
shuānɡ xún huán
  • dual circulation
  1. OPENCYCLE开放的双循环尽管国内市场对新发展格局很关键,但“双循环”绝对不是封闭的国内循环。

    While the domestic market is key to the new development paradigm , " dual circulation " is by no means a closed domestic loop .

  2. 中国正在加快形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局,建设更高水平开放型经济新体制。

    Now , China is speeding up efforts to foster a new development paradigm from the world and contribute more to the world with its own development .

  3. 今年两会期间审议的以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的“双循环”发展格局将是中国未来5到15年发展蓝图的指导理念。

    The " dual circulation " development paradigm for China 's development in the next five to 15 years , which is under review at the " two sessions . "

  4. 为了迎接新发展阶段的挑战,中国将推动“双循环”发展模式,从而在未来数年保持经济增长,积蓄内需和外贸的实力。

    China is pushing a " dual circulation " development pattern to sustain growth in the coming years , building up strength in both domestic demand and foreign trade to meet challenges in a new development stage .

  5. 高职C语言的双循环项目教学法

    Teaching Methods of Double-Cycle Project in C Programming Language

  6. 系统采用了DCS结构、PLC控制技术和双循环系统。

    The DCS structure , PLC technology and double circulation are adopted in the system .

  7. 结论酶双循环法提高了测定NOS的灵敏度。

    Conclusions The improved method makes the test more sensitive .

  8. 方法先改良Wang法测定NOS活性的实验条件,再探讨Wang法与酶双循环法偶联的实验条件,比较酶双循环前后检测物性质。

    Methods Improving the experimental conditions of Wang ' method and combining it with enzymatic double cycle .

  9. 在主客场双循环比赛过后,该小组的前两名将会直接进军2018年俄罗斯世界杯,而第三名则会与B小组的第三名进行附加赛。

    The top two of the group will advance to Russia 2018 directly after a home-and-away round-robin , and the third finisher will have a playoff against its counterpart in Group B.

  10. 采用气液逆流双循环的溶解度测定装置测定了不同温度、不同压力、不同含盐浓度下CO2在NaCl水溶液中的溶解度数据。

    The solubility data of Co2 in aqueous NaCl solution have been measured under different temperature , salt concentration and pressure .

  11. 一种基于TCAM的双循环多匹配包分类引擎设计

    Two-Cycle Design for Multi-Match Packet Classification Engine Based on TCAM

  12. 目的:探讨一种从CT图像反求建模,制造带有双循环系统(微管循环和微孔循环)的人工骨。

    Objective : To discuss a method of reverse engineering ( RE ) from computed tomography ( CT ), then make artificial bone with double circulated system ( microcosmic pipeline cycle and microcosmic hole cycle ) .

  13. 中等质量星演化中的蓝拐和CNO双循环

    Blue Loops of Intermediate Mass Stars and CNO Bicycle

  14. 目的运用Wang法与酶双循环法联合测定血清中一氧化氮合酶(NOS)活性。

    Objective To improve the method of detection of nitric oxide synthase ( NOS ) activity in serum . Methods Improving the experimental conditions of Wang ' method and combining it with enzymatic double cycle .

  15. 双循环流化床生物质气化技术可实现生物质热电可燃气多联产、CO2的近零排放以及较高的碳转化率,实现生物质的高效、清洁利用。

    Double fluidized bed gasification technology can achieve heat , electricity , gas multiple co-generation , Near-Zero Emission of CO2 and high carbon conversion , and also can realize clean , highly effective use of biomass energy .

  16. 根据SUMT方法提出了求解多用户OFDM自适应资源分配的理想方法,求解中使用双循环迭代方法以有效减少计算量。

    Based on the SUMT algorithm , the optimal way to solve the adaptive resources assignment of the multi-user OFDM is pointed . The using of two phases of circulating iterative method decreases the computational complexity effectively .

  17. 其中Rushton涡轮桨的各流型通过改变桨叶层数、直径及离底距离来实现,而曲面涡轮桨则采用标准双循环流型。

    Various flow styles of Rushton impeller were obtained by varying the impeller numbers , the diameter and the clearance of impeller . Double loop flow pattern was adopted for curved surface disc turbines .

  18. 对双循环两相(BICT)生物处理工艺在不同工况和试验条件下的脱氮性能进行了试验研究。

    Nitrogen removal performance of a new biological nutrient removal process-BICT ( bi-cyclic two-phase biological process ) is studied based on lab-scale experiments with municipal sewage and synthetic wastewater .

  19. 对于海尔HRF-285蒸发器并联双循环冰箱采用基于温度与分时运行控制策略进行了实验验证。

    A Haier HRF-285 two-circuit cycle refrigerator / freezer with parallel evaporators based on the temperature and time-sharing running control strategy was tested .

  20. 对于全国人大代表、中国电子巨头TCL集团创始人李东生而言,“双循环”不只是国家层面的发展战略,还反映出逆全球化思潮愈演愈烈的形势下中国企业的发展需求。

    For Li Dongsheng , chairman of Chinese electronics giant TCL Group and a national lawmaker , the " dual circulation " is not only a development strategy at the national level , but also reflects the development needs of Chinese enterprises amid rising anti-globalization sentiment .

  21. 用双循环式加压汽液平衡装置分别测定了苯和乙醇在300&445K范围内的饱和蒸气压,并用线性优化法求取了在实测温度范围内的Antoine常数。

    The saturated vapor pressures of benzene and ethanol in the range of 300-445K were determined seperately in the dual circulating vapor-liquid equilibrium device under pressure . The Antoine constants in the corresponding temperature range were obtained with linear optimization method .

  22. 为进行进一步的台架实验研究,设计了加压气化燃烧的双循环流化床试验台,可同时运行压力范围0~5MPa、温度范围750~1000℃的煤气化和燃烧试验。

    In this thesis a bench-scale experiments system has been disgned including two circulating fluidized bed reactors , on which gasification and combustion experiments under 0 ~ 5MPa , 750 ~ 100 ℃ could be carried out .

  23. 非线性不适定问题一种双循环的牛顿型迭代格式

    On a Newton-type method for the regularization of nonlinear ill-posed problems

  24. 用于高超音速飞行器的涡扇-冲压双循环发动机设计研究

    Design Study of a dual-cycle turbofan-ramjet engine for a hypersonic aircraft

  25. 双循环半群上的同余左心室及双心室辅助装置对缺血心肌的影响

    Effects of Biventricular and Left Ventricular Assist Devices on Ischemic Myocardium

  26. 新型双循环釜的建立及其应用

    Establishment and applications of new double circulation vapor liquid equilibrium still

  27. 眼底荧光素血管造影显示双循环现象。

    " Double circulation " was showed by fundus fluorescence angiography .

  28. 基于可靠性的涡轮叶片双循环多学科设计优化

    Reliability-based multidisciplinary design optimization for turbine blade using double loop approach

  29. 碳氨双循环法自白云石制备轻质氧化镁

    Making Light Magnesium Oxide from Dolomite by Recycling CO_2 and NH_3

  30. 冷藏蒸发器面积可变的旁通双循环冰箱

    Bypass two-circuit cycle RF with alternative areas of food compartment evaporator