
  • 网络gains from trade;gain trade
  1. 综合贸易所得和投资所得,估算了双边经贸关系对相关国家经济的贡献度;

    By integrating the gains from trade and from investment , it calculates the contribution of economic and trade relationship to the economy of the countries concerned ;

  2. 对贸易所得的量化,目前存在多种模型,且各种模型在理论框架、假设和数据上都彼此有差。

    For the quantification of gains from trade , there are several models which are different in terms of theoretical framework 、 premises and data .

  3. 只要中国还想维持强劲的对美出口,就必须要将贸易顺差所得回填至美国。

    As long as China wants to keep its exports to the U.S.strong , it must recycle the trade surplus back into the U.

  4. 贸易差额与利益所得:基于我国外贸出口的分析

    Balance of Trade and the Interests : an Analysis Based on the External Trade of Our Country

  5. 结合中韩贸易19年来所得的成绩以及双边贸易中存在的问题对两国未来的贸易发展前景做出预测。

    Through 19 years of China and south Korean trade on the two countries from scores of future trade development to make outlook .