen; pen in:

  • 把羊群圈起来

    herd the sheep into the pens


[口] (把犯人拘禁起来) lock up; put in jail:

  • 把犯人圈起来

    lock up a prisoner


(闷在; 关闭) confine:

  • 你有什么事就说吧, 别圈在心里。

    Speak out. Don't just brood over things.

  • 我讨厌整天给圈在办公室的小天地里。

    I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.


(养猪羊等牲畜的建筑) pen; fold; sty:

  • 羊圈

    sheepfold; sheep pen;

  • 猪圈



(姓氏) a surname:

  • 圈称

    Juan Cheng


(环形; 环形物) circle; ring:

  • 包围圈

    ring of encirclement; encirclement;

  • 北极 [南极]圈

    the Arctic [Antarctic] Circle;

  • 画个圈儿

    draw a circle;

  • 绕跑道跑两圈

    run around the track twice;

  • 站[坐] 成一圈

    stand [sit] in a ring;

  • 大家手拉着手, 围成一个圈。

    All joined hands and formed a ring.

  • 我到外面转了一圈。

    I've been out for a walk.


(一定的范围) circle; group:

  • 他不是圈里人。

    He doesn't belong to the inner circle.; He's not on the inside.

  • 这话说得出圈儿了。

    That's really going too far.


(在四周加上限制;围)enclose; encircle:

  • 用篱笆把菜园圈起来

    enclose the vegetable garden with a fence


(画圈做记号) mark with a circle:

  • 把那个错字圈了。

    Mark the wrong word with a circle.

  1. 孩子们站成一圈。

    The children stood in a circle .

  2. 椅子成排摆放不如成圈摆放便于讨论。

    Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle .

  3. 她开始跑最后一圈时紧跟在领先的一组人后面。

    She started the last lap just behind the leading group .

  4. 在最后一圈,三名赛跑者在争夺领先地位。

    On the last lap three runners were disputing the lead .

  5. 他在最后一圈努力超过了领先的人。

    He managed to overhaul the leader on the final lap .

  6. 我去公园转了一圈。

    I went to the park and had a wander around .

  7. 警察用绳子将街道圈起来调查事故。

    Police roped off the street to investigate the accident .

  8. 一块块土地都用带刺的铁丝网圈了起来。

    Plots of land have been demarcated by barbed wire .

  9. 他们把马车围成一圈扎起营地。

    They drew their wagons into a laager and set up camp .

  10. 他在手臂上用绳子系了一个圈。

    He tied a loop of rope around his arm .

  11. 在动物园里,孩子们骑着大象走了一圈。

    The kids had a ride on an elephant at the zoo .

  12. 我们骑自行车出去兜了一圈。

    We went for a ride on our bikes .

  13. 她在圈内雄踞首位许多年,突然销声匿迹了。

    After years at the top , she just vanished from the scene .

  14. 她在第二圈时领先。

    She took the lead in the second lap .

  15. 凯特穿着新连衣裙转了一圈。

    Kate did a twirl in her new dress .

  16. 转着圈将乳霜揉进去。

    Rub the cream in with a circular motion .

  17. 拼写错误都用红笔圈了出来。

    Spelling mistakes are circled in red ink .

  18. 我们在公园里转了一圈。

    We took a turn around the park .

  19. 他把带子绕了一个圈挎在肩上。

    He looped the strap over his shoulder .

  20. 她在嘎嘣嘎嘣地啃着一个硬面包圈。

    She was chomping away on a bagel .

  21. 大家手拉着手,围成一圈跳舞。

    Everybody joins hands and dances round .

  22. 在绳子上打个圈。

    Make a loop in the string .

  23. 跑第二圈时,沃克已领先其他赛跑者两米。

    By lap two Walker was two metres clear of the rest of the runners .

  24. 她跑完六圈了。

    She has completed six laps .

  25. 她比其他自行车运动员提前五分钟进入第二圈。

    She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cyclists .

  26. 她把混料切好后放进油里炸成一种叫做Quin-Kuria的土豆炸面圈。

    She cuts and fries the mixture up into a potato doughnut called Quin-Kuria .

  27. 一群人在五角大楼四周围成一圈。

    A group of people made a circle around the Pentagon .

  28. 她开着自己的家庭轿车载着几个朋友出去兜了一圈。

    She took some friends for a ride in the family car

  29. 唐的腰间沉甸甸地坠着一圈赘肉。

    Don had a hefty roll of flab overhanging his waistband .

  30. 安妮-弗瑞德的儿子子承母业,也进入了音乐圈。

    Anni-Frid 's son has followed her into the music business .