
  1. 电子商务贸易平台的建立包括虚拟电子商务中心模型、企业产品信息的即时发布、基于WEB页面的即时信息反馈浏览、购物车的设计、货物订单的确认设计、信息咨询服务平台的设计等。

    The establish of E-commerce trade platform include the model of the conjecture electronic commerce center , the information of business enterprise 's products immediately announced based WEB page design , shopping car 's design and the design of goods order recognizing , the service platform for information consulting .

  2. 全球最大电子商务网上贸易平台阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)的股价昨日下跌近10%。此前,雅虎(Yahoo)以大约1.5亿美元出售了所持该公司上市部门全部1%的股份。

    Shares of Alibaba . com , the world 's largest online platform for trade between companies , dropped almost 10 per cent yesterday after Yahoo sold its entire 1 per cent stake in the listed unit for about $ 150m .

  3. 同时总结中小港口临港贸易平台的性质和功能,以及业务构成。

    It also concludes the character , function , and operation structures .

  4. 贸易平台是一国贸易体系中的重要组成部分。

    Trading platform is an important part of trading system in a country .

  5. 搭建中国炒货企业和国内外买家的贸易平台。

    Build the trade bridge between the domestic suppliers and the global buyers .

  6. 构筑国际贸易平台促进浙江纺织品服装业升级

    Setting up the Platform for International Trade to Promote the Upgrading of Textile Garment Industry in Zhejiang

  7. 新的国际贸易平台具有贸易先导、虚拟联合等特点,同时也有一个区位选择问题。

    The new platform for international trade is of the characteristics of trade guide and " virtual alliance " .

  8. 公司将以强大的实力和自信搭建美仑美奂的空间,建构国际经济贸易平台。

    We 'll also establish a magnificent space and international economy trade platform with the powerful strength and confidence .

  9. 职位要求:1。熟悉网络操作特别是贸易平台操作,有皮具手袋网上销售经验者优先;

    Position requirements : 1.Be familiar with network operation esp.B2B platform operation , leather handbag online sales experience would be an advantage ;

  10. 内外贸一体化贸易平台作为第三方中介,给企业,特别是中小企业提供了面向国际国内市场的高效、便捷的贸易载体。

    As a third-party intermediary , integration of domestic and foreign trading platform provides the enterprises , especially SMEs efficient and convenient trade vector that include international and domestic markets .

  11. 这家美国互联网公司本周以大约1.5亿美元出售了它所持有的企业间在线贸易平台阿里巴巴(Alibaba.com)1%的股份。

    The US internet company this week sold its 1 per cent stake in Alibaba . com , the online platform for trade between companies , for about $ 150m .

  12. 内外贸一体化贸易平台更适合我国现阶段国情,实现内外贸有效转换贸易载体。

    Trading platform for integration of domestic and foreign trade is in line with our basic condition of our developing country , achieving the conversion of domestic and foreign trade within the trade vector effectively .

  13. 根据阿里巴巴集团的大数据显示,欧洲杯开赛前,其国际贸易平台上有关2016年欧洲杯产品的搜索量达近10万次,询盘量逾7000次。

    According to big data from Alibaba Group , the search volume for Euro 2016-related products on its global trade platform totaled nearly 100000 times and inquiries outnumbered 7000 times before the opening of the soccer event .

  14. 把现代大昆明建成东方珠宝之都和中国&东盟珠宝合作自由贸易平台,是昆明的正确定位和构建云南现代经济的时代需求。

    Making Kunming the Capital of oriental jewelry " and the Platform for Sino-ASEAN jewelry cooperation and free trade " is the correct positioning of Kunming and the era 's requirement for building modern economy in Yunan .

  15. 首先,运用集聚效应、规模经济、交易费用等理论探讨贸易平台所隐含的在交易治理、贸易集聚方面的经济意义。即降低交易成本、获得外部效益、提高交易效率以及促进经济增长等经济效益。

    Firstly , from the theory as transaction cost , combined effect , economies of scale to elaborate the economic significance of trading platform in transaction governance and trade agglomeration deeply : reducing transaction costs , receiving external income , improving transaction efficiency and promoting economic growth .

  16. 本公司资金雄厚,有强大的贸易服务平台。

    The funded companies , a strong trade services platform .

  17. 发展港口市场,为大宗货物的供求双方提供一个贸易交接平台;

    Developing the port market to provide a trade platform for sellers and buyers of large amounts of goods ;

  18. 但从目前上海旧车市场的发育情况看,上海的二手车市场尚停留在交易的层面,并未达到二手车贸易的平台。

    However , with regard to the development of the second-hand car market at present , it still stay at the flat of deal , but not trade .

  19. 公司依托强大的自主设计、生产质量以及成熟完善的中国市场销售渠道,为对华贸易搭建平台。

    Relying on the strong designing ability , reliable quality and many distribution channels in China , we set up a big business platform already for foreigners in china .

  20. 面对如此大规模的石油、金融行业的精英们的搏弈战,作为国际石油贸易的平台公司永创将有什么样的看法、想法和作法呢?!

    Faced with such a large-scale oil & financial sector 's elite warfare , as an international oil trading platform company Novel Trading Limited will have what kind of views , ideas and actions !

  21. 在经济全球化趋势下,WTO作为多边自由贸易的重要平台,任何国家的发展都不能与其脱离。

    Facing the trend of economic globalization , no country can achieve development departing from the important platform of WTO .

  22. 搭建整车企业与电力能源供给商贸易交流的平台,形成合力。

    Set up the platform for trade and exchange between car companies and power energy suppliers , to create combined force .

  23. 中国&东盟博览会已经成为中国与东盟企业开拓市场,发展相互贸易的重要平台。

    Therefore , the CAEXPO has emerged as a platform for China and ASEAN enterprises to explore each other 's market and develop two-way trade .

  24. 广西由于其独特的地理优势可以作为中国与东盟国家交流的经济走廊,借助中国-东盟自由贸易区的平台加强与东盟国家合作,深入引进东盟国家资金,广西将成为中国进军东盟的桥头堡。

    As a result of the geographic advantage , Guangxi was the economic corridor and became more and more important via the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area .

  25. 当今世界经济日趋全球化,各国之间的经济往来频繁,会展业在这种时代背景下,作为贸易往来的平台,更加显现出其重要的价值。

    As the globalization of world economy is accelerated and economic ties between countries are enhanced , the importance of exhibition and convention industry as a platform for business and trade is especially prominent nowadays .

  26. 其次,从文化产品国际贸易港信息平台建设的相关概念、理论基础等入手,阐述了理论的内涵。

    Based on the above , the paper points out this research method and research content . Secondly , from the related concept and theoretical foundation of the introduction about the construction of information platform of cultural products international trade port , this paper expounds the connotation of the theory .

  27. 会展业被称为触摸世界的窗口,它的发展为文化交流和贸易往来搭建了平台。

    As the platform for cultural communication and trade , exhibition industry is called " thewindow to touch the world " .

  28. 而物流则是国际贸易发展的重要平台,只有畅通的物流渠道才能保证国际贸易顺畅的发展。

    The logistics is an important platform for the development of international trade , only the smooth logistic channels can ensure the smooth development of international trade .

  29. 本届论坛将搭建业内信息交流、贸易合作的互动平台,广泛邀请国内外业界人士参与。

    This forum will invite the participation from the domestic and overseas cashmere product producers and purchasers for widening the trade channels and seeking win-win and development .

  30. 虽然目前我国尚缺乏有效的预警和应对机制,但北京等地已在进行建立企业、中介机构及政府三位一体、分工合作的贸易竞争情报服务平台的有益尝试。

    Though there is no perfect system of pre-alarming and answering-up , establishing a service system of trade competitive intelligence formed by government , agencies and enterprises is tested in Beijing and Guangzhou .