
  • 网络Loop Quantum Gravity;LQG
  1. 圈量子引力中源于Penrose双元计算的研究途径

    An Approach Originated from Penrose Binor Calculus in Loop Quantum Gravity

  2. 近年超弦理论、圈量子引力的进展表明时空在Planck尺度下是不连续的。

    In recent years , the progress of superstring and loop quantum gravity indicate that spacetime is not continuous at the Planck scales .

  3. 准简振模与圈量子引力的联系

    The Relationship between Normal Mode and Loop Quantum Gravity

  4. 圈量子引力中体积算符对顶角的作用

    Volume operator action on vertex in Loop quantum gravity

  5. 圈量子引力和空间分立性

    Loop Quantum Gravity and Discreteness of Space

  6. 还将这种方法与缠结理论做了比较;要描述圈量子引力的动力学过程,需要新的模型,自旋接网圈的因果演化模型就是其中的一种。

    A new model such as the causal evolution model of spin networks is needed to describe a dynamics process of loop quantum gravity .