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  1. 弓背两次手臂环圈高V字很强的推力…

    Hunch up twice , arms circle , high V , hip9 thrust ...

  2. 布拉克本铆绒地毯织机多圈高地毯簇绒机提花控制系统设计

    Design of jacquard control system for multi-level loop carpet tufting machine

  3. 多圈高簇绒地毯空间结构分析和模拟

    Analysis and Simulation on Spatial Structure of Multi-pile Tufting Carpet

  4. 计算说明该参数主要决定于气圈高径比H/R,其数值在较大范围内比较平坦,稳定少变。

    Calculation shows that the tension parameter depends chiefly on the balloon height to radius ratio H / R and is stable to a great extent .

  5. 采用风冷柴油机,全部动力机组车底架下部悬挂,传动油风冷,转向架悬挂用双圈高圆簧加橡胶垫等皆为创新。

    Using air cooled diesel engines , Underfloor propulsion packages , air cooled transmission oil and high double coil nest springs in series with rubber pads for bogie suspension is innova-tive .

  6. 在对汽车防抱死系统性能要求日益提高的今天,ABS齿圈的高精度生产及其各部分参数的高精度检测,已成为汽车工业的重心之一。

    In the day of increasing requirements of the ABS system performance , precision testing of the parameters of ABS gear as well as its precision production has become One of the important parts of the automotive industry .

  7. 刹那间,一个熊熊燃烧的火圈被高高地支了起来。

    For a moment a flaming ring was raised high up on the floor .

  8. 监狱周围有一圈40英尺高的混凝土墙。

    A forty-foot-high concrete wall encircles the jail

  9. 3圈48单元高功率径向线螺旋阵列天线研究

    3-ring 48-element high power radial line helical array antenna

  10. 晚上,他们会在牲畜圈周围竖起高高的荆棘屏障。

    They raise high barriers of thorns round their animal pens at night .

  11. 他在商业圈有很高的声誉。

    He is highly esteemed in business circle .

  12. 长线圈距和高的地层电导率增大了推迟效应,实部信号下降,虚部信号增大。

    The long coil spacing and high formation conductivity enhance the time delay effect .

  13. 几十年来,研究人员一直梦想着制造出在几个小时内就能绕地球飞行一圈的超高音速飞行器。

    For decades , researchers have dreamed of building hypersonic aircraft that could whip around the world in just a few hours .

  14. JavaNCSS(见参考资料)等工具报告所有方法的总复杂度,因此整个类的圈复杂度很高。

    With a tool such as JavaNCSS ( see Resources ) that reports this metric as the sum of all the methods , the cyclomatic complexity is a high number for the entire class .

  15. 目前,渔场面圈全国大量供应高、中、低档的各品种金鱼。

    Currently , a large number of fish supply to the national scene circle high , low-grade varieties of goldfish .

  16. 在镀金表面的腐蚀物上进行微动试验,发现较薄的腐蚀晕圈同样会造成高且波动的接触电阻,随微动周期增加,腐蚀物被推开后电阻降低。

    Fretting test on the corroded part show that even the thin corroded halos may cause high and unstable contact resistance .

  17. 箱门闭合松紧能调节,整体成型的硅橡胶门封圈,确保箱内高真空度。

    The air-tightness of the chamber door is adjustable , with a wholly-shaped silicon rubber door sealing loop ; so as to guarantee in-chamber high vacuum .

  18. “三圈环流”是高一地理上册“全球性大气环流”教学中的一个重点与难点。

    The put forward pair of teaching material " three circles circular current " is discussed is questioned , and is explains " three circle circular current " wisp .

  19. 结果:18例肝癌伴门静脉分支癌栓,动脉期主要表现肝动脉血流高灌注,相应受累肝实质呈现斑片状、弧圈形或楔形高密度影,门脉期也见少许楔形高密度影;

    Results : liver parenchyma in 18 HCC with portal branch embolus presented high liver perfusion chiefly as irregular patchy , are or pyramid-shaped high density in arterial phase , and less in portal venous phase ;

  20. 一小时经济圈城镇化水平高,渝东南、渝东北偏低。

    The urbanization rate is high within the areas of " one-hour economic circle ", the distance of which from the downtown Chong is only one-hour drive , while that of Southeast Chongqing and Northeast Chongqing is relatively low .

  21. 鄂伦春人萨满跳神的“助日仪式”是一种典型的巫术:以篝火和跳圈舞促进太阳高高升起和放射强大的光明。

    The shaman 's dance Ceremony of Helping the Sun in a trance of the Oroqen nationality is a typical witchcraft : the bonfire and the circling dance can be used to symbolize the rising sun and brilliant light .

  22. 最后提出了基于武汉城市圈建设中-高-研衔接贯通的现代职业教育体系建构的保障体系及对策。

    Finally this paper proposed the guarantee system and the strategy based on the construction of the modern vocational education system which combines the secondary vocational education with the higher vocational education and the postgraduate vocational education in Wuhan city circle .

  23. 它们具有轻稀土亏损型配分型式,Ti/V、Th/Ta、Th/Yb、Ta/Yb比值指示其原始岩浆来源于软流圈亏损地幔的高程度平衡部分熔融。

    They show a LREE depletion and their Ti / V , Th / Ta , Th / Yb , Ta / Yb indicate that their primary magma originated from depletive mantle of asthenosphere by high degree equilibrium partial melting , must be considered as component of the ophiolite .

  24. 结果表明:蘑菇圈带上的植物地上生物量比蘑菇圈外高215%;

    The results showed that the aboveground biomass inside the sphere was215 % more than outside ;

  25. 1994年测定了高寒草甸白蘑菇圈与蘑菇圈外植物的地上生物量、营养成分和土壤养分。结果表明:蘑菇圈带上的植物地上生物量比蘑菇圈外高215%;

    The aboveground biomass , nutrients and soil nutrients of mushroom sphere and plants outside the sphere in alpine meadow were determined in 1994 . The results showed that the aboveground biomass inside the sphere was 215 % more than outside ;